The-Amazing-Rando 0 points ago +1 / -1

Again, you are replying to me and picked and chose battles that you thought you could win. Also threw in some ad hominem attack. So your lack of reply to my other points means that you agree with them and you support communist ideologies. Here you are in front of your peers thinking you are the hero. I am being the bigger person and dropping it and going elsewhere. I will warn of the mass psychosis hive mind of this place to my other hangouts and groups that I run. Enjoy your echo chamber.

The-Amazing-Rando 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why are you arguing this an being an apologist for communism? So now you are defining what is and what is not communist ideology even though it has been defined for a long time.

So you agree that people that spam to get points to be the upper class is fine with you. You agree that some people are more deserving than others. You agree that some people deserved their avatars before all of this, just because they were in the good buddy network. You agree that this is part of Q's plan where some have and some have not and you are not equal. keep picking and choosing what you want to reply to and try to define words used and come up with stats out of thin air.

You replied to me. I did not require it. I said I was logical and so I won't participate where I am not an equal. We cannot talk about this or supposedly grief the mods because they need their safe space to rule over us with unquestioned authority.

The-Amazing-Rando 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why do you assume I am bitter. I am pretty logical and think for myself. I have no masters that train me to jump through hoops.

Foremost that I do not follow communist ideologies. I don't follow sports and hollywood when they are at the heart of the corruption in the world. I have witnessed discussion out here of how great both are.

You think I am bitter because I don't praise class warfare and instead call it out. I thought Q was fighting this. I follow the rules like I follow laws as a responsible citizen. Your analogy is the same as go along to get along. Hive mind Reddit thought. We are at this point in history because nobody spoke up against communist ideologies and here you are supporting it.

The-Amazing-Rando 0 points ago +1 / -1

Its the haves and have nots. There is avatars for people who spam the board with non Q related content. The qualifying factors are not in the body of the post. Sounds like Twitter or Youtube that make up rules as they go or just go by the whims of the people in control. Then there are users who do not meet the criteria that got them before all of this. Like being part of a clique.

This is not inclusive, It is divisive

Does this reflect Q? That patriots stand together, or there are some more deserving than others.

My history has no post score because I am not approved to post. I learned that early on when my post was removed for breaking no rules. I have also seen posts be shadow banned.

Non Q related religious posts are allowed. I don't say anything even though it is an insult to my intelligence. It is spammed for points so I guess we can turn every religious post into a debate or else I report it for being against the rules. Why should someone else get a higher status here for breaking the rules.

Remove all avatars if we are equal, or keep them and show the world that some of us are higher class than others. Just like the communist system. The left always makes rules for thee but not for me.

The-Amazing-Rando 1 point ago +1 / -0

Criteria should be in the main post not something that is a reply and amounts to something you made up on the spot

The-Amazing-Rando -2 points ago +0 / -2

I read the thread. Even the part where you mention criteria and yet there is people with avatars in this thread that did not meet that criteria! Even your highest poster does not follow the rules of the board and spamz content.

The-Amazing-Rando -4 points ago +1 / -5

So something that is easy to implement and has been on other sites for ages is only just a social class system here. I have already seen the gate keeping and approved posters here. I guess the rest of us just matter here less. Or I just need to spam more content that goes against the rules like what is looked past every day. I do notice in the mod logs that you don't even follow your own rules.

I thought we were all patriots treated as equals but apparently not. This is something out of the lefts playbook for divisive tactics. I am looking at the posters profiles for a pattern since you don't list what the qualifying credentials are. Another tactic that allows our rulers to be the deciders. I am done participating.

The-Amazing-Rando 2 points ago +2 / -0

That was interesting. I didn't even know the SEC had their own little gate keeping court. After they clean up Wall Street, I think investing will be awesome. it's coming to light about just what a private corrupt club it really is currently.

The current alumni of big money names are all going down and will be penny less. I believe these controversial stock plays like the meme stocks will go through. It will turn ordinary people into millionaires and restore trust in the market going forward.

The-Amazing-Rando 2 points ago +2 / -0

It starting me thinking if this is what suicide weekend is about. Its the deepstate that declares everything a suicide. Will there be a lot of hits being labelled as suicides.

The-Amazing-Rando 4 points ago +4 / -0

I remember seeing him first at the Brazil olympics when he was giving the premier to the Japan olympics. It was kinda my firs taste at seeing the Japanese culture be less reserved and be fun and funny. Since then I have caught many streamers in Japan and it looks awesome. He was one of our bros. RIP Mr. Shinzo Abe.

The-Amazing-Rando 2 points ago +2 / -0

It should be taken down. The guy is a fraud.

The-Amazing-Rando 3 points ago +3 / -0

From what I heard, the cameras and flood lights were put there pretty recently.

The-Amazing-Rando 5 points ago +5 / -0

Trump Turthed a tip of the hat to AMC and GME investors for sticking to Wall Street at unprecedented levels. He is sending a message that everyone here missed on a board that decodes what he says. I don't know what you think the plan is if all the players in the deep state get away with this with their fortunes intact.

The-Amazing-Rando 2 points ago +2 / -0

Once you renounce, you can't get it back. It would be funny to see this play out where he gets denied citizenship in UK and becomes stateless. He will have to apply for VISA to visit and they could deny it.

The-Amazing-Rando 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hope they had the shareholders vote on it. They may be not acting in Fiduciary Duty of Care

The-Amazing-Rando 17 points ago +21 / -4

I am siding with this explanation until I see proofs. This won't be a problem for Q and should be expected. This is something we cannot afford to get wrong.

The-Amazing-Rando 10 points ago +11 / -1

Well. Qalerts is posting the new drops.

The-Amazing-Rando 7 points ago +7 / -0

I wasn't paying attention to the whole trip code and security part of things. I must rely on people who have a good understanding and can authenticate. I am also not sure how the admin structure and security there is holding up. I like the points made in the post. Could use some proofs again. This has to be on the level so we don't get tripped up by a bad actor.

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