SuqamisLostPassport 1 point ago +1 / -0

17 days. He’s either laughing at us or laughing with us. I say he’s laughing with us.

SuqamisLostPassport 4 points ago +4 / -0

They agree to about 1/3 of the events found in Scripture, but not the sinless life, or resurrection or return. It’s like if someone said they revere George Washington and then you ask them to define the person to make sure you’re talking about same guy, and then you realize they admire Charles Mason.

SuqamisLostPassport 6 points ago +6 / -0

This isn't 2013. People, especially anons, don't need to solve this assassination attempt like it's the Boston Marathon bombing. The first name released was an anagram of (Removal Skit)

Other names have anagram of (Coyer Ace Promoter) or (Coerce My Operator) and so on.

Trump and Q have been dropping coms for years, months, days, that told you this is the largest sting operation in human history. They came up with this plan years ago, then dangled the plan before retarded traitorous scum. Whatever happened, Trump was never in danger. She-witch Jackson Lee confessed her involvement, and was executed. The NSA has video and evidence, and leverage, and control. Relax. Enjoy the show.

We told the traitors we were catfishing them and infiltrating them and even gave them copies of the Art of War and Art of the Deal, yet they still went ahead with their treason. We gave them an obviously unworkable and retarded plan of treason that could never succeed and would ensure that they would all be caught and executed, yet they still went ahead with the military-approved plan of their demise. Bonus points: the plan of defeating the Deep State appears to be the exact same plan used to bring down Mary, Queen of Scots.


The military is going to declass everything on their timeline.

SuqamisLostPassport 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don’t usually listen to Ghost of Based Patrick Henry.


1 hour 30 minute mark, Trump disrespects Bibi and says you will never have Nukes. If Trump was talking about Iran but also Israel.

Based Patrick Henry mentioned that Hamas leaders live in Qatar and not Gaza, and part of the peace deal will be that they have to live in Gaza. I think the IDF will be forced to live in Israel. Lol. No one in the middle east wants to live among their own people. Also, some of the Palestinian leaders are Israeli puppets. I think Trump is telling Bibi that he is going to kill all of his mercenaries. Double meanings. Saving Israel for last. Trump has always been pissed with Bibi since that time Trump asked, “You eager for peace?” and Bibi just zoned out, didn’t say anything, and then mumbled a tepid “sure.”

He’s a duplicitous Mason.

SuqamisLostPassport 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trials: Military Trials are happening, but they are not being disclosed to the public until 2025.

Disclosure: Epstein, Election Fraud, extent of treason, Building 7, Kenedy, MK ULTRA are ramping up. Truth Social goes Brrrrr. X might soon return to being called Twitter. “My fellow Americans…”

Ruse: The Biden Presidency, Lawfare Boomerang, Kayfabe, DNC convention, Sloped Roofs, Q operations that take us to the Precipice. The Ruses are Q ops that wake people up. I see the Ruse as the events becoming more and more like the show Arrested Development, completely unbelievable and very entertaining.

Danger: No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift. The Danger largely went away in 2016. The Rent-a-Mobs of Antifa and BLM were allowed to rage in 2020. The mobs were infiltrated and have flipped and will soon turn on the DNC. 2020 had the chaos of Covid, but we can agree that there were no excess deaths, and the Cabal, if they had had their way, would have released an actual virus and/or implemented prolonged and draconian lockdowns. They would have forced Vaccine passports and digital currency and social credit scores, and they would have debanked all Republicans and left Christians to starve and die. On top of that, they would have unleashed ISIS kill teams into our neighborhoods. They would have nuked New Orleans and irradiated the Gulf Coast to kill as many Southerners as possible. It would have been a nightmare.

Stupid: 95% of the American public still believe the bullshit narratives. A few realize that some events are fake and gay, but only because they parrot what their retarded friends say. No one is really thinking, analyzing, verifying, and reconciling with prior events to determine what is going on. The retards are incapable of thinking. A functioning mind should be inquisitive. A functioning mind should be trying to reconcile, check for errors, and wonder if this is even remotely possible according to probability. Basic logic dictates that cause comes before effect, that logistical constraints determine what is possible, but people seem to be completely ignoring the rudimentary laws of nature. The media pretend not to know things, and the people should be picking up on the failures to inform, but they don’t want to know. They want to be fooled.

