so he is great to be head of SECRET SERVICE??
GEOTUS' LAWYER aint backin' down so Jack Smith aint He now has a different feeling on the jab. I told #MAGA ON X that I am tired of explaining Warp Speed and then I see this Old News on an ANON site. we have to be better than this.
She no longer has that belief.
Just keep hitting replies to get whole thread
What does Matt want more than anything else?? He wants to clear his name. As head of the FBI he will have access to ALL the SERVERS, COMPUTERS and INFORMATION/DOCUMENTS. He now knows this cannot be a regular appointment so it will have to be RECESS.
MODS Pin this so we can Move On, Thank You
The LEAKS are REAL but the NEWS is FAKE.
They will all do it because they are UNIPARTY...GEOTUS knows this so picks will be recess appt.
Always thought so and affirmed to me when the reporter called to her on the steps about her nice booty and she smiled until she regained her composure...TRUTH is usually spontaneous.
GOD WINS and NOBODY knows the MIND or the WILL of GOD.
TRUMP is the KING...Remember the SWORD DANCE.
I was a dem till Ronaldus Magnus and #POTUS TRUMP was a dem till running as a republican. GOD gave us the gift of CHOICE. We also change with age and experience.
17 is DATE, ELON is/was Q , Backdate 16 to 6 = 10 days
think it was one of my biggest red pills to know all news was fake. literally see her on film swimming just fine in her life jacket and then drowns?????
comms before drops
always thought GOD might be a wrestling fan.
let's make a concerted effort to stop posting AI pics of kumalot. she is a wrinkled old hag and needs to be portrayed as such.
keep counting till the cabal controlled dem wins but some repubs join now which blurs the lines. we would not have caught it but TRUMP WON so fast that no time to cheat without being stupid.
still minimum of 9% not counted, some districts are appx 25% so far from over
Was my vote cos none of the RINOs wanna piss off the next POTUS
nobody mentioned my trigger JAMES BOND DOLLY BRACES. Only reason JAWS didn't kill her and they fell in love. I had the vhs that I got out to watch for the over 50th time and it had changed. there was no reason to think she had braces if she didn't have them. Nobody will ever convince me otherwise. As to the reason I have searched for over a decade and have many theories but a PSYOP is not one.