I believe we are 5th dimensional beings, that because of our sin, were cast down to a 3rd dimensional world, which is controlled by Time(the 4th dimension) and is also known as DEATH. I have believed this for a good part of my life. Our spirit is lost in this dimension and the only way out is through Jesus
We are spiritual beings stuck in these 3 dimensional bodies. Bible talks about us having perfect bodies in heaven(no aging, no hunger, nothing). This would be possible because Time(the 4th dimension DEATH) is cast into the lake of fire at the end.
It is difficult for me to comprehend a world with no time. If we are here as a consequence of sin, then there must have been a point at which we were somewhere else without having sinned and not having been sent here. How do you identify that point, which involves the concept of “before and after,” without time?
Why is no time difficult? Time is merely a reference invented by humans. It does not exist as a dimension, only a reference.
A big problem for "scientists" is the lack of an open mind: they cannot conceive of anything endless, as in infinite. Therefore, they must invent beginnings/endings, such as the big bang. But if you really think about it, that theory is hilarious.
It also makes it difficult for scientists, and others, to conceive of God, since He is also endless and infinite. All religions aside, if you believe in God, the above must be true.
Think of another aspect: light. The claim is light is a particle and a wave. Conceptually, that can't be: a particle (photon) is a particle, a wave is a wave. The experiments indicate both, but the two are vastly different, since a wave consists of compressions and rarefactions, and it must have a medium through which to travel. Particles can't move along wobbling without external influence, and a particle can't change itself into a wave at will. If light is a wave, then the concept of spacial vacuum is bullshit. If light is a particle, then the wave theory of light is bullshit. Take your pick. I think Tesla was right; so does QM, if you dig far enough down that dopey junk.
So, are you saying that the ideas of “sin vs. sinless” and “before vs. after” are the equivalents of “wave vs. particle” - so “before” and “after” occur simultaneously? And if there is no such thing as time, then does that mean that they are always in existence?
No. What I'm saying is that the common version of physics is not correct: it is, effectively, a conglomeration of BS theories, built to confuse everyone. If QM were viable, there would be no need to continuously develop new explanations, particles and the like to "prove" such crap as the big bang, red shift, and so on. There would be no need to invent "virtual particles (photons)" when the BS math used demands those particles, and have them disappear when not required. Get the picture?
If you study the Teachings, with open mind and some knowledge of other philosophies, you will find such things as, "That which I have done, you can do, and more." indicating that Jesus was able to alter his reality, along with those around him. This is borne out in numerous other philosophies - you, in the final analysis, are in control of yourself. In one philosophy, all human possible realities exist at once, and you position yourself in one of those. In that particular case, it is possible to visit other 'accumulations of possibilities' that constitute other realities. Have you ever had a dream that was 'real'? The mentioned philosophy developed that in order to experience different sets.
These things have nothing to do with any organized religion. Most, aside from the standard religious beliefs, are experiential: they can only be proved to the individual who practices them. Neither do they deny God: in fact, they confirm, and practice of some of these will find you without doubt God exists.
Everything exists all at once, past, present, future, along with all possible "realities", which are 'dreams' of sorts.
I don't know if we were somewhere else before. I think it is more like a person born blind. They don't know what it is that they cannot see yet they know something is missing.
We were here before sin but sin has blinded us to what is true and real.
Satan said to Eve you will be like God. We want to be our own god. In doing so we have created a false world. Jesus has been pointing us to reality. He claims to be that reality. Our choice is to trust Him or trust ourself. There really is no other choice.
Visualization of how the shift to higher frequency moves us outside the "simulation damper" that is currently in place, allowing decentralized reality to manifest (Amplitude v Frequency Plot):
"SIMULATION" RESONATION DESTRUCTION: Undamped Natural Frequency Response as an analogy to understand the importance of "Waking Up the Normies" to shift the "Simulation" Natural Frequency out of the MSM "Response Damper Range": https://greatawakening.win/p/16aTCSUy2z/simulation-resonation-destructio/c/
It’s a fable. The premise being the poor “chef” only had 2 stones to make a soup. However, she enrolled her neighbors and friends to add ingredients until the soup was a real soup and not just stones and water.