This graph shows a transition from 2012 through 2028 This is to help you visualize the goals of the United States Military. The goal is that by 2028 the following objectives are met The military is running a sting operation, to identify and sideline traitors, inform the public of criminality, and deescalate multiple factions by giving people incorrect timelines of when justice will happen. Then, after a catalyzing event, around 2024, the nation will find itself on the precipice. A moment like the Cliffs of Dover after the Elizabeth assassination attempt in 1586. The American public will be scared, and will look toward the Military for safety, because they sure as hell won’t find safety from the DNC.

Consider a family vacation on Route 66. The Military is the proverbial adult telling the children in the car that they will reach the destination in 5 minutes, so wait patiently. The parents know it’s a 9-hour road trip. So, the parents position the kids in a way that ensures they fight minimally. The parents provide snacks and distractions, games, and music to keep the kids occupied with activities instead of bickering. Occasionally, the parents drive through certain neighborhoods and the parents point out gang fights and demonic clowns, and the parents say, “if you keep bickering, I’ll drop you off with that blood-covered clown!” The kids get the point, they stop bickering. At the top of the hour, the Radio comes on and the family listens to the news broadcast. The family reaches the destination, the children are safe, and because of the radio, everyone knows more about the world they live in.

Now, I know most of us are concerned that things might escalate toward civil war. But the point of this chart was that criminals wanted us to be 8 years into a modern-day French Reign of Terror by now. The Military is the only thing keeping us from descending into something like the French Civil strife of 1789.

The Red line is the possibility that the American public will initiate or be provoked into a second Civil War. The goal is to reduce the possibility of a civil war. The Red line needs to reach zero. The danger of civil war and the danger posed by treason. The Red line is also the number of traitors inside the US government.

The Orange line, labeled Ruse, is the Military using lawfare as a ruse. In order keep the peace, the Military has a stranglehold on elections, the courts, and the media. This isn’t to say that everything is fake. It is to say that everything is managed. The first impressions are fake. The Democrats hear something, and they think, oh, we are playing dirty tricks, I believe this narrative. But the Democrats are being hoodwinked. The Democrats have taken several Trojan horses and bit down on a hundred fishhooks. They’ve been catfished and infiltrated and their stronghold is on fire. Yet, humorously, their Bagdad Bob is on TV saying everything is fine. It’s even funnier because we told them we were catfishing them and infiltrating them and even gave them copies of the Art of War and Art of the Deal, yet they still went ahead with their treason. We gave them an obviously unworkable and retarded plan of treason that could never succeed and would ensure that they would all be caught and executed, yet they still went ahead with our plan of their demise. Bonus points, is that the plan of defeating the Deep State appears to be the exact same plan used to bring down Mary, Queen of Scots.

Democrats think Trump has been under FBI investigation for a decade as an insurance policy to minimize his power and to keep him from winning re-election. What Democrats don’t know is that Trump injected the Insurance plan to his friends inside the FBI so that his friends could manipulate Perkins Coie into making disastrous mistakes. Trump wanted to be President in 2025-2028 (so he could celebrate the 250th Anniversary of the United States) and he needed a scape goat in 2020. The FBI insurance policy was never intended to hurt Trump, it was intended to force the DNC to take strategic missteps that would culminate into a series of catastrophic PR disasters.

The DNC is currently managed by retards and stroke victims who don’t know history. Then in late 2024, the Military will execute staged and simulated military disasters. The DNC talking head will be incapable of responding to the disasters in a way that is acceptable by the American public. Whoever the 2024 Democratic nominee is, she (or he) will soon be groveling and crying on public TV when some ‘catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor’ happens. In August 2024, double agents will derail the plans of the treasonous. The best example is that billionaires wanted to provoke a civil war in the United States. But in a few days Antifa and BLM will arrive at the DNC and create a civil war inside the DNC convention. Total chaos.

