TDanonDJTJR2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wtf in my state if you have a "No Tresspassing" sign you have a hunting license for any living creature that ends up on your land.

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Eh, females are at a slight biological disadvantage. But I do think it's reasonable to expect a little bit of critical thinking skills.

In fact my lady got hers just to rub it in my face, came and pulled her sleeve up shoeing me the bandaid on her arm saying something like "haha you hate the vaccine but I got it big dummy what now"

She didn't expect me to immediately become completely distraught and with tears coming down my face scream at her to leave my house.

She hits me up the next day and says it was a prank she just got scared because I was so angry, she thought I'd be even madder if she said it was a prank.

I now know that to be a lie. I spent all of 2022 paying for elaborate vacations while I was making 6k a month on very temporary contracts, and spending all of it on her. I have nothing to show for 3 years of a very exclusive dental supply contract, I didn't even pay taxes I just gave her everything.

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol the title God-Emperor was chosen by luck of a roll on a 4chan thread where we were deciding what the title would be for the leader of the Nation of The Internet, Kekistan, which jokingly refers to God as The God of Kek.

It is far beyond coincidence and luck that Kek is an Egyptian God, a fucking FROG. And that the hieroglyphics on one of the statues of Kek seems to pretty flawlessly show a person making memes.

We literally chose the name Kekistan, the xenonym Kekistani, Pepe The Frog as our animal mascot, designed the flag of Kekistan, decided on the title of the leader of this Nation of The Internet, by random rolls in a 4chan thread. I was there. I was in the thread. I was anxiously rolling and rerolling for the mascot, I don't even remember what I picked I just remember being disappointed and angry when the staleass meme Pepe The Frog won. I always hated those threads. But how wrong I was!!!!!! Pepe is freaking gold and I love how this lame old beaten-down meme went to Public Enemy Number 1 with Hillary Rotten Clinton name-dropping Pepe The Frog on national fucking TV 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Who else remembers The Great 7get? Post number 77777777777 was coming up and everyone was freaking out and anyone who had ever been on 4chan was posting over and over and over as the number came closer, wanting to be the one. Finally post No. 77777777777 came to be, and the user's post? "Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States."

This single event spawned the creation of one united Nation of The Internet as we declared Trump not just the leader of The United States but the entire PLANET for this absolutely insane win. It was about time anyways, we were talking about it. A large group of people, who cover the entire planet, who identify more with other Channers than their actual countrymen.

The internet absolutely the fuck imploded after The Great 7get. There will probably be books written about these moments. The election of Trump was decided that night. We The People of The Internet decided to be sure of it through Meme Magic. The biggest grassroots campaign in the history of the world was born that night.

I know in my heart this was the work of God.

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where's the video? I'm desperately trying to find it to show my folks because s3e4 of Blacklist is sooooo the same thing he explains

TDanonDJTJR2024 2 points ago +4 / -2

This is a FIRE post that makes me glad the word LEAD is in your role. Thank you for your service Catsfive, not just to this board but to this great nation and to the planet we as a nation protect from the wiles of the Devil.

Even rallies are rife with low-information autists who want to take anyone who will listen down some meaningless rabbithole concerning issues we have already dealt with etc. This one kid at a rally, he was on-point and he was correct but he would just nottttt shut the ffffffffffuck up in line, rattling off Law of War Manual this and Fake News that.... like dude we know. We all know. But he wasn't even properly informed, he was making logical mistakes in the way he was presenting the information to the point that he just made everything he was talking about sound stupid asf to an outside observer not already familiar with the material.

It is good to get rid of some of the silliness and the "DiD yOu kNoW tHeY can sEe eVeRyThInG oN yOuR pHoNe ScReEn?"

TDanonDJTJR2024 -5 points ago +4 / -9

Wtf is scored??? Do nottttt use a site other than greatawakening.win to log in to greatawakening.win Jesus h christ people

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't think people are using Starlink with any impression their browsing is anonymous in any way, and I say that as a network engineer who has used Starlink has family with it installed on their houses and I've even installed the satellite.

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0




TDanonDJTJR2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're not alone, friend. We are all Q. Your brother was one of us. You ARE our brother. Chat me anytime you want. I lost my grandfather, my fiancee lost her stepmom, 2 of my best friends are dead in recent years, my cousin murdered by the deep state.

The energy of our folk transcends reality. It transcends things like evil and death. The Patriot does not know death. God is with us.

My only advice is to study your brother's writings, and consider moving to his land and selling your own. He likely has selected a geographically superior spot to yours. You can produce whatever income you need wherever on earth you may be, if you are struggling financially I will DM you tips for making money quickly.

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm signed up for this sticker campaign thing and one of the things you can get paid to advertise is just a bumper sticker for this dude and you get $60 a month and $100 to start....

TDanonDJTJR2024 3 points ago +3 / -0

Happy valentines you beautiful bastards. I split with my fiancée just a couple weeks ago because she just kept locking me out of our apartment I pay for, for days on end and refusing to take accountability for any actions she takes when drunk or angry.... it's been a really hard valentines for me bros.

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a hot war against the Cabal. They are fighting for their lives, the stinking dogs.

TDanonDJTJR2024 0 points ago +1 / -1

The fuck are you on about bro? If the dam broke, due to the mountains the mess would all be SOUTH of the dam, and Las Vegas is to the Northwest, over a MOUNTAIN.

TDanonDJTJR2024 15 points ago +15 / -0

Someone on Instagram (uninstructedpodcast) is claiming to have the NFL script, 27-14 chiefs win and Taylor proposed to on the 50 yard line

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

She said that a girl who was a friend of hers helped her get it made but also she said she told the pharmacy she had a card and lost it, but also how the hell would you get the system to print your name with a valid batch number without the pharmacist becoming involved at some point?

I don't believe her. There was one point which may have even been one of the days in question where she showed up with a bandage on her arm and said she got vaccinated, and I fell to the ground screaming and crying in pure horror as if I had been stabbed, sobbing and asking her how she could be so stupid, just absolutely distraught. She leaves, as I am completely shattered and any attempts at getting close to me results in me screaming at her to leave me the fuck alone....

The next day she said it was a prank, but that I took it so seriously and she felt so bad she just couldn't tell me it was a prank right then and there. Doesn't sound legit to me.

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw you talking about intentionally sexing a vaccinated person, and it made me sad because I appreciated some of the other things you said but I was definitely already committed to the downvote.

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

So guys she tried to tell me it was fake and she had got someone in the pharmacy to make it while we were working at publix cuz she acted like she had lost hers.... and we were working there.

But no fucking way right? Like no fucking way they could just give you a batch number at random without knowing which one they literally gave you just because oops you lost your card right???

Also publix was incentivizing everyone with $100 gift cards to get vaccinated most of us said give us $2000 and we'll tell you why we won't do it.

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