Some of those Biblical passages about God and/or the kingdom being in us take on a very interesting and literal meaning if we consider quantum entanglement and that the human mind may be a quantum computer. Assuming that it is whatever might the entangled particle be? Perhaps God.
Where is an offical government link to the source documents? Or at least some reputable source that we can have some level of confidence that it's real and not manipulated.
Yes. There is that collective consciousness as well and all of us apes will do it and are doing it as we speak!!! We will manifest this together. WWG1 WGA!!!
The hardest thing will be holding out for telephone number money. With the dollar shrinking to nothing and about to crash, maybe that won’t be so hard
Romans 13:9
For the commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not bear false witness,” “You shall not covet,” and if [there is] any other commandment, are [all] summed up in this saying, namely, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;
5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;
6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;
7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
So then Love:
Is patient
Is kind
Does not envy
Is not self-seeking
Is not haughty
Is not provoked
Rejoices in Truth
Bears all things
Believes all things
Hopes all things
Endures all things
And more bluntly:
Does not murder
Does not commit adultery
Does not steal
Does not bear false witness (imho this doesn’t just refer to in society, but also in court - which is more important biblically than we’ve been taught)
Does not covet.
BY COMPARISON, the damned Beatles, who kindly redefined the word for generations following their grooming phase as 15 year olds playing gigs in German brothels:
“love” is:
Endorphins and hormones
We have to take this word back from the secularists.
They didn't redefine it. They ignored Agapao (greek) the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation,
and onlybsang about Philadelphia (greek) brotherly love or Eros (greek) sexual love. Why? Because they didn't k ow about the highest form of love, love from God who is the source of all spiritual love as described in 1 cor 13.
Perhaps not in terms of adding a new definition outright, but in terms of sliding the window on how the word is used and perceived in vernacular speech and action, they absolutely did.
The slippery slope is fake nazi propaganda, you racist bigot. Now cut your son’s dick off and sell it to our sorcerers to conjure your next vaccicattlecination or we’ll throw you in prison again.
1 John. For this is my Love, that ye keep my WORD.
Conducting our lives according to truth is how we demonstrate the Love of God. Not religion but believing what God says. Not works, but works of faith or believing. Whatsoever is without believing is sin (error).
Ok so if I as an individual can create my own reality, then why is it relevant for the CIA to write about it? Can't I just solipsistically overwrite everything the CIA says by changing my thoughts? I think a more accurate description is that we create our perception of the world that influences the way we act and think and the results we achieve. Realistically, if I try to summon several attractive women to my bedroom right now using only my thoughts, I don't think this will change the universal timeline to a universe where three hot women are waiting in my living room. Unless.. muahahahahaha
It doesn’t work this way. Remember when we were kids and we were told we couldn’t pray for a new puppy or new toys just because we “wanted” them? Same concept.
Edit: Changed because I noticed my first comment didn’t make sense.
I think it’s more along the lines of “I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be, I trust in the plan of life that I was given, I will not try to control or steer myself in a direction that is not given by God.” Doing this also allows you to get closer to a higher vibrational state because you are giving up control which in return relaxes the mind and body. I personally think that gives glory to God. If times get really hard you pray for strength to endure whatever it may be.
Length, width, height, time, choice, spirit, whatever higher dimensions are above that
A line is a series of points
A square is a series of lines
A cube is a series of squares
Time is a series of cubes
Choices are different renditions of time
Spirit is free will
Each dimension exists within the one above it and is able to see and interact with the ones below it.
Imagine the scene from Interstellar, where different timelines are all visible at the same time, and at different points within them.
The scientists, believing themselves equal to God - I.e. “satans” - think they can just hack into the upper dimensions. They even made a movie about it, Lucy.