SuqamisLostPassport 7 points ago +7 / -0

I ran out of words in post, but it's the part of the puzzle that I can't solve. A new monetary system is needed. Bitcoin seems like a good idea but I don't know how we get rid of people's addiction to usury and fiat currency. It's monopoly money that creates evil. We need to get rid of bankers in general. No banks, no BS. Naked short selling is a problem too. We need to keep it local too. End multinational corporations that exfiltrate wealth and turn everything into a worthless commodity.

SuqamisLostPassport 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know, this site seems to be 100 against 1 in favor of maintaining Trump's narrative and not digging into the Q comms. But like, if you watch Eye of the Storm on Badlands media it's like 8 hours of how Eric Trump was posting pictures of dead rattle snakes 17 days before the shooting and the shooting was 107 days before the 7th anniversary of the first Q post. And the Q proofs keep going. It's like a 1000 Q proofs that Q knew. I'm not sure Trump knew he would almost lose an ear. All I know is Trump was never in danger. And if someone shot at his ear, it was a friendly.

I think if anyone died, it was a bad guy. But I don't think Corey died at the rally. I think Corey might be real, but died a few days before the rally in some unrelated op. But the name CC is an anagram of Coerce my Operator.

https://youtu.be/EioWL5pTJxc?si=wa-yE_v8WEJh93xJ&t=451 If Seal teams can do this, they can give Trump a piercing.

Arrested Development Predicted the assassination Attempt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjvF8o0HAq8

u/#q1572 She dies a few days after the shooting, after Cheatle says she was oversight of SS.

https://youtu.be/dmiTR_ciKKM?si=Q9JBK9zIxELyNqbO Elizabeth: Golden Age

Naval battle in movie Elizabeth: Golden Age? Flynn Brother in Army? Pearl Harbor HQ?

Also, iconic photo of Fight! Fight! Fight! from 7/13/24 was posted all the way back in 2018. u/#q2190

SuqamisLostPassport 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just a reminder that when Trump says drain the swamp, he means to point out that most Capitols, especially Masonic Capitols, were constructed in drainage basins near rivers.

Seine, Potomac, Tiber, Gran Valira and River Thames….

So Paris, Washington, Vatican City, Andorra, London.

The thing is, when you drain a swamp to kill the mosquitoes, you must either fill it in with dirt, or flush it out with fresh water.

One quick way to drain a swamp is to redirect the nearby river. You can turn most swamps into freshwater lakes.

It would be a shame if this city was reclaimed by nature.

SuqamisLostPassport 4 points ago +4 / -0

• Military knew Cheney would try and cut his strings and claw-back power in 2020.

• Military knew the African Methodist Episcopalian network would cheat in 2020 to put Biden in the White House. Jim Clyburn is a Patriot and Trump supporter. Or he’s retarded. I’m not sure which is funnier. The wild thing you need to understand is that Trump paid millions to African gangsters to LOSE the 2020 election. Trump put himself into a bind to get Cheney to come out of hiding. Trump doesn’t care if he’s president. Trump just wants to torture Cheney. It’s personal.

• The military wanted this to happen. Biden works for Trump. The rivalry is just an act. Briar Rabbit: “I was born and bred in the briar patch!” Trump counted on the AME and they delivered. Lol. Trump paid millions to the AME to guarantee his loss. Trump wanted to be defeated in 2020. The AME was too stupid to comprehend why Trump wouldn’t want to be President in 2021-2024 but he would want to be President in 2025-2029.

• It’s a Briar Rabbit long con. Grumpy Old Men. Jack Lemon and Walter Matthau. Also, THE STING. Cheney is the mark, Lucky Dan places second. Lonnegan can’t know he’s been taken. Bite the blood capsule.

• YouTube The Sting (10/10) Movie CLIP - It's Close (1973) HD

• YouTube “What the hell do you think spies are?” Notice the bandage? Alec is character name. Look into Alec Station.

• So, in May of this year, Dick Cheney thinks he’s free and no longer in any danger of being sent to Guantonomo.

• Even up to May of this year, Cheney thinks Trump is a retard, he has nothing to worry about.

• Cheney thinks Trump is powerless because of the 2020 election results.

• Only, on June 27, Cheney realizes that he fucked up.

• Cheney realized the con, but too late.

