Those were all taken at the same time. Literally the sky is covered with contrails expanding to almost fully cover the sky. More than I have seen in 4 plus years.
Umm “she” is so washed up she’d settle to be just a has been, with really bad cosmetic surgery!
All bs meant to titillate and distract.
It’s yet another cia sponsored color revolution. It’s no wonder a good portion of the work hates America!
And just when will the feckless members of Congress do their job and use the 25th on him?!
How can that abrasive snowflake defend her opinion knowing her mother was raped crossing the boarder? Boggles my mind.
That’s what happens when you have corrupt traitors in Washington. Massive money laundering for the deep state plain and simple.
Seriously again? At least they weren’t in a trailer on the highway this time!
No question re: the feds days being numbered.
Recall President Trumps choice of Presidential portrait in his office? A President no other President has elected to hang in the Oval Office?
Andrew Jackson the President that got rid of the prior federal reserve? Inquiring minds want to know why:)
Maine is a red state hijacked by blue criminals. If you look at the FEW counties that installed the current “governor” they are also the only states with more votes than voters in 2020. I gave up after being a lifelong Mainer and moved to land of the free in 2019. Don’t miss it one bit!
Bill Cooper. That’s a rabbit hole I’ve been down a cpl times. :)
Ergo why the compact to reject the electoral college and join the popular vote crowd is a Trojan horse. Embrace it at OUR peril.
I want to say it boggles my mind they continue to do this but then they have nothing to lose. They are going to be held accountable there is no statute of limitations for treason.
Fannys days as DA are numbered. Good riddance.
They only prove the fools they are. Most people left to their own devices are not racist, it’s a tactic of the left to create perceived devides.
There is no right way to do the wrong thing. Sucks but did they come legally? Legally reapply.
Way to keep it in the family. Bastards.
A friend forwarded earlier this morning. I listened to the full 4 hrs well worth it.
Since when does a school desk and chair look presidential? They finetuned his meds but still speaks nothing of value.
I’m in nw Florida between Gainsville and Orlando. First I’ve heard of this, asked around not one person has heard anything happening. I call bs.
Intensely irritating to listen to those hacks.
Wake up and smell the coffee. It’s documented science if you care to look.
Symbolism will be their downfall. The irony - using airnav app the plane currently flying over “ONE WORLD”. American Airlines paint scheme.