The other dimensions have to be the spirit realm. The half-time dimension we live in--we can only go forward in time and not back in time---is open to the higher dimensions. I do not believe the fallen angels or demons can go back in time either which means there is a higher dimension than the angelic realm. Now we all know who can see the end from the beginning which is the highest dimension and according to the Bible, that dimension is offered to those that believe in Jesus as our Lord, King and Savior! Amen
String theory is a scam just like climate change. They’ve been “ten years away from a breakthrough” for half a century at least, meanwhile draining (laundering?) a huge amount of scientific research money.
The biggest deceptive, manipulating, lying, psychological warfare group on the planet declassified these docs, for you, the reader! I'm sure it explains the truth about everything!
The CIA as satanic, so they are peddling the Gnostic/Luciferian lie that the "power is within us". Rather than the power is with God, the Father of Jesus Christ.
Realistically you can't protect your DNA. They're been working openly on self-disseminating vaccines for years and their Covid vaccine sheds. You can protect your soul though, hopefully that is enough.
Our DNA has had some strands removed millennia ago, why this should be is a mystery. Some say it was God to prevent the Atlanteans from destroying the planet with their experiments and others are of the opinion it was Thoth (Hermes Trigesthmus) and his fellow aliens that did it.
Of course, these people never link to the actual documents. It's just clickbait. I'm not interested in chasing internet hype, let alone rewarding the jerkoffs who sell that crap with clicks and attention.
I didn't believe it either until I noticed every time I put a thought out there about something I wanted it was put in my lap, I am a Christian though and take it as divine providence.
This is kind of a "duh" thing. Ever see someone win back their losses at a casino when they're desperate? Ever had women (or men) interested or pursuing you after a bad break up where you're feeling self loathing? Does anyone ever end up with success in a life full of friends by being pessimistic and bitter?
It's cool that I now have this to show people but let's face it, good people with positive attitudes towards others don't have abnormally better luck. How do you hurt God?
So if YOUR brain waves take YOU to different dimensions, what does that have to do with ME and my brain waves?
What happens if different people are trying to manifest different things? Is it majority rules in terms of what reality looks like? Or is it like strength where we all have differing levels and so the idea with the most power behind it wins? So if the world has one more vegan than meat eater they can manifest a different reality where it's not possible for me to eat meat? Or can't they change it that much and so we get a tick carried disease that makes people allergic to meat?
Also, if the cabal really thought that was how things worked wouldn't it be too dangerous to leave massive numbers of people alive that could change reality in a way they didn't like?
But, we do have the power to manifest a better World, by seeking a deeper connection to our Heavenly Father and manifesting his love through our actions.
They were also teaching people how to remote view. (Monroe was and the CIA employed them) People can still go to the Monroe Institute to learn for themselves. I’m very interested in doing it.
I believe we are 5th dimensional beings, that because of our sin, were cast down to a 3rd dimensional world, which is controlled by Time(the 4th dimension) and is also known as DEATH. I have believed this for a good part of my life. Our spirit is lost in this dimension and the only way out is through Jesus
The kingdom of heaven in every Christian is the timeless realm where Jesus Christ is king.
Is that close?
Hey check out my site to talk about the timeless interperpretation of Revelation.
Neither shall men say, Lo here, or lo there: for behold, the kingdom of God is within you. ---Luke 17:21 Geneva
I love this explanation. So Ascension and Jesus being at the door is our entry up to 5th dimension.. I love it!
It is you , that has more dimension.
"Neither shall men say, Lo here, or lo there: for behold, the kingdom of God is within you." ---Luke 17:21 Geneva
When and how did you arrive at those beliefs? Curious
We are spiritual beings stuck in these 3 dimensional bodies. Bible talks about us having perfect bodies in heaven(no aging, no hunger, nothing). This would be possible because Time(the 4th dimension DEATH) is cast into the lake of fire at the end.
