they have always been closest to the values of GOD whish is why the WEST had to DESTROY them to bring in the ANTICHRIST
EXACTLY and now you know why I got frustrated when Nobody knew how important ONE BIG BEAUTIFUL BILL is.
I shall apologize to you all here since you had no Idea that POTUS wanted ONE BIG BEAUTIFUL BILL and It was all that was in the news on the day I posted this. My excitement at this getting through the House after following it for a week must have eclipsed my Common sense. Hope you all found out about it. Won't happen again.
DOD is now Pete Hegseth and he said it must be followed.
Sorry forgot to change font but it is BIG...KASH MADE BONGINO DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF FBI....BIG ENUFF FOR YA??
Friend makes 150 so 100m is minimum savings
I got hacked but I am still posting under the Hack. I am not monetized and don't care to be so it is just like posting Anon which is all I want to be.
Most had change orders and in triplicate and always a meeting and inspections out the YingYang
You actually could not bid too low or they just through you out. You had to be the Middle three and then it was like Ranked Choice Voting.
Yes but that was because at first they just introduced Minority Bidders but within about Three Years you learned you were just a number for them to bid against.
He just giving out ROPE
Pretty much the same here. I made a lot of equipment for ships and always made a high percent profit as much as 200% and I was the LOW BID!! I stopped bidding in the 90s because during clinton Minorities would beat every bid even if not the Lowest. Wonder if POTUS will fix that?
Leaving after halftime, Aint ruining my supper
Who is the Greatest Mind in the Known Universe as blessed by GOD. Who came up with the PAGER Idea? So Close Yet So Far.
Then We can drain their immense wealth through the diamonds cos they will need to eat and we all know they can't produce food.
I just read a dozen of her pages in X and have no problem with what I read. I will give her a chance. Personally I have never believed in Modern Religion.
In the end days, sisters, mothers and daughters will be prophets and teachers.
Just told betterhalf that this is really easy. We now own GAZA and therefore will have to govern there. POTUS just made EO to kneecap Iran and called out HAMAS leaders among others. We will war against Hamas to get their leaders and then rebuild GAZA. We shall then set up about a 30,000 man military base/port and this will be a beautiful area and GAZANs will be the envy if the world and of course become Peaceful. forgot to say we will build the Canal and receive proceeds from it.
ADD LATIN AMERICA AND WE ARE JUST AMERICA. We gain the Rainforests and the Gold and the TAR and no more Argument about Panama Canal. Phase 2 would be UK and AUSTRALIA. USA EUROPE would be Italy and Hungary and all others who want to be in the Free World like maybe China, Russia and India and .....
hope this link works"Where is ICE"&src=trend_click&vertical=trends
Senate off till 1500 today...Recess Appointments??
Made my Eyes leak again Ty