How many decades can a man hold in his stomach?
My understanding is that mRNA jabs work because the active ingredient is wrapped in lipids that defeat the cell's ability to recognize the package as a foreign invader. This chemical cloaking was lab-created, and I don't see how that can be repeated in shedding. I think it must be naked spike proteins that cause an immune response in those who must spend time around the poisoned people.
Everyone loved Trump in New York. Everyone wanted to be him. But then he shockingly won an election and ruined their 16-year plan.
Absolutely right on the money. The courage, dedication, and love of this intrepid man will never be forgotten. As for the other one . . . what was her name again?
God will end it. There is purpose in the delay.
I forgot about the migrants. What good will all that government money be if they can't buy anything?
Well, this certainly puts things into context. I hope people are paying attention.
It makes me feel almost sick to think of it. I knew something was very wrong with Mr. Barry when strange things began to pile up around him, and no one would investigate. Everything bad about him was a "conspiracy theory," but I knew that things were a lot more wrong with Obama than what might be wrong with your run-of-the-mill crazy liberal. At the time I thought George bush was a good man, and that makes me sick, too, especially considering how I was duped with the rest of America about 9/11. I began to get it when the TSA began to grope people at airports. How the ruling elite must have laughed at us.
The whole lot of them aren't just bad, they're evil––like real life comic book villains, but worse because they are traitors to life itself. I can't pretend to know what these people might deserve for what they have done, but it would be an understatement to say they're not going to like it. I pray that they will taste it before they die and we are rid of them forever. I want to see justice ram like a freight train down their pampered throats, and as far as I can see, it's what God intends to do. They mocked Him, colluding together to throw Him off the earth, not realizing it was all in vain, not realizing that His patience and forbearance was not the disinterest of waning power, and it was not the silence of defeat. They were being given time to find mercy, but they only grew worse and now their time is up. Now they will see why men should fear God, and for most of these people it would have been better if they had never been born.
No good can come of this.
I like her.
"Dinners of desperation tour." I love it.
Moist with anticipation.
Agree. They have always been able to save a brand with a change in marketing, but they did Mulvaney on purpose and they will do it again. Continuing the boycott will prove 2 things: 1. They can't fool us anymore, and, 2. Patriots are not obedient drones like the mindless left. We love Trump, but we didn't take the vax, and we won't drink the Tranny Beer.
I noticed that, too. It is nice.
My 2 cents:
This strongly suggests we have gone far past the point where "THEY" still have control of the narrative. It's a new game now. Lahaina is not going away, and it's deeply gratifying to know THEY won't be able to sweep that under the rug and do whatever (the hell) they want in Maui. Also Oprah is poison, and now, so is the Rock. I might find that even more gratifying.
I think you hit the nail on the head. The Democratic Party is the party of the bitter. That's why they wage war against joy, making onerous laws against anything that might be fun or convenient.
You make a very good point about boundaries and sticking to the purpose of this board. I think it is enough to bring that up from time to time, along with some of the other concerns you mentioned. It helps the honest to refocus if that is needed, and that helps to maintain the focus of the general discussion. Having said that, practicality insists we become comfortable with some level of mess. No one who is irritated over some issue within an organized social framework, like this site, should hope for clean perfection, and striving too hard to achieve that only leads to abuses. We are human, after all, however enlightened we believe ourselves to be. If we are the champions of human sovereignty and freedom we say we are, it is sufficient to encourage people to discipline themselves, as you have suggested, and let the hard boundaries the mods must enforce be necessary and few.
Obviously planned for contrast.
Amen! This was a gigantic crime that demands justice.
Now please make sure that the breaks on your car are in good working order, that your house has no reason to explode, that no creepy men in suits are lurking about on the lawn, and that you demand the service record of any plane on which you plan to fly.
I would say this is tongue-in-cheek, but that might be in bad taste because I don't know what Hillary might be chewing on.
As soon as the Putin interview was over, all the freaking out in the MSM suddenly seemed pointless. After all, he didn’t reveal anything that wasn’t already known, even if that knowledge has been suppressed. But then I got to thinking, and I realized it wasn’t just their fear of what secrets Putin might spill about western crimes. It was knowing that their carefully-crafted portrayal of Putin as a one-dimensional cartoon villain could not survive if people saw him making Russia’s case in person.
I generally enjoy Tucker's interviews, but it was weird to watch him trying to appear adversarial when it was neither necessary nor appropriate. Tucker might be an excellent journalist, but he is not Putin’s equal, not as station is ranked in the world, and not as it is reckoned for intellect. It’s not that I think Putin walks about with a saintly glow, but he is the head of state of one of the most important and powerful countries in the world, and that made Tucker’s disrespectful demeanor an affront. I was absolutely appalled to see him trying to manipulate Putin into releasing a captive journalist. It was the juvenile trap of a narcissist that was never going to work on a man like that.
Is it time to flop that enchilada onto the grille? Get me the lighter fluid.
Man, this looks like the list of "possible side effects" for every prescription medicine since 1960.