Look at mason symbol, draw 2 horizontal lines....
Aside from the reality that any general innocent of something would fight tooth and nail to clear their name rather than take a pardon(which isn't handed out to people that did nothing to be pardoned for...), the whole family is sketchy, his brother's actions on J6 just for starters....
He is also very obviously a paytriot and a grifter, and the list just goes on.
People throw around the word discernment like it is some kind of magic spell but few actually use it..............
Going through basic at 39...........................
In my AO the cut-off age is 30, people get progressively harder to order into doing stupid shit as they age, 30 is about the point where we start humoring morons before going right back to doing things that actually make sense once they are gone.....
So many people will fall apart when they find out the truth about Flynn....
And I remind myself of the concept of controlled opposition....
99% that follows the image they present, all for that 1% that doesn't that makes all the difference...
No, it started in 1939.......
Dude is CIA so anything from him should be viewed with that in mind, he could be on a white hat leash but as I don't know whether or not that is the case I will always keep in mind that there might be some less than good and upfront ulterior motive behind everything from him...
Government in every country is corrupt, this is just the result of that in Africa.
They vary from country to country depending on demographics, national psyche and natural/industrial resources but regardless of country the end result of 99+% being fucked out of what they have by the less than 1% is always the same, only what they take change...
Wondered why I got that one recommended on my youtube feed(just saw some hollywood muppets channel and pressed 'dont recommend channel'..............
Judges have long been talking about the ONLY way the west will continue to have access to Africa and their resources was by treating them fairly and stop taking advantage of them.
Been quite a bit iof various African Nations telling western countries to fuck of it the last few months, France loosing their position on the top 10 list of world economies should be a good illustration of how much power and resources there actually is in Africa and the effect of them turning of the tap....
Barney is much better than Bernie(who had a coronary during non-enhanced interrogation at gitmo...)
Just wait until people figure out that Melania is a Romanov princess......
Strange how I get an error and failure to load that image(have tried a few times now...)
Nope, watch a couple of the vids(a few of the earlier ones might explain quicker but it's all in there in pretty much every video), it's worth it and quickly become self-explanatory...
A fire you say, in an old massive stone building made from stones too large and heavy to be transported by horse and cart on dirt roads or buildable by people using candlelight you say, undergoing renovations you say.....
Watch a couple of the videos and you WILL understand......
First arrest, followed immediately by several other presidents that are actually former and not 'former' because THEY have now set precedence...
Always though Silks reaction to her 'death' was too toned down and relaxed........
The generation that was participation-trophied to death........................
Pushing veganism(notice the pretty celebrities pushing it...) isn't exactly helping brain development either, nor is the scare tactic of animal-fats bad(meanwhile they are pushing plant-fats as healthy and most of those are industrial products that are downright toxic...)
I have noticed that 'scrawny' has become a MUCH more common build for the under 25's.....
First thing I noticed was the hand signal in the thumbnailed avatar(kinda hard to miss...)
Reminds me of the whole Rosie O'Donnell Corsodyl VS Listerine advertising debacle back in the day, Corsodyl was on equal/near equal level with Listerine as far as market share was concerned, however Corsodyl did NOT have fluoride in it......
(FYI Corsodyl is still available, at a much higher price due to much lower sales, and it is still fluoride free...)
Nattokinase or better yet Ivermectin(natto dissolves and dissipates the spikes, Ivermectin binds to them)
Only 2 simple things I know of that have shown consistent results, The Zelenko Protocol is less simple but also likely to work
There is also this
Which have good odds and have been in US medical journal
As a carnivore autophagy is somewhat or a recurring theme in me
and it is immediately startable(ever wonder why you loose appetite when sick, this is the body trying to start this very thing...) without any supplements and definitively worth an immediate try....
From what you are saying about her reacting to virtually anything not introducing anything at all beyond water for a few days may be the best and most immediate way to go.................
Similar stuff happens in twitter, if you reply to certain people/post or retweet from them or posts on certain subjects you start getting 'likes' from bot accounts(usually attractive female picture with commercial dating/porn link in their header and zero posts or comments).
I suspect that they use it as a tagging mechanism when it comes to twitter(they have less control over it as 2.0 and crew are actively trying to root out remaining DS gremlins) as they can't use the same methods as of FB which tends to be replying/commenting something that gets the account banned/locked.
FB don't have to have a solid legal foot to stand on, just enough of an issue to use as an excuse/justification to make it a fight that most people won't try to contest due to the money and effort needed(which is obviously less of an issue for them than it is for most users)...
People often loose sight of the value of what they have, it often takes an outsider to show them, recurring theme, another example would be roof-top Koreans.....
I'm inclined to think there is more to this story and that crucial details are left unsaid....