Sure was, I didn’t notice it at first but just based off of initial impressions I thought the same thing. Good eye pede!
I’ve got unlimited stamina for “owning the libtards” and “spiking the ball in peoples faces”. Sorta like how Jesus flipped some tables and whipped some immoral idiots right outta his fathers temple…
He has a cocaine larynx.
With the turtle stepping down today this one is extra spicey🔥
I like this theory, makes logical sense. I also think there is a ramp up to the really evil and sick crimes these animals have committed. Starting with money laundering makes the really big red pills easier for normies to swallow.
Liquid ivermec from any farm store. 3-5 cc daily for a month for initial cleanse. Then as a prophylactic 5 days a month. Also can use for any virus you feel coming on, same dose 3-5 days. I prefer the liquid over paste because it doesn’t have any additives as some horse pastes may contain. It’s very affordable per bottle and I can go a few months between purchases.
Blessings to all of you as well here at GAW, positive energy here is unmatched on any platform and has snatched black pills out of the palm of my hand many times!
Predator poachers lead by Alex Rosen aka Gordon Flowers has convictions in 42 states with thousands of arrests. He’s definitely no random guy and has experience. He goes to the court proceedings and fights to get these animals as much jail time as possible. You would be surprised at how many county prosecutors take this very seriously blue or red. There are also certain places blue and red they don’t have that kind of support and he’s nailed down which counties will and won’t pursue charges. Been following his work for 4 years now. He’s only 25 and has been active on YouTube for 5 years catching these predophiles.
Thank you anon o7
Similar, I’ve heard it described as the satanists must tell you of their ill intentions before they carry them out either in code or directly thus freeing them of any karmic backlash because your silence is like acceptance in their messed up evil logic. Nothing of importance to children of the Prince of Peace.
Fake and gay karmic law
Yes I read the email. I’m just wore out at this point fren. All of these years dedicated to seeking the truth and it’s culminated to the truth of Jesus Christ. I’m resting in that truth now and it’s a peace that I cannot attain on my own.
Brother, thank you for this information, I’ve been dipping for 21 years (started at 12) I get around the 4 week mark after cold turkey and I always fall back into it. It really is a sad state to be in. 0/10 do not recommend to the OP.
Yup as soon as the drones started I knew all the BS from here on isn’t worth expending my energy on. Just praying and focusing on the family, ready for anything. Paying no mind to the noise.
Our lord and savior called them the synagogue of satan, not to mention when pilate washed his hands they went ahead and chanted let the blood of the innocent man be on them and their children. The more I study my Bible the more I see and understand.
Billy boy got served and even tried to threaten the producer if the video got released. He’s tried so hard to undermine the truth of Jesus and FAILED miserably! Just another tool of the father of lies IMO.
The Greatest Show On Earth🏆
ICYM last night there was a pretty compelling decode pointing to this being device testing.
Can we all agree that all these arrests are pointing to “Patriots in control”?
Just checked for myself and nothing as well so it’s not a glitch on your end. Very strange, very dasting.
Do normies ever want to get off this ride? I’m mentally calloused and getting a “who cares” type of attitude toward all of these never ending crisis news cycles.
Thought this was always geared toward declass but if I’ve learned anything it’s that these drops contain a lot of double meanings. I like your take on this anon, o7.
I was thinking the same thing, hunt enough rabbits and running deer you’ll learn.
My father is finally awake about the Ukraine after years of me red pilling him about the money laundering and bio labs, yet he is still on the Russia bad train. He’s not a normie or a lib but somehow got programmed that Russia is bad and Putin is the devil. My number one counter to this programming is that if the media will lie about hunters laptop, the fake dossier, Trump rape allegations and classified documents etc. why would you believe them when in unison they clamor on about “muh Russia”? I keep force feeding that red pill hoping he comes around.