It is difficult for me to comprehend a world with no time. If we are here as a consequence of sin, then there must have been a point at which we were somewhere else without having sinned and not having been sent here. How do you identify that point, which involves the concept of “before and after,” without time?
Why is no time difficult? Time is merely a reference invented by humans. It does not exist as a dimension, only a reference.
A big problem for "scientists" is the lack of an open mind: they cannot conceive of anything endless, as in infinite. Therefore, they must invent beginnings/endings, such as the big bang. But if you really think about it, that theory is hilarious.
It also makes it difficult for scientists, and others, to conceive of God, since He is also endless and infinite. All religions aside, if you believe in God, the above must be true.
Think of another aspect: light. The claim is light is a particle and a wave. Conceptually, that can't be: a particle (photon) is a particle, a wave is a wave. The experiments indicate both, but the two are vastly different, since a wave consists of compressions and rarefactions, and it must have a medium through which to travel. Particles can't move along wobbling without external influence, and a particle can't change itself into a wave at will. If light is a wave, then the concept of spacial vacuum is bullshit. If light is a particle, then the wave theory of light is bullshit. Take your pick. I think Tesla was right; so does QM, if you dig far enough down that dopey junk.
So, are you saying that the ideas of “sin vs. sinless” and “before vs. after” are the equivalents of “wave vs. particle” - so “before” and “after” occur simultaneously? And if there is no such thing as time, then does that mean that they are always in existence?
No. What I'm saying is that the common version of physics is not correct: it is, effectively, a conglomeration of BS theories, built to confuse everyone. If QM were viable, there would be no need to continuously develop new explanations, particles and the like to "prove" such crap as the big bang, red shift, and so on. There would be no need to invent "virtual particles (photons)" when the BS math used demands those particles, and have them disappear when not required. Get the picture?
If you study the Teachings, with open mind and some knowledge of other philosophies, you will find such things as, "That which I have done, you can do, and more." indicating that Jesus was able to alter his reality, along with those around him. This is borne out in numerous other philosophies - you, in the final analysis, are in control of yourself. In one philosophy, all human possible realities exist at once, and you position yourself in one of those. In that particular case, it is possible to visit other 'accumulations of possibilities' that constitute other realities. Have you ever had a dream that was 'real'? The mentioned philosophy developed that in order to experience different sets.
These things have nothing to do with any organized religion. Most, aside from the standard religious beliefs, are experiential: they can only be proved to the individual who practices them. Neither do they deny God: in fact, they confirm, and practice of some of these will find you without doubt God exists.
Everything exists all at once, past, present, future, along with all possible "realities", which are 'dreams' of sorts.
In the Bible, God sometimes speaks to the prophets about things that have not yet happened in past tense.
I don't know if we were somewhere else before. I think it is more like a person born blind. They don't know what it is that they cannot see yet they know something is missing. We were here before sin but sin has blinded us to what is true and real. Satan said to Eve you will be like God. We want to be our own god. In doing so we have created a false world. Jesus has been pointing us to reality. He claims to be that reality. Our choice is to trust Him or trust ourself. There really is no other choice.
I am glad you are a believer in the age of timelessness which we are rapidly approaching
Visualization of how the shift to higher frequency moves us outside the "simulation damper" that is currently in place, allowing decentralized reality to manifest (Amplitude v Frequency Plot):
"SIMULATION" RESONATION DESTRUCTION: Undamped Natural Frequency Response as an analogy to understand the importance of "Waking Up the Normies" to shift the "Simulation" Natural Frequency out of the MSM "Response Damper Range": https://greatawakening.win/p/16aTCSUy2z/simulation-resonation-destructio/c/
“What is the matrix? https://youtu.be/O5b0ZxUWNf0
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla
Only the first part is correct, by the way. Fortunatley the reality is much more complex and beautiful at the same time.
What if Q wasn’t real, but we collectively made it real?
