SuckaFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

Seems that, since the coof plan didn't work out to [their] liking, that war will be the mass depop event [they] are pushing for.

SuckaFree 9 points ago +10 / -1

That's not gonna go over well with the fundamentalist terror groups.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

So much for the Aid, Recovery, and Economic Security part of the CARES Act. Let it fail. Let it all fail. Only th n will The People have the proper amounts of resolve to change themselves, this helping change our society.

SuckaFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

So...what's coming next? A mRNA bird-swine-cow-monkey-flu/pox vaxx?

And why do all these suckas sound like a Bond villain?

SuckaFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

Show us proof that's what the real deal is and maybe I believe it.

However, could you imagine the blow back if one of thos Russian vessels were to interdict a US registered vessel on its way to the Caribbean? That would play right into the Cabal's hands beautifully.

SuckaFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's a fair bet that our water sources and food stocks are contaminated thru the prevalence of chem trails.

SuckaFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

Th death of America won't come from outside, but from the inside, in the form of liberalism.

It's a flat out like that this country was founded upon a foundation of liberalist democracy.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

You should worry. If you believe, even for a second, that Putin/Russia has the full weight of their military fighting in Ukraine, then you aren't paying attention. You're not gonna conquer a nation of roughly 40 million with only less than 40,000 troops and less airpower or sea power than what the USCG can bring to bear. Putin didn't go into Ukraine to fight a war. He went in to deter US/UK/NATO and to de-Nazify his backyard.

[their] plan isn't to win any war against any adversary and hasn't been the plan since WWII. The only reason why it's taught that we "won" WWII was to distract The People and cover up the fact that the West was purposely and purposefully infiltrated by Nazis.

We haven't "won" a war since the War of 1812. And even then I question whether we really "won," because the infiltration of our government by foreign powers and domestic agents occured immediately after that war ended in 1814.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Only while waiting to board a flight. It's how they pump up [their] viewership numbers.

SuckaFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's exactly whats happening. The same thing occured with frazzled.rip, [HRC]'s being thrown into a van like side of beef, etc. [they]'re prepping the narrative, but only the Sheeple and willfully ignorant will disbelieve what their eyes and ears show them.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

BLM never had King's vision in mind when it started. You can know this by who started it and who funds it. It was always about CRT/SEL/DEI and nothing more.

SuckaFree 16 points ago +16 / -0

My brother's wife is going thru this right now. Not sure if it's vax related or genetic, as early onset dementia runs in her family. They both went and got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine because "it was the best vaccine to get." Even after I told them to stay away from all of them, they went and got vaxed anyway. She's 42. Dr's aren't sure whether it's M.S. or dementia, either. She's showing signs of both.

What is apparent is that she's definitely losing a health battle. It's bad enough that her Dr took her driver's license away. They have been able to see thru a MRI that her brain's blood vessels aren't supplying oxygenated blood sufficiently. They saw that the blood vessels have contracted to a point that her brain is basically slowly dying.

I don't like the woman, but it's been hard to watch the effect it's had on my brother and their son.

With the focus on the mRNA vaccines, could the public be missing something with the J&J vax? Haven't heard too much of anything about that particular vax lately. Seems like the mRNA vax may be taking the spotlight so no one thinks to look at the other Coof vaxxes.

SuckaFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

If he's living in FL now, he definitely has to go. Hey him the hell out of this date and to a NJ penitentiary ASAP!!

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