Jimminy, how many people must these lizards try to kill? Why must they continue and perpetuate their lies?!?
I just had a phone call, where my mom tried to guilt me into getting the jab "for her sake." It screwed me up, for a while. Then I remembered this quote from Luke 14:26
"You cannot be my disciple, unless you love me more than you love your father and mother, your wife and children, and your brothers and sisters. You cannot follow me unless you love me more than you love your own life."
As above so below... I can help but feel that this idea of world-snake, of unifying and transformations is tied into the Emerald Tablet of Hermes.
I'm so new to this occultism, but I feel like the Chemical discipline has strong ties to mysticism.
There are 60 occurrences of "Be Not Afraid" in the 23 translations for the bible.
What is the gel delivery system, and do you have any research to share?
I have seen that, eventually, 3M-esque masks would have been provided. Those masks would have had cartridges, which would have been loaded with gels containing nano-bots. The gel & bots would have been inhaled, continuously, and provided a bioaccumulative toxin.
Is that the gel to which you are referring?
The one who loves his life [eventually] loses it [through death], but the one who hates his life in this world [and is concerned with pleasing God] will keep it for life eternal. (John 12:25)
I'm a fan of the solutions proposed by tactical civics. The writers come across as intelligent and earnest.
I'm too young and/or non-versed in the polio-vaccine development.
However, I am told there is a significant correlation between the prevalence of polio and the presence of lead-arsenide pesticides.
The evidence does raise my eyebrows, but I think history has occluded an accurate picture.
I anticipate economic troubles.
I expect that supply chain disruptions to hit supermarkets, and food shortages to become common. No SHTF level panic, afterwards, but cities could become kenetic.
I expect inflation to hit unsustainable levels, causing unprepared individuals to panic. Combined with the above, well, we'll have to see.
I expect quantitative tightening to happen, which will restrict centralized investment in the economy. This situation would cause unemployment.
I expect the MBS crisis of 2008 to repeat, but this time with commercial properties.
What will be the human reaction to such an event? Will FEMA camps be offered as a solution? A warm place to sleep and a hot meal for just a little Pfizer or Moderna jab...
Edit: employment to unemployment
Technically, it is legal nonsense, in that the rules don't disallow margin calls to be covered by international currency exchange swaps (if I understood what a quanto swap is).
Kerry from Stonks Big Play's youtube channel?
Lemme finish that for you: $69,420,420.69
You're right. The FDA was created so that American pharma companies could sell their products internationally.
It is not wrong to question the bible. But understand: those who translated it were human, as were those on the Nicene council. Humans are limited in their ability to successfully communicate absolute & perfect knowledge.
The bible says that the earth was created in seven days. That's impossible. 168 hours?
The word "days" is translated from the Hewbrew word, yom. Which, literally translated, can mean "a duration of time." Why do we have to understand that as a "day"?
Study the word.
Issac Newton, in fact, believed that all science existed to worship the glory of God.
I remember being surprised, in college, that we still revered scientists from the 40's. One of my thoughts was "Why haven't we developed a new, fundamental theory, than relativity and quantum mechanics?"
What is that purple orb-lightning coming from Obama?
Jon Stewart redpilled me, when he pointed out how the MSM pretended RP didn't exist.
I was instantly blackpilled, shortly after, when I saw that same MSM withhold the Iowa Straw Poll results & endorse Romney.
I'm discerning a call to politics, right now, and (historically) my family was involved with the early development of Virginia. I've just never had the financial security to make the process feasible.
Now, with impending layoffs from the vax mandates, I might just run. I'm starting to get involved, and I'm learning more about bible and country.
Is anyone else learning from tacticalcivics.com ? The plan to restore each county's supreme court and militia seems like a good route for decentralization.
4-6% lost forever, applies to children?
I'm not familiar with the liquifaction. The guillotines and coffins, yes, but not that particular one. What search term should I use?
True. But to those not fully awake, a meal & shelter (even temporary) could be a welcome reprieve.
Archive obviously from the Washington Compost, but actually raises interesting facts.
What facts are available about their relationship: Marx wrote for the NY Tribune (to which Lincoln subscribed) & Marx wrote a personal letter to Lincoln in 1864 (congratulating him on Northern Victory). Darwin also lived during this time, and introduced his theory of evolution. Were all three aware of one another?
I know that Lincoln's assassin appears to have been a mason, and that Darwin was a mason. It would seem likely, then, that Marx could have also been a mason. Was Lincoln? Were they all acting under orders?
I don't have the time, right now, to dig into this research topic, further. The line of thought seems promising.
Thank you for posting this. I notice that it is very difficult to find the entire interview, online.
This information is astounding. Truly, so much is gained when human minds meet & interact.
I'm going to assume that it's a series of artifacts from image compression.