Yeah he also repeatedly said “2021 is going to be great!!”
So to me he’s still nothing more than bread and circuses at this point, keeping many appeased and waiting, but believe me when I say I want the plan to be true and pray he’s right. But honestly, I think he’s part of it. Only time will tell and I hope I am 100% wrong.
All part of the plan! Enjoy the show! /s
And anti-fungal and kills parasites :) if you take it though, it kills everything, so don’t forget to take probiotics afterwards.
You are not alone, fren.
From your lips to God’s ear..,
That Q drop was the first thing I thought of when I saw that whore’s face covered in gold.
Oh my gosh… Stay the fuck away from Ohio hospitals. Honestly, the only ones I would trust at this point would be patriot owned and operated and thankfully those days are coming soon.
Well that’s because we live in a world ruled by lucifarians. Everything is anti-God/Christian/family/morals, etc. Up is down, right is wrong… This was predicted in the Bible.
They are all so incredibly punchable, aren’t they?
OPINION • Criminals are innocent until proven guilty, but medical drugs are not like criminals, medical drugs are guilty until proven innocent. Pharmaceutical companies must prove the innocence of their medications through long term testing. Doctors, bureaucrats, and the public seem to have forgotten this fact when they mandate a new technology to be injected into us without long term testing to prove the innocence of the drug. The vaccine may have completely unknown and serious side effects that manifest in a majority of the people only in the long term. So, the vax may appear to be safe in the short term, but in the long run it causes severe harm or even death.
It is extremely risky to inoculate the entire population if we don't know what the long term effects may be. It is especially risky to vax our critical workers with an experimental drug about which we know nothing in the long term. If it turns out that within 2 years of taking it, the vaccine causes the debilitation of a large portion of the people who took it and we had forced all our healthcare professionals to take it, then our countries will lose a large portion of their healthcare professionals. This would devastate our society's ability to treat the sick and cause massive death and suffering.
Same goes for the military. If we vax all our fighters, and the vax turns out to weaken greatly physically or mentally most of the people who took it, there goes our ability to defend ourselves. We won't be able to fight off any aggressors and will lose years of military experience as we will have to re-train a whole new set of recruits without the previous military leaders.
If most of the laborers are vaxxed and the vax causes bodily weakness, then they won't be able to go to work and our production falls to zero. Without domestic production, we would have to rely on foreign imports but the economy would also grind to a halt so the nation would have no money to pay for these imports. This would probably be a death stroke for whatever nation was victim to it.
So, force vaccinating critical workers, or even a large portion of the menial labor force, is a massive national security risk. We also have no way of calculating how large the percentage of risk is since we know nothing at all about the long term effects of inoculation with this type of technology. This could destroy any highly vaxxed nations. This outcome would be so bad (total collapse of a society's infrastructure) that only a massive amount of safety data could justify inoculating the entire population with any treatment. But we just don't have that safety data for these experimental drugs right now and will probably not have it for decades to come. By then, it will be too late to do anything about it.
You can fry an egg, but you can't unfry it. Just the same, you won't be able to unvax the population, there's no way to get the vax out of the body once it's in. The solution is to only vax the old and vulnerable at-risk populations and not vax everyone. This issue worries me deeply since there must be risk responsive people at high levels of government who must understand and be sensitive to this type of national security risk. Yet, these people are either being completely ignored, or they are allowing the government to proceed with the risky mass vaccination programs anyway.
• Separately, these issues would be a concern. But put together, they are incredibly alarming. To me, something feels very wrong here. You too may have already felt it in your gut or in the back of your mind or when reading this. That feeling that something is wrong is instinct, it is the product of millions of years of evolution. A gift from our ancestors who also saw something that was wrong in their environment and had this weird bad feeling. They acted on it and it saved them. So they were able to pass on that instinct to their off-spring from generation to generation. Now, after millions of years, it finds its way to you. If you feel what I feel, that something is very wrong here, I implore you: • Do not ignore it. Reluctant Analyst Anon • We can end the pandemic now. I did my part and compiled the data. Now its time for you to do yours and spread the info. • Good luck.
Anyone who tries to justify pedophiles in any, way, shape, or form, is either themselves a pedophile or a pedophile enabler. And quite frankly pedophile enablers should get the exact same sentence as pedophiles, which should be immediate death upon sentencing by either hanging, firing squad, or being pulled apart by the mob. Although all those forms her way too good and quick for them… maybe we should bring back flaying just for them…
SAFE SPACE?? Are you kidding me?? The last thing the site should be as a safe place to “chill out”. This is not r/The_Donald on Reddit - where you were not allowed to do anything but be a cheerleader for President Trump, or for that matter, this is supposed to be a site where we are able to use our critical thinking skills, call out cognitive dissonance, different POVs, bring up the impossible, the unthinkable… Is it supposed to be a research in discussions site, not a place where you go to feel safe and cuddly.
It is safe spaces and the blue/haired idiots that need them that got us into this mess! Patriots don’t belong in safe spaces.
What the hell? This isn’t even funny anymore, she has a serious brain degeneration disease.
It’s disturbing that you’re being downvoted for saying this in this forum.
Yes, what “fun” we’re having. Loved ones have ticking time bombs in them from getting vaxed, The healthy are becoming ill from spiked protein shedding, people of all ages are dying, teenagers are dropping dead, kids have heart inflammation, babies are being killed at their mothers breasts due to the poison being in their breastmilk, people are losing their businesses, their livelihoods… athletes are dropping dead from heart problems they never had before… it’s happening to patriots, too, btw!! So much for Q telling us all we were safe. I think they had a plan. I think it was thwarted (Trump was supposed to have two terms) and I don’t think they’re in control anymore, or they’re in a lot less control and the plan has changed, although still in in some fashion. Obviously a shit ton of what we learned doing a research on Q’s questions was legit, but I can’t imagine the Q team telling us over and over that “patriots are in control” and to “enjoy the show” when these crimes of humanity horrors are being perpetrate on us.
tl:dr: WTF is wrong with you?? There’s no enjoying the fucking show right now. We’re dealing with blatant massive crimes against humanity on all fronts now.
Exactly. Thank you.
Well what a little fascist you are, not a fan of critical thinking or free speech, eh? Only allowed to say certain things and not question the narrative? Hmmm.. why does that sound familiar? Voat could be a cesspool, but at least you could speak your mind freely there. I am so miss r/greatawakening … you can speak your mind there as well on warrant kicked off for questioning Trump, his role, or anything else.
Yeah!! Wooo!!! Excellent news :)
I would say I hope he dies from the vaccine, but I doubt he was giving anything but saline.
So has Texas but you don’t see Texans moving. We’re not letting those fucking shit tards take over the state. It’s an incredible, beautiful place to live and I’m not ceding ground to them here. We still hold most of central, East, and south CO, along with much of the front range.