TinHattedTruthSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wild thought here (just mentioned in another post) perhaps the flights were really about transporting/illegal harvesting of organs. Body needs to be alive when organ is taken. Just spitballing here since just about anything’s possible these days.

TinHattedTruthSeeker 5 points ago +5 / -0

Just wondering....could the flights have been trafficking illegally harvested organs? Wild thought, just trying to make some sense of it all.

Btw...IMHO no question is a bad one while trying to uncover the truth. I wear my hat as a badge of honor (albeit a sarcastic one)! 😄

TinHattedTruthSeeker 9 points ago +10 / -1

I’d rather talk about his Q cuff links !!! 😁

TinHattedTruthSeeker 3 points ago +3 / -0

I hope he leaves on his own accord so he can apply for legal citizenship and come back some day. It is heartbreaking but we know why this all has to happen. Prayers for all the families and for the safety of our people enforcing the laws of our land. 🙏😇

TinHattedTruthSeeker 11 points ago +11 / -0

AMEN! And next time you go to the polls, think of that beautiful water & your beautiful land and “flush” those demonrat progressive liberal commie rat 💩 bastards, that have ruined your state, down the toilet. Vote red so bigly it would be impossible to cheat. Make your state red and thriving again! 🙏🇺🇸🐸

TinHattedTruthSeeker 1 point ago +1 / -0


This outfit in NC sells pure powder or capsule FenBen. I buy here in USA as I don’t trust what comes out of India or elsewhere. They offer other healthcare products & network with a number of natural health pros to offer support for those battling cancer.

TinHattedTruthSeeker 43 points ago +43 / -0

With all the crazy @$&% we’ve seen the last decade I find it within the realm of possibilities. Not 90% but wouldn’t doubt a few may have figured ways to double dip or more.That possibilitiy had crossed my mind.

TinHattedTruthSeeker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Apparently F3MA has a BR operation managed by Army Corp of Engineers “after the fact” of your city being burnt to the ground: https://www.fema.gov/fact-sheet/frequently-asked-questions-about-operation-blue-roof

Dec 4, 2023 Operation Blue Roof is a program offered by FEMA through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to eligible homeowners and landlords. It provides a temporary covering of blue plastic sheeting to help reduce further damage to property until permanent repairs can be made.

TinHattedTruthSeeker 3 points ago +3 / -0

A friend in WA sent me this: https://www.gigharbornow.org/news/health-wellness/bird-flu-gig-harbor-kitsap-county-what-should-pet-owners-do/

Swabbing the throat of a chicken?!? If they’re using the same tests, that don’t work on us, then I guess one of the answers is yes.

TinHattedTruthSeeker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Suspect IMHO that any “woman” going out in public for a birthday, or for any function where cameras may be present to memorialize the event, would dress like she’s gonna be scrubbing floors that day. Mike’s got enough $$$ to buy boatloads of the best wigs. And no makeup?!? Not buying this was organic. Maybe comms? Getting ready for the big reveal?

TinHattedTruthSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

TY for such a beautiful and heartfelt prayer. I too ask God daily, unceasingly, for these things, for his grace, and that his perfect will be done. Amen and Amen again!

TinHattedTruthSeeker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Friends in the commie state of WA say a new law makes it mandatory for builders to install 2 charging stations in every new home. Even if you never plan to own EVs it’s required.

TinHattedTruthSeeker 4 points ago +4 / -0

Merry Christmas & God’s blessings to you Purkiss! THANK YOU for all you do, all the heavy lifting & hours you put in keeping us informed & connected here on GAW. You definitely make the world a better place!!! 🙏😇🙏

TinHattedTruthSeeker 5 points ago +5 / -0

TY for that! Gotta smile & the 17th upvoat!

TinHattedTruthSeeker 3 points ago +3 / -0

TY for sharing these, will be watching for sure. So happy to hear your husband saw the evil hidden behind the veil & now walks in the light of Jesus. Your family as well. Blessings & Merry Christmas!

TinHattedTruthSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Funny story Mattie, love our family memories too! And sorry, no offense to our Scott frens here, but...just the sound of serving = haggis = itself sounds demonic. 🥴🤮

TinHattedTruthSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep, will do! And not sure why the DV, I was only referencing the solstice which actually takes three days from what I’ve heard. Anyhow....nukes & drones may break my bones, but ...shills will never hurt me! 😁

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