Where’s the sauce on Bannon?
Months late. Someone must have woken the resident up.
Good riddance that creature is WEF slime.
Video no longer available.
Way, way, WAY back I thought she was funny then she overshot funny and became a woke over-processed plumped tucked perverse caricature of herself. She’s just a skanky ho trying desperately to be funny and failing miserably.
Give me a break. Maine has a shortage of workers because the moon bat governor and the dems incentivize not working! Anus King is a useless politician whose claim to fame is driving a bank into the ground and profiting at tax payers expense on a boondoggle windmill farm that went belly up.
Link please - reviewing the Wikileaks for correspondence around the date indicated does not show this email.
And now with TWO. Locations when do the raid begin on his homes?!
It’s an edited photo of Bannon, follow the links and see the original.
Amen thank you for posting.
Nope not gonna happen
Lou Dobbs has ummm he’s pushing for McCarty as Matt Gaetz said you cannot drain the swamp when you’re the biggest gator.
This has been an eye opening exercise in revealing the swamp creatures.
Unlike America the resident has been selling off its gold as fast as its strategic oil reserves. The bastard.
Susan Collins is a useless traitor to the people of Maine and all America in my opinion.
Wow surprise surprise. So Trump was right, AGAIN?!:)
I get that completely as a parent.
Just goes to show the lunatics are running the asylum - still.
No words, that traitor has disrespected the military every chance he has had.
And here America sits on its thumbs as our country is taken over from within.
“We've done what we think is really professional work with this. And we think it simplifies down to a conclusion that says that through the last available data set, the people in the UK who took the vaccine have a 26% higher mortality rate. The people who are under the age of 50 who took the vaccine now have a 49% higher mortality rate. And worst of all, the people who only took one dose of the vaccine at approximately 145% worse mortality rate.”
At what point is a substantive response to the rampant voter fraud going to actually occur??? America is now no better than a banana republic with BOTH parties complicit is stealing the will of the people.
Present is as good as no traitors.