I've wondered since the beginning if it weren't stone soup to some degree. Like NCSWIC is really a self fulfilling prophecy.
and prayer counts too.
Didn't mention it til now cuz we're in the home stretch. 😁😎😍
Same here. But I don’t know the reference to “stone soup”? Lol
It’s a fable. The premise being the poor “chef” only had 2 stones to make a soup. However, she enrolled her neighbors and friends to add ingredients until the soup was a real soup and not just stones and water.
Ah yes. Good analogy. I remember now. Thanks!
But did she leave the stones in the soup - inquiring minds want to know 😂
You know how I know that isn't how it works? Because we would have gotten Q as the Punisher instead of the Riddler.
That's kind of my opinion too kek
The Riddler knows where the Fifth dimension can be found :
Neither shall men say, Lo here, or lo there: for behold, the kingdom of God is within you. ---Luke 17:21 Geneva
Some of those Biblical passages about God and/or the kingdom being in us take on a very interesting and literal meaning if we consider quantum entanglement and that the human mind may be a quantum computer. Assuming that it is whatever might the entangled particle be? Perhaps God.
We have always had a hankering for the good guy hero.
Yeah, but the CIA amd others have been creating the reality for most with the help of Satan.
Satan's biggest and arguably only true power is deception. and he relies on his followers for that.
I agree. He is the father of lies. Nothing more.
Where is an offical government link to the source documents? Or at least some reputable source that we can have some level of confidence that it's real and not manipulated.
Thanks, I'll be delving into these soon
I'm creating my reality of Trump stock and GME Stock to the moon
Yes. There is that collective consciousness as well and all of us apes will do it and are doing it as we speak!!! We will manifest this together. WWG1 WGA!!!
The hardest thing will be holding out for telephone number money. With the dollar shrinking to nothing and about to crash, maybe that won’t be so hard
To be more specific:
Romans 13:9 For the commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not bear false witness,” “You shall not covet,” and if [there is] any other commandment, are [all] summed up in this saying, namely, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
So then Love:
And more bluntly:
BY COMPARISON, the damned Beatles, who kindly redefined the word for generations following their grooming phase as 15 year olds playing gigs in German brothels:
“love” is:
We have to take this word back from the secularists.
They didn't redefine it. They ignored Agapao (greek) the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation, and onlybsang about Philadelphia (greek) brotherly love or Eros (greek) sexual love. Why? Because they didn't k ow about the highest form of love, love from God who is the source of all spiritual love as described in 1 cor 13.
Perhaps not in terms of adding a new definition outright, but in terms of sliding the window on how the word is used and perceived in vernacular speech and action, they absolutely did.
Someone once said just take a small bite of the apple....for now. (slippery slope comes to mind)
The slippery slope is fake nazi propaganda, you racist bigot. Now cut your son’s dick off and sell it to our sorcerers to conjure your next vaccicattlecination or we’ll throw you in prison again.
Biblically, there are different kinds of love.
1 - Eros refers to physical or sexual love 2 - Philos means warm affection or friendship 3 - Agapē is the sacrificial, unconditional love of God
All are valid forms of love. However, Christians are called to know and exhibit Agape love.
Don’t forget Storge. Family love.
1 John. For this is my Love, that ye keep my WORD.
Conducting our lives according to truth is how we demonstrate the Love of God. Not religion but believing what God says. Not works, but works of faith or believing. Whatsoever is without believing is sin (error).
So... the CIA is admitting that prayer works? and the Group Prayer is especially effective.
Yes,this! :)
Sounds like MJ12...?
Agreed. MJ12 wrote a out something similar if I recall. I think it was more in line that we are spiritual beings trapped in sort of a prison planet.
You’ll like some William Donahue videos then too.
Everybody do yourself a favor and give William Donahue a chance. If you’re an open minded thinker, you’ll see things in a whole new perspective.
My username is based on all this. We’re going to be there. The 5th dimension. Christ Consciousness.
