As handsome today as he was when young!
He DOES NOT represent me!
You did great!!
Al, no one cares what YOU say! Get your affairs in order because you are going down! FAFO!
Thanks John! We love the version of you!
Stop the IVM. See if pain goes away.
Clink clink Katie!! No deals, no mercy! Buh bye!
With Bill the perv being one of the traitors to go!! Karma is a B!!!
OMGOODNESS!! That would be awesome!!
Prayers for your friend. May God watch over her and heal her body. 🙏
If paying her money to keep her quiet is a crime, then 3/4 of congress will be arrested soon for the same “crime”!
Nothing that flows from his mouth is worth listening to!!
Thank you moderators! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Purkiss!
🥹 Merry Christmas to all! ! Wishing everyone a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! The best is yet to come!
There is something seriously wrong with her! New Yorkers, recall her! She is truly evil and heartless!
You may have been alone, but we were all cheering for you from home! Thank you for calling them out!
I’m guessing a wrist injury and a black eye…..Just like Mitch!
Beautiful. Thank you for sharing! Wishing everyone a blessed Christmas.
Interesting! Why would he sign with a pen with The White House on it?
Bless him! Praying ALL charges are dismissed!
Should come out now! Why does it have to wait until Jan. 20th!?