We all remember waiting for the corpse to deliver the state of the union the last few years. We watched an angry senile old man yell and scream nonsense laced with hatred towards good productive citizens while standing in front of satanic backgrounds. What a difference now. Thank God DJT dodged (sorta) that bullet. We all dodged a bullet. FJB FKH we won and we r still winning!
Looks like a crappy Lego build with ugly brown n grey blocks. Lego sets have more engineering than this piece of diversity built shit
He looks rode hard and put away wet
She has "I was a thumb sucker" teeth
Arrests have to b made.
So many psyops in so little time. I'm happy to share them w u guys. Also all this winning is awesome! I've never experienced that "pinch me am I dreaming moment", until now. Promises kept. F ya!
Scissor harder?
I get what ur saying, I can only imagine your POV seeing the fuckery. I'm native CA and MAGA AF. As a tax paying homeowner in so cal, I'm kinda hoping we fix the fuckery and Make California Great Again!
The Trump train has no brakes. LFG and FJB too. He should be in jail for destroying our economy and our country.
Anyone else think this kuk resembles that fagg@t Neil Tyson Degrassi?
Haha I always thought bimbo was a stupid name for a bakery company. Last I heard a bimbo is a dumb broad. Don't care about some processed, bland, and bleached baked goods, homemade sourdough is where it's at. Sidenote: Trump 2.0 is incredible, this time around it feels like a Charles Bronson movie 🍿
Maybe to throw off the deep state, make them wonder/worry what he will say? Keep them in total panic mode. Ppl make mistakes when in a panicked state.
Only 6 miles separate Brentwood and Beverly Hills...shits getting crazy. We all knew deep down if they lost they would burn it all down. It's surreal that it happened.
Gas powered anything sells like crazy on offer up. My daughter works at tractor supply and ppl get really angry when they realize they can't purchase gas powered whatever. Ppl drive to AZ and NV to buy such items. CA is the armpit of the USA. NewSCUM reminds me of that cartoon fungus creature from the foot fungus commercial.
SCE needs a full audit. They have a monopoly in So CA. And they r@pe us on the rates. They shut off the power to prevent fires but don't turn it back on for days at a time even when the wind event is over. They charge us different rates and every day between 4-9pm is "peak" hours, sometimes these rates look like $5 an hour. I have 30 Tesla solar panels w 2 powerwalls and still have an annual bill of $3k from SCE.Fuckery is a foot.
That was my first thought
Please Trump admin....audit the hell out of CA. For everything.
NewSCUM is prolly laughing at all of us here in CA. He knows CA turned red, they had to cheat (like they always do) to at least steal back some senate seats. This is our punishment for not staying in line. Audit California for everything!!
Well said......without saying what needed to be said
I feel NO responsibility for "climate change" when our gov is poisoning our air, land, and water. Also, how does the pilot who knowingly pushes the button to spray, sleep at night? Must b some type of alien-robot-reptile-zombie-pilot.
Ready for the best that is yet to come! Let's goooooo! Happy New Year u guys!
Hahahaa the name tag tho....not Hillary. Also how many times did Biden get hit in the face w a mic? My first instinct said to me that was in purpose.