My sister, a nurse, got one shot of Moderna and her husband was in and out of the hospital for 3 weeks with a fever and the doctors couldn't figure out what was going on. I told her about shedding. She didn't believe me. So I sent her article of that dad who got polio from changing daughters diaper. She believed me then.
Also garlic honey.. Chop garlic and put in some honey and acv, let it sit... I eat it during cold season.
Nasal irrigation with netipot also helps depending on where snot is I guess.
I think I cured my chronic post nasal drip/allergies by fixing all my health issues, gut etc... But then zinc 15mg took it to a next level. No more snot, thick mucus in throat and even stopped my nosebleeds I had as a kid. Good luck! (and yes.. Huberman talks about NAC for mucus)
This ^... Agree. My husband, native born, been unemployed since September. Calls are just now starting to come in this past week to screen him. But it's been hard to get any response when he applies. His last recruiter said 99% of the applicants are foreign (Indian or Nigerian) and are fake resumes. So recruiter are having a hard time filtering.
That's what I am afraid is going to happen. We hear and see all of this but will anything actually start to happen. It makes me sick to see how much was given to so many things that I do not support and how I as a tax payer, paid for it and still paying for it.
This was sent to me. Not really sure what to think now. Hrmm.
I learned recently from a speech therapist (mostly helps kid speech) there is a language for black Americans. She can't correct some of their speech because it is an actual dialect. Can't remember what it's called. But found it interesting to say the least.
I dropped peanut butter with seed oils over a year ago. All of my inflammation in my legs went away. It used to burn to squat down. I'm not overweight and couldn't figure out why I was having issues. Huge believer that seed oils cause problems. Hoping to see more chains adopt this.
So how can we make the amendment happen? Does this require in person signature petition s at like local farmers markets and such? I saw this being done for the Marijuana amendment. Just curious how to help spread the word.
(really long post!!)
So I suspect... Vax as a kid in early 80s...allergic to everything, cats, pollen, grass etc. I always had bronchitis (parents smoked indoors). I suffered from chronic digestive issues... Probably too graphic for here but no doctor really told me how to fix these things and let's add hypoglycemia to my list. My parents cooked home meals but I did eat a lot of chef boyardee as a snack growing up. Lol.
So here's where I landed...
Few years ago I met a lady who milled her flour and made her bread. I had no experience, bought a used mill and watched some YouTube. I now make all of my carbs. If I dont make it, I don't eat it. I make crackers, breads, biscuits, muffins, etc. I miss pastries... But i will work on those recipes one day. Home milled cured my digestive problems. I no longer have problems going to the bathroom. It is a lot of work but to me it's worth it.
Then I found essential oils for my hormones. I was high stress and moody. I didn't want to go on birth control after having a baby. Literally in days after starting EOs, I felt normal with no heart palps and no stress.
I found golden milk for my leg, hip, back and shoulder inflammation and fatigue.
So these things healed a me a lot but I still had a tickle in my throat and carried around fire cider to drink when I felt my nose being watery or throat getting sore. I refused to take any more allergy meds after starting my bread and relied on peppermint and lavender oils under my nose for allergies.
I took a multivitamin everyday since I was a kid.
So I went to a new functional medicine doctor in March 2024 and told him iiiof all my successes... Ran bloodwork to make sure I am good to go and we discussed briefly what vitamins I took. I told him I do multi and he said he didn't like them because sometimes it's too much of one and not enough of another. So I decided to stop and take only what I couldn't make with my body. He is also pretty pro carnivore diet and organ meats.
I started taking only zinc picolinate 15mg daily consistently and it seemed to be my cure. I take magnesium, vitamin c, and fishoil as but i was consistent with zinc.
So, a long way of saying I think I healed my gut issues with my flour and your gut can be a cause of post nasal issues and I think adding zinc (which I ate plenty of foods with zinc) helped further fix my issues. I also suffered from chronic nosebleeds and that stopped happening too. Even with the heater indoors during winter.
I researched zinc and allergies and two things came up. A mouse study with zinc and helping with rhinitis and an Amazon zinc supplement that was branded by an allergy group!
I hope this helps. It's been a great journey. I'm very proud of what I found and try to encourage others to look into other things. I used to make fun of ladies with their essential oils etc.. But I'm a believer. I don't sell them. Just preach it. Good luck. Totally could talk nerd health stuff for days. Reach out anytime.
Husband was hired as a software contractor engineer to help a massive failure of a project in the middle of last year. 95% Indian devs, project owner, and architects. We likely won't be renewing our membership this year. Oh and not to mention DEI is a reason why he went from having steady contract work to basically nothing these past two years.
That's amazing to hear. I'm glad you were able to heal your body. After years of just dealing with random back and spine pain/couldn't straighten my back to do squats, I just randomly drank golden milk (turmeric and spices) and within 3 days healed myself. I was so mad I didn't try it years ago. I wasn't on the health journey I am now though. Since then I believe I may have healed my allergies (allergic to dust, pollen, basically everything per my doctor) by healing my gut. I wish I felt this good in my 20s.
Sorry pay wall but article does exist.
I believe it. All the people getting the new RSV Vax and this respiratory thing that went around we were mildly sick for 3 weeks.
I got the flu after a flu shot event at work one year.