Trump is summoning the real life Avengers
Well said. This needs to be a quote in the banner 😂
He literally said earlier intbhe interview he knows to not show his hand when making a deal between Ukraine and Russia, and Israel and China.
He's been negotiating deals for 60 years.
You think him publicly stating this isn't another tactic of his? Do you seriously doubt him by now?
Probably (though personally I believe it's extremely advanced AI vs future seeing)
Also, I think we have to lose. I think there's enough semi-awake people, and enough people that expect trump to win (whether or not they like him), that if Kamala somehow pulls off a crazy win, the entire world would be watching, and the American people would start to go wild on social media, and then evidence would be "leaked" on how they rigged the election, and because the entire world is watching, they witness how Kamala stole the election, and then all these other fraudulent elections (Trudeau, all the gaylord's in Europe) would be forced out.
At least that's my hope
And yet even a random event can happen like this.
If this was Q controlled, then the media killed any benefit it would have.
If it wasn't, then it's proof God truly has His hand over Trump and the Q campaign.
Hero and American patriot.
Dismantle it.
Hop of Elon's cock for one second and realize I am not attacking your dear internet boyfriend.
I stated elsewhere that I think Elon is a good guy, regardless of his X profile pic being him in a Bahamut costume. He's a white hat and his technology will help free us from tyranny... At least for a few generations, if not a few hundred years.
I said down the road, however long that may be, his technology will be abused, but that doesn't mean it won't be a good thing now and for our grandkids.
Trump is also publicly making statements on not supporting the 6 week abortion ban. Something tells me his internal polling shows abortion is a huge issues amongst female voters that may cause big issues down the road.
Who said Americans?
Majority of the world conformed onto the vaccine mandates. 60%+ of Americans did also.
You think evil sleeps? You think removing the Rothschilds means the devil doesn't have anymore ideas to use?
I'm glad we serve a God who can certainly take a sacrifice like that hence Abraham, but instead sacrificed his own Son in our stead.
Kanye spitting fax right now
Let me set the record straight, I think Elon is a good guy, even with his bahamut costume being his profile picture.
I just think his technology will be corrupted and the prophecy and Revelation will come to pass. But that's inevitable.
I do think there will be a time of peace and prosperity once once Q has finally cleaned the tendrils of the current 3 Families and their centuries (maybe millenia) long corruption.
But, evil will still exist, and the heroes who fought for this plan and the patriots who supported them will eventually pass, and a few generations later, the thorns will not have been tended to, and the garden will slowly become overshadowed, once again. Until the return of the Christ.
New Mt Rushmore, but remove the pagan obelisk in DC and replace it with 4 beautiful statues of these men so future generations will know of their sacrifice
He also presents the greatest threat OF tyranny in the history of the world.
Imagine a world where you cannot escape being digitally tracked. Where you can't escape frequencies and signals sent from space. Where neuralink is installed on every newborn baby. Where, because internet is readily available everywhere now, governments mandate everyone register with the national human-assigned-IP-address database and your neuralink is constantly monitored. Where nanotechnology installed at birth can be manipulated by frequencies sent by satellite. Where AI constantly scans the databases for anti government activity, religion, and defiance.
Someday his technology will be abused and corrupter by those in power. And because it's in space, and it's by the thousands of satellites, there's nothing we can do to sabotage or stop it.
Plus nicotine boosts testosterone
Ever wonder why smoking cigarettes and cigars and movies and TV shows look so cool? Because deep down we know It makes you manlier
Same. Just do much sacrifice by people the sun rise as they have their life to fight the night. And then I also just have so much hope for our future.
He says a certain family... I'd say it starts with R or P....
Didn't Meghan have severe TDS?
Dude is 78 and shit posts better than the best of us 😂
She'd be an amazing 2028 ticket as long as she turns out to not be RINO.
For me, that's when I knew Trump was serious.
When Trump announced he was running I thought it was a joke. I thought he was announcing his run just so he could sell more product or get his name out there again. Or better yet, I remember he had spoken privately with Hillary Clinton before announcing his campaign. So I thought that he was running just pull Republican votes, split the party, and make it easier for Hillary. I thought that was his plan.
I believed the media lies.
But I wandered into r/the_donald just to see what all the commotion was about. I couldn't believe it, these people were actually supporting him and it wasn't just larping as supporters! I was appalled!
But curiosity got the better of me and I wandered back in later, and saw memes about Trump. I always say this is the meme that changed my entire life. This meme made me realize these aren't just rabid racist, but they can poke fun at their dear leader, and still root for the guy.
My first debate was the Rosie O'Donnell moment and I was hooked. I don't know when I became a full-blown Trump supporter. I do remember having hesitations about him cuz I still thought he was only running to make it so Hillary would win.
It wasn't until this Bill Clinton moment that I knew he was all in. And that's also when I was all in on him.
Interesting. Candace has been on a huge tear lately. You got to admit it took a lot of courage what she's doing.
This isn't directed to you, but who cares? The Gold Star families are significantly more important than any stupid rules. Let the family mourn and honor in how they see fit
"the hospital would put the people in 99 percent of truth"
She's so poised. Absolute queen. What you'd want when you think of a character to stand next to Trump she jg those fierce volleys of arrows and backstabs.
She never turned on him. Never spoke ill. Never gossipped. Never sold out. Never traded him for a "comfier" life to hangout with the elite and "sell books."
She stood steadfast, loyal, and patriotic. She remained graceful under pressure, loyal when the country hated her husband, and patriotic when they attacked her family. Plus she's a total babe.
She's exactly who we need to stand by Trump.