Suckitreddit 3 points ago +3 / -0

Remember he saw the JFK files, was going to release them, and was talked out of it by Pompeo.

He knew the CIA was involved. (A aside…Did you see the black and white video of the SS detail getting pulled off of the back of the JFK limo, right before it made the turn into the “shooting gallery”. The SS was in on it too—the higher ups not the agents.)

He knew, I’m sure, that the same groups would try and kill him too…and I heard that he had hired Erik Prince and Blackwater to do his private security.

So I’m confused as to why he would ever trusted the SS/FBI at all.

Suckitreddit 2 points ago +2 / -0

I actually thought it was going to be over before Biden’s inauguration! What a loser!

Suckitreddit 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is a pond near the opposite direction of where the “shooter” was. I keep hearing sniper or 2nd shooter ON the water tower…but it could be in the direction of the water tower as well. Lots of trees…

Suckitreddit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Check out this link if you haven’t seen it already (from CFP)3D model Trump shooting

And did you see the video w the shots hitting the railings, then the man who was killed?

shots hitting railing

Suckitreddit 3 points ago +4 / -1

Am I wrong for thinking the trajectory of this bullet is incorrect…coming from the front and to the right instead of where the “shooter” was actually located…kinda behind him and to his right (on his right, as he is looking out in front of him to the crowd).

Imagine if the bullet came from the other direction…behind and to the left of DJT. From the area near the trees and water tower side (but not from the water tower). I thought the bullet trajectory (the Pulitzer Prize photog pic w the bullet in the air) was from Trump’s left side (as he is looking out to the crowd in front of him) and went through his ear from behind, not from the front of his ear.

Suckitreddit 9 points ago +9 / -0

Wow. I’ve never considered he was stalling to stay on stage…did he know there was a shooter ready to take him out when they got him off the stage or in the car? Who was with him in the beast?

Suckitreddit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Article says 12 ft ladder…earlier reports say 5ft ladder, and Ashe climbed up in the air conditioning unit and there is video of his “van” getting towed away? With explosives, or not with explosives…

Suckitreddit 2 points ago +2 / -0

I suspected that the “political violence and rhetoric” could be used as an excuse to take Biden out and solve that problem for them..,

Suckitreddit 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think he was trying to avoid a Hilary show on the sidewalk photo…that would be the image…a shoe, blood on the dais…that would be the image plastered everywhere instead of the defiant fist raised photo.

Suckitreddit 6 points ago +12 / -6

Agreed. Ashli is alive= flat earth

Suckitreddit 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes. No makeup. Or light makeup. Probably in a hurry, and was not expected to go on. Look at the ear piercings…dragged low with 4 oz pearls .

Suckitreddit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Woah…I don’t know about this…

Suckitreddit 7 points ago +7 / -0

What if something similar happened to Kate Middleton and perhaps her assault was so violent it led to a hysterectomy and a false claim about cancer?

It’s horrific to think that being in the game at that level carries with it exposure to these kind of attacks, set ups, blackmail, assainations. No wonder people at that level need private security. But even those private security forces can have bad actors.

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