• Cheney had ordered Biden to bring up Project 2025 during the June 27th presidential debate.

• Cheney can’t conceive of failure, only betrayal.

• Biden sent coms to Cheney on June 27th that his strings had been cut, and this was his act of redemption and betrayal. “Look in my eyes. Do you see despair or anger?”

• Up to May of this year, Dick Cheney thought Trump would be sent to prison due to lawfare. Only, Supreme Court tells Cheney “FUCK YOU” with docket case 23-939 Trump v. United States (07/01/2024)

• Cheny panics, calls the Praesidium and orders the Abteilung loyalists to go all in. Place all the money on naked short selling of DTMG. Cheney probably knows this won’t work, but it’s his only play. Or Cheney knows he’s betraying the few remaining Abteilung assets. Either way, Cheney gets a team together to take out Trump. Cheney gets all his old buddies from the 1980s together and tells them they need to profit from this. This is proof of fidelity and authentication and public record. Cheney forces all his men to pick a side, they either stand with Cheney or they side with Trump, and the standing must be on public record, so Trump knows, and the Abteilung knows. No private roll call. So, Cheney puts together an operation, they get the financial guys involved. Everyone sides with Cheney because who at the Abteilung would conceivably be afraid of Trump at this point? The puts go in and everyone goes full Bob le flambeur. Cheney hopes he might get leniency if the financiers all get rolled. So, it turns out the Butler rally was a sting, intended to get the financial backers and fools who thought they could profit from the short selling of DTMG.

• I don’t care about particulars. It doesn’t matter how the ear injury happened, or who the patsy was or if Corey Comperatore is a hero or villain. (anagram: COYER ACE PROMOTER) (COERCE MY OPERATOR). Retards argue about details. The point is the Military has told everyone to shut the fuck up. Everyone is locked in. Allegiances are known. Team that is famous for the op from Bainbridge's fantail did an ear piercing as 45 did a retinal scan to verify he was focused. This isn’t hard people.

• This was a game of musical chairs and the music just stopped. George Senior Teaches His Son A Lesson About Teaching His Son A Lesson - Arrested Development <- YouTube

• Kamala is the woman in the box, Biden is the assistant, and Trump is the Magician with a saw. Same team, putting on a show. Funny Joke. Everyone laughs. Applaud now. It’s a distraction. Stop fussing about her. Stop fussing about the shooting. THIS IS NOT ANOTHER 4-YEAR ELECTION.

• Biden (and Kamala) is controlled opposition. A backstop. Biden is the stagehand and Trump is the Magician. Kamala is the woman in the box that might get sawed in half. That’s the protection. The African Methodist Episcopalian network wasted millions of dollars to steal the 2020 election and the guy they put into the White House was an NSA Magician with an assistant.

• The ruse from Prestige: Angier (Cheney in this example) tried to send Borden (Trump) to jail… and put Fallon (his twin, Biden) into the White House to prove how smart he is to Cutter.

• Abracadabra.

• Trump is Live Action Roleplaying TENET and PRESTIGE.

• Rolling Stone financial entrapment from THE SPY WHO CAME IN FROM THE COLD by John le Carré

• THE STING long con. The idiots got baited into proving fidelity.

• Congratulations. You can afford your own hokey team now.

• YouTube --You going to Ukraine? | Sicario: Day of the soldado

• Blackhawks To Play Game in "Trump" Arena In Milwaukee

• Sicario (2015) - A Land of Wolves Scene

• Director of the United States Secret Service resigns July 23, 2024

• Do Not Attempt To Dock ! Override ! - Interstellar (2014) - Movie Clip 4K HD Scene

• Astronauts stuck in space for 49 days by malfunctioning Boeing spacecraft can’t return home for weeks. 7/25/24

• Falcon Heavy & Starman


• U.S. Space Force Mission and Focus Explained by Guardians

• Cue music: Imperfect Lock. No Time for Caution.

• "Failure of imagination" That is why Q op is so complex, it's to make Cheney and the traitors realize that they are retards and Trump is making fools of them.

