Same. My flagpole (extended type) broke in 2021 (ironic?) and I never bothered replacing it b/c of all the nonsense. I woke up this morning and saw the results, and mentally noted I need to buy a new pole and raise the flag again.
Please just stop with this. It seems harassing now given the time past on this post. I am not a "lurker"; but really--who cares if I observe/"listen" more than I "speak"/post(?). Not everyone is in a position to go full guns and join every fight or cause. Stop provoking with your opinions to the point of losing listeners.
Our small "community" district has PACS that keep the majority on the school board. The PAC group of 4 outvotes everything the other 3 (usually involves a new rep every 2-4 years) attempt to do. Running for the school board is pointless in my community. It's a sad state of affairs; and I'm glad my child has chosen to graduate a year early and has only one more semester left.
I've been taking Lugols for years after researching for years before starting it, and never read of this. Very interesting. Also, I believe Selenium is a co-supplement needed with iodine. I take Life Extensions selenium.
Yes, I file taxes on my earnings. Now go away...