Self Consciousness.
Feel the force 5DWeBe.
Narrow is the path that leads to "the kingdom of God is within you." ---Luke 17:21
...Mankind is repressed. We will be repressed no more. Information is knowledge. Knowledge is power. Information is power...
Ok so if I as an individual can create my own reality, then why is it relevant for the CIA to write about it? Can't I just solipsistically overwrite everything the CIA says by changing my thoughts? I think a more accurate description is that we create our perception of the world that influences the way we act and think and the results we achieve. Realistically, if I try to summon several attractive women to my bedroom right now using only my thoughts, I don't think this will change the universal timeline to a universe where three hot women are waiting in my living room. Unless.. muahahahahaha
Pics or it never happened. ;)
It doesn’t work this way. Remember when we were kids and we were told we couldn’t pray for a new puppy or new toys just because we “wanted” them? Same concept.
Edit: Changed because I noticed my first comment didn’t make sense.
Idk why people downvoted you, but I appreciate this thought.
Thank you, I had the same feelings. I appreciate your comment.
So what do you think about the perfect prayer so to speak? Would you say it's necessary that it be something that gives glory to God?
I think it’s more along the lines of “I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be, I trust in the plan of life that I was given, I will not try to control or steer myself in a direction that is not given by God.” Doing this also allows you to get closer to a higher vibrational state because you are giving up control which in return relaxes the mind and body. I personally think that gives glory to God. If times get really hard you pray for strength to endure whatever it may be.
I don't know...... its TIC TOK.
...the fluoridation of our water supply is being used to keep us from achieving higher consciousness-pituitary gland is the key
Everything is, all these synthesized ingredients in food, products we use on our skin. It's all meant to keep as at bay.
Don’t forget the Pineal Gland
I thought I read it was the pineal gland that is being calcified by fluoride. It's the "third eye".
String theory says there are as many as 10 dimensions. We live in 3 and a half dimensions.
Length, width, height, time, choice, spirit, whatever higher dimensions are above that
A line is a series of points A square is a series of lines A cube is a series of squares Time is a series of cubes Choices are different renditions of time Spirit is free will
Each dimension exists within the one above it and is able to see and interact with the ones below it.
Imagine the scene from Interstellar, where different timelines are all visible at the same time, and at different points within them.
The scientists, believing themselves equal to God - I.e. “satans” - think they can just hack into the upper dimensions. They even made a movie about it, Lucy.
Good luck, Luciferians. Think mirror.
Interstellar is one of my favorite movies of all time. So well done.
The other DiCaprio one with dream bending too.
Very good practice for right now.
The other dimensions have to be the spirit realm. The half-time dimension we live in--we can only go forward in time and not back in time---is open to the higher dimensions. I do not believe the fallen angels or demons can go back in time either which means there is a higher dimension than the angelic realm. Now we all know who can see the end from the beginning which is the highest dimension and according to the Bible, that dimension is offered to those that believe in Jesus as our Lord, King and Savior! Amen
String theory is a scam just like climate change. They’ve been “ten years away from a breakthrough” for half a century at least, meanwhile draining (laundering?) a huge amount of scientific research money.
Like any mountain , you climb one step at a time. And often find that 10 is really 100 after you go 10.
We will know someday!
I like you hopium.
The C_A would want us to know this....
kek 😂
The resurgence of these documents over the last couple of weeks is interesting.
The power is not within ourselves. It's through Christ, our Lord. We must follow His way.
"the kingdom of God is within you." ---Luke 17:21 --Geneva
But you are correct 'I AM' nothing and yet everything.
We are the instrument, not the power. Without His grace, we cannot enter.
True. But choosing the narrow path and following it , we must use our powers to do so........nobody else can drag you over the finish line.
Please keep in mind that not everything that is a "CIA document" is real.
The biggest deceptive, manipulating, lying, psychological warfare group on the planet declassified these docs, for you, the reader! I'm sure it explains the truth about everything!