SuqamisLostPassport 1 point ago +1 / -0

My original post stated that Trump, on 9-11, comes out talking about bombs and metallurgy and structural analysis and windows; he stated that the attack was much more sophisticated than people were thinking. Trump says this within hours of the CIA crisis actor talking about metallurgy and the clown said, paraphrasing, “I just happened to see it, and obviously the fire was so intense the buildings collapsed because of the compromised integrity of the steel beams…”

don’t think commercial planes were used, but drones might have. I know the insider trading happened.

My point was that Trump went against CIA talking points from day one.

SuqamisLostPassport 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just the nose and leading edge of wings and stabilizers were tungsten alloy. Rest of plane was an empty drone, remote flight control, and Stingray satellite-to-cell transmission for recorded ‘phone calls’ to loved ones. The modified airframe allowed high speed at low altitude.

SuqamisLostPassport 6 points ago +6 / -0


Listen to Trump on 9-11

He says the Towers had the steel beams on outside of building, that planes couldn’t have penetrated the narrow windows, and that bombs were used.

Trump came as close to saying the airframes had been assembled at the CIA boneyard using Tungsten alloy without saying it. But he knew how they did it, and they knew he knew.

I’m looking for other Trump interviews, I think there is a better one from a few days after 9-11.


Trump talks windows: https://youtu.be/8US9mgIYuC8?si=Pdd3mIMt2I0o49xK

SuqamisLostPassport 2 points ago +2 / -0

A [staged] military disaster happens, in August, lots of casualties. Naval disasters are easy to stage. Brink of war with China.

Kamala has a disastrous press conference or debate where it’s obvious she doesn’t have the emotional fortitude to be president. Like, she starts crying and she begs China to stop sinking our aircraft carriers. She gets replaced by Hillary.

It has to be Hillary. The first Q post quotes the future, about NG activating on 10/30 and the military looking for her. Then Military can go full beast, the story will be Hillary sold the Chinese the torpedo technology used to kill Americans. And she tried to assassinate Trump.

After the election it will be reported that China didn’t attack our Aircraft Carrier, but actually rescued it and saved all our sailor after a DEI blue haired tranny sailor accidentally ran the trillion dollar carrier into a reef.

SuqamisLostPassport 2 points ago +2 / -0


The funny thing is all the anons on this site trying to figure out what is going on and they don't realize the joke is that it's all as fake and gay as an episode of Arrested Development. We don't need to solve anything. We just need to enjoy the show.

George Senior Teaches His Son A Lesson About Teaching His Son A Lesson - Arrested Development

SuqamisLostPassport 3 points ago +3 / -0

Quiet. Quiet. He's going to say something.

SuqamisLostPassport 2 points ago +2 / -0



Trump had a Truth with a misspelled word the week before (it was fixed a day later):

What a GREAT RALLY at Trump National DORAL (Miami) last night. WOW, it was really Special — the Enthusiasm was off the char[d]. Amazing crowd! Thank you to everyone who made it happen!!!

SuqamisLostPassport 3 points ago +3 / -0

AI is usually just a few gigabytes, they don’t need zettabytes to do AI voices and videos. Lol

Second, the whole point of Space Force was to put white hat servers in space where they can’t be hacked or easily destroyed by conventional munitions or strike teams.

If you want to hack WH servers you need an astronaut and a space craft that can locate where the WH parked it, probably in some Lagrange point 100,00 miles above the dark side of moon.

Technologically speaking, an android could easily be built that could internally house all the SSD memory it needs for a LLM for speech and locomotion. Fortunately, the limitations of androids disappear if you are only trying to create a simulacrum of a 90 year old man with dementia. Like, Joe Biden is slow, not agile, speaks slurred and incoherent. On top of that, most of the questions asked of him are known beforehand, and as a politician he usually doesn’t respond to what he was asked he just says what he has been trained to say.

The Crowdstrike was black hat. Microsoft / CS is 100% CIA. This was blinding the CIA.

CrowdStrike fixes start at “reboot up to 15 times” and get more complex from there — Ars Technica. CrowdStrike has released a patch that addresses a series of vulnerabilities requiring users to reboot their systems multiple times.

The official narrative is that if you have a bad update, by the 17th power cycle, the issue might fix itself. Let that sink in.

