This is not God's judgement. The Bible clearly states that Jesus came to give Life and It abundant and that the devil comes to steal kill and destroy. All good things come from God and ALL bad things are from the devil. You curse God when you say he brings judgement in this time. His judgement comes after this life.
Misleading post. The union prop handler that was in charge of the weapon was forced of the set early in the day due to a complaint that was registered by a group of support staff about the lax safety protocols that the production had. They were all replaced with non union scabs hours before the incident. This post is an unfair accusation against this person.
I suspect the person on the video did not in fact purge the logs or any data from the machine. My bet is a that they booted the machine to allow remote access and someone from Dominion took control and deleted the files.
My company has been asking for vaccination status for six weeks and I haven't provided it. The president asked me today and I responded that it was no one's business but me and my doctor's and I didn't see any emails asking for hepatitis and aids status. Both of which are much more dangerous than COVID. BTW my company is the largest of it's kind in the US.
One more for Mr Ed!