More noise meant to separate us from God’s Truth.
LOL, so now we look to the CIA for spiritual information?
The CIA as satanic, so they are peddling the Gnostic/Luciferian lie that the "power is within us". Rather than the power is with God, the Father of Jesus Christ.
"Mankind is repressed.
We will be repressed no more.
Information is knowledge.
Knowledge is power.
Information is power."
"What Truth? WHAT TRUTH could 'set us free'?"
"YOU are gods; sons and daughters of the most High." ~Psalm 82
Realistically you can't protect your DNA. They're been working openly on self-disseminating vaccines for years and their Covid vaccine sheds. You can protect your soul though, hopefully that is enough.
Our DNA has had some strands removed millennia ago, why this should be is a mystery. Some say it was God to prevent the Atlanteans from destroying the planet with their experiments and others are of the opinion it was Thoth (Hermes Trigesthmus) and his fellow aliens that did it.
What if it was Thoth who 'put' it there?
"Fanned I ever the spark of thy consciousness until at last ye flamed as men." ~Thoth
"For in the end, ALL SHALL BE ONE AND ONE SHALL BE ALL." ~Thoth 👀
Username checks out, thanks John.
Somebody reconcile THAT ⬆️ one for me
Yup. The Woo world has been telling us that for over 50 years now. Our divine imagination is our greatest gift. Use it to create paradise on earth. 💞
Of course, these people never link to the actual documents. It's just clickbait. I'm not interested in chasing internet hype, let alone rewarding the jerkoffs who sell that crap with clicks and attention.
THis has been demonstrated by those meditation gatherings where hundreds meditate on love and peace and crime rates drop in the area, bizarre stuff.
This kind of plays into the hive mind and that we're all connected. In fact, it's used against us all the time because they know the secret.
That's what's with all the "predictive programming" we think we see in TV and movies.
It's not that at all. It's willing it into existence. They don't care if we see it because we don't know understand their Majik
I didn't believe it either until I noticed every time I put a thought out there about something I wanted it was put in my lap, I am a Christian though and take it as divine providence.
this sound a lot like intentionality and the kinda soft witchcraft from " The Secret "
100% The power is not with in us. That is the Gnostic/Luciferian lie. The power is in God the Father of Jesus Christ.
And Jesus is only dwelling in the hearts of people who have believed that He came from the Father.
Total bull shit.
Try it...!
This is kind of a "duh" thing. Ever see someone win back their losses at a casino when they're desperate? Ever had women (or men) interested or pursuing you after a bad break up where you're feeling self loathing? Does anyone ever end up with success in a life full of friends by being pessimistic and bitter?
It's cool that I now have this to show people but let's face it, good people with positive attitudes towards others don't have abnormally better luck. How do you hurt God?
I doubt they'd declassify THIS if it was true. More likely this is disinfo put out to further New Age garbage, furthering the anti-christ plans.
Let me know when anybody "manifests" a Rolls Royce in their driveway!
my alex jones bingo card is filling up fast
So if YOUR brain waves take YOU to different dimensions, what does that have to do with ME and my brain waves?
What happens if different people are trying to manifest different things? Is it majority rules in terms of what reality looks like? Or is it like strength where we all have differing levels and so the idea with the most power behind it wins? So if the world has one more vegan than meat eater they can manifest a different reality where it's not possible for me to eat meat? Or can't they change it that much and so we get a tick carried disease that makes people allergic to meat?
Also, if the cabal really thought that was how things worked wouldn't it be too dangerous to leave massive numbers of people alive that could change reality in a way they didn't like?
But, we do have the power to manifest a better World, by seeking a deeper connection to our Heavenly Father and manifesting his love through our actions.
They were also teaching people how to remote view. (Monroe was and the CIA employed them) People can still go to the Monroe Institute to learn for themselves. I’m very interested in doing it.
Mike L has been covering this on the Mel K Show
And Here