Hopefully when all is said and done the top several layers of OSHA, the NIH and the CDC. all end up more screwed than they're screwing our country.
Clinton didnt become president until january 20 1993.
Buy 156000 100 foot extension cords.
I thought lori lightfoot appeared if you said bettlejuice 3 times fast.
As Sgt. Popp says " they can smurf my balls".
A couple dozen bus loads to Marthas vineyard would be a good start.
Seattle. What a giant cluster-fuck. No police fire fighters and now bus drivers. And dontforget ths CHAZ.
The problem is the precipice for me. Is not the precipice for almost all my in-laws who are happily grazing with the rest of the sheep baa-ing about If I would just do what i'm told we could get back to normal.
As a former Boeing employee. (Retired after 30 years) The IAM 751 the largest union at boeing. Was about 50/50 conservative/ super bedwetting seattle liberal. And the union leadership is almost all liberal dick heads. So we shall see how this plays out.
I dont think the 6.5 is capable of shots at the distance.
Does anybody care what this guy thinks. As far as I care he can have aeronautical intercourse with a revolving pastrie.
Need to change "your truth" to the truth. Seems to be a big difference.
The mental gymnastics they use will definitely get a 10 from the East German judge.
I bet she still votes democrat for several years.
I think the right response is "Eat a bag of DICKS".
I think we are in some geographical oddity. We're 2 weeks from everywhere.
If the government agencies. The CDC, NIH and FDA need to get the vax. They should pick a batch from a random red state, and give them something they planned for us.
The west side of Washington needs a huge enima. The east side is also bad but not nearly as f' ed up as the Seattle area.
Andy mccabe can eat a bag of dicks
I read that book and the follow up. The main character was apparently a survilal expert. But had no idea that even with no power. Travel trailers have propane fridges and he could have kept his daughters insulin cold.
So what is to prevent the ass-clowns in the aussie government from taking over accounts. Then posting threatening posts. Then arresting that account holder, and prosecuting them.
How about you take 1250 pound horse weight devide by your weight and take that fraction of the dose.
When you vote democrap in most states 2+2=17548
This time last year we were told the Duram report sould be out anyday. Still holding my breath.
As a former boeing employee and IAM 751 member. I can tell you that the union is super liberal and the companies bitch.