SuqamisLostPassport 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yes, 8 years ago. 2016-2017 was dangerous. The Vegas harvest Festival was very deadly, but Patriots managed to protect the Saudi members that were cooperating with NSA.

Cabal had ISIS. They had mercenaries in Afghanistan. They had NATO generals. They had No Name and Timberwolf. They had billionaires that owned submarines. They are all dead now.

Now the only bad guys left are retarded clowns in TV studios like Whoopi.

This July 13 assassination attempt was entrapment. It was a sting targeting the retarded mid-level bankers, the stragglers, the idiots who fight to the bitter end. The traitors and few remaining CIA agents that hadn’t yet been captured were hoodwinked into financing a hit on the president. The NSA took the money, recorded the dereliction of duty, recorded individuals failing to notify the chain of command, staged an almost fatal hit, and then recorded the cover-up of the plot. We have it all.

Soon, after Trump returns to White House, it will be shown. The treason, the confessions, Joe Biden will demonstrate he is an actor just pretending to have dementia….

‘Whatever is covered up will be uncovered, and every secret will be made known. So then, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in broad daylight, and whatever you have whispered in private in a closed room will be shouted from the housetops.’

It’s going to be Biblical.

Biden faking dementia is like how David faked madness (1 Samuel 21)

SuqamisLostPassport 10 points ago +12 / -2

I’m not suggesting you go around telling Democrats that Trump hired shooters to fake a hit in order to boost his support. But try and create as much dissonance as possible when Democrats talk about conspiracies. Call them unhinged conspiracy theorists. Gaslight them. Turn their playbook against them. This is the first time in 60 years that Democrats are the ones talking about FF and ‘Sheep-dipped’ and ‘crisis actors’. It’s funny. They’ve done a 180.

SuqamisLostPassport 3 points ago +4 / -1

I was never on 4chan and I’m only level 1 autism, but I got the impression that W&W was a division of the NSA, but I can’t recall the mission or specifics or how we were supposed to ascertain or verify. Maybe one is offensive and the other defensive? I wasn’t smart enough to play D&D, I only played Hero Quest, so I’m not even sure about the D&D classes either.

SuqamisLostPassport 0 points ago +6 / -6

Corey Comperatore is an anagram of COERCE MY OPERATOR


COYER (verb - to move suddenly back or aside) ACE PROMOTER

Or something else. Point is, Comperatore is s very rare name from PA. Fewer than 100 people in America. Some drunk or illiterate Italian invented the name 100 years ago and now there are about 30 families that presumably have that name in the entire world.

The Firefighter is a Tenet joke.

Welcome to the Afterlife.

We All Believe We'd Run Into That Burning Building. But Until We Feel That Heat, We Can Never Know. You Do.

That test you passed? Not everybody does.

The ‘Trump supporter’ who fell at the rally during the shooting was either an actor or some Black Hat spotter that wanted and hoped for a kill shot. I don’t think any authentic Trump supporters were killed or injured.

SuqamisLostPassport 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, I missed that. How did Biden confirm the A? On his Twitter? lol

SuqamisLostPassport 4 points ago +5 / -1

It’s a well known card game from 1994 and had a few expansion packs. You can find the cards for sale on EBay.

For comparison, the movie Fifth Element came out in 1997 and was about an Orange haired hero who survives two assassination attempts and ultimately defeats Ultimate evil with Light. Think Floston Paradise as Mara Lago and Zorg getting hoodwinked similar to how Biden doesn’t have a nuclear football. It’s predictive programming. I think the NSA knew and commissioned art, games, and movies.

Like, the Matrix. It had to be commissioned by the NSA. V for Vendetta movie (maybe even the novel).

SuqamisLostPassport 12 points ago +13 / -1

The humor factor. All my coworkers are normies and it’s hysterical to overhear them talk about crisis actors and basically become Red-pilled after decades of them mocking us for suggesting that OBL death and Sandy Hook were staged. I think this attempt is to create cognitive dissonance in those opposed to the Great Awakening. The media spent years mocking Q, saying there was no military plan, and now the media is saying Q is real and Trump is staging attempts against himself using military snipers to kill his own supporters.

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