It's not the available space vs people, what if the world is 70% fiat people....
With the reality of 'in complete control' and WH cooperation across all the major player nations, what is the one thing that could be genuinely 100% controlled without any risk of things going wrong?
Nuclear war threat, complete with a few nukes going of(coincidentally the type that leaves no radiation and detonated somewhere that there are no people(think ocean between Italy and Israel for one...))
Then there is this...
The odds of 11.(0)3... taking bets...
Releasing as in letting go of, certainly. However someone acting out their anger when grieving after a loss have often resulted in some rather horrible things....
Acting out or finding a 'release' for anger or any negative emotion is NEVER a good idea.
Doing so will invariably feel good /cause a feeling of satisfaction, and anything that feels good or satisfying is something you will subconsciously want to feel again ,and as such your subconscious will look for more reasons to have those negative emotions because 'getting rid of them' feels nice....
Satisfying to see others figure out that the way you have been your entire life is the right way to be....
The immune system turned off....
Who controlled NK....
Currently in WH hands/working with whitehats..
I'm inclined to think there is more to this story and that crucial details are left unsaid....
Look at mason symbol, draw 2 horizontal lines....
Aside from the reality that any general innocent of something would fight tooth and nail to clear their name rather than take a pardon(which isn't handed out to people that did nothing to be pardoned for...), the whole family is sketchy, his brother's actions on J6 just for starters....
He is also very obviously a paytriot and a grifter, and the list just goes on.
People throw around the word discernment like it is some kind of magic spell but few actually use it..............
Going through basic at 39...........................
In my AO the cut-off age is 30, people get progressively harder to order into doing stupid shit as they age, 30 is about the point where we start humoring morons before going right back to doing things that actually make sense once they are gone.....
So many people will fall apart when they find out the truth about Flynn....
And I remind myself of the concept of controlled opposition....
99% that follows the image they present, all for that 1% that doesn't that makes all the difference...
No, it started in 1939.......
Dude is CIA so anything from him should be viewed with that in mind, he could be on a white hat leash but as I don't know whether or not that is the case I will always keep in mind that there might be some less than good and upfront ulterior motive behind everything from him...
Government in every country is corrupt, this is just the result of that in Africa.
They vary from country to country depending on demographics, national psyche and natural/industrial resources but regardless of country the end result of 99+% being fucked out of what they have by the less than 1% is always the same, only what they take change...
Wondered why I got that one recommended on my youtube feed(just saw some hollywood muppets channel and pressed 'dont recommend channel'..............
Judges have long been talking about the ONLY way the west will continue to have access to Africa and their resources was by treating them fairly and stop taking advantage of them.
Been quite a bit iof various African Nations telling western countries to fuck of it the last few months, France loosing their position on the top 10 list of world economies should be a good illustration of how much power and resources there actually is in Africa and the effect of them turning of the tap....
Barney is much better than Bernie(who had a coronary during non-enhanced interrogation at gitmo...)
Just wait until people figure out that Melania is a Romanov princess......
Strange how I get an error and failure to load that image(have tried a few times now...)
Nope, watch a couple of the vids(a few of the earlier ones might explain quicker but it's all in there in pretty much every video), it's worth it and quickly become self-explanatory...
Are they still there when you turn your back to them or is it just the sound of them that remains....