I was a dem till Ronaldus Magnus and #POTUS TRUMP was a dem till running as a republican. GOD gave us the gift of CHOICE. We also change with age and experience.
17 is DATE, ELON is/was Q , Backdate 16 to 6 = 10 days
think it was one of my biggest red pills to know all news was fake. literally see her on film swimming just fine in her life jacket and then drowns?????
comms before drops
always thought GOD might be a wrestling fan.
let's make a concerted effort to stop posting AI pics of kumalot. she is a wrinkled old hag and needs to be portrayed as such.
keep counting till the cabal controlled dem wins but some repubs join now which blurs the lines. we would not have caught it but TRUMP WON so fast that no time to cheat without being stupid.
still minimum of 9% not counted, some districts are appx 25% so far from over
Was my vote cos none of the RINOs wanna piss off the next POTUS
Laughing emoji
day 1 or before. artificially inflated due to cost of logistics. on knowledge of his return, businesses will start to edge while consumer feeling the jubilee will explode CHRISTMAS. by new year demand will overtake supply. simple but dems never understand. prolly why they cheat so well
NO but they can cure the unelected house members. it still wont help them so this is a fund drive.
all the time every day
got my wife...i'm good
PA counts mailins first
right in front of everyone's face and you missed it. GOD WINS, pins, razor blades. detergent or acid in candy?? Devil doesn't take vacations so what happened? GOD WINS!!
TX kinda miss old times and running around with my friends tho'. New young frens prolly gonna kill me.
shock and awe is over. they took my money and most of my family although they are returning i have moved on. i only have my wife and very little retirement thanks to them and have seriously been working out to again join the corps if called. on the other hand i am working out and almost a 6 pack at 77 and i remember a lot of tricks. they aint stupid although they allow the stupid on tv. they know we are out here and they don't want to piss us off so they will bow like the losers they are because they do not want to DIE!!!!
they will be on vacation yet cos nov 6 is liberation day
updooted but wanted to do it in the text rainbow i had to read including the comments
TRUMP is the KING...Remember the SWORD DANCE.