USN7480 1 point ago +1 / -0

This post and other hair trigger posts are why normies ridicule us.

USN7480 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's the Castle Rock Entertainment oval office set. They lease it out.

USN7480 0 points ago +1 / -1

Biden has been signing executive actions, not executive orders. Big difference. Also the reason that searching executive orders yields nothing.

USN7480 1 point ago +1 / -0

Biden has been signing executive actions, not executive orders. Big difference.

USN7480 5 points ago +5 / -0

If Biden is cornered, or if this impeachment suit reveals he had knowledge of the election fraud, he could be pressured to admit the election was rigged and he had prior knowledge and step down. Admitting that Trump actually won. There is a lot of leverage that can be used against Biden. When the China/Biden payoff hit the news Crazy Joe was adamant about Hunter not being involved. This was his biggest concern and he spoke out a few times trying to protect Hunter. The Ukraine and Barisma scam is hanging over their heads also. That is enormous and can be used as leverage. I'm not sure what will happen. Nobody is, other than maybe a handful of people and they're not talking.

There's a ton of dirt hanging over Crazy Joe's head but there has to be a reason directly related to the election fraud. If he were to be out of office for other reasons, it would just be Harris that takes over. But if he admits to election fraud and steps down, the rightful winner of the election would be Trump.

Will the evidence be revealed in the Biden impeachment process that Congresswoman Marjorie Greene filed yesterday? I don't know, but what I do know is that whatever move Trump might make will be within the law. Trump has always worked within the law. The proof of that is that if Trump set one toe on the wrong side of the law, the Dems would have been building the gallows on the White House lawn.

I hear all kinds of theories flying around but no chain is included. No direct connection that would have Biden out and Trump in legally, other than what I stated above or something very close to it. I have thought a lot in the last week or so, and my biggest psychological hit was that it appeared that Trump gave up. I've been an admirer of Trump since I read his book "Art of the Deal" back in the late 80's. This is a guy who fought through all adversity and never gave up. That's why he was so successful throughout his life. In one of his earlier speeches as president I remember him saying "...never, ever, ever, ever give up! Never!"

I just cannot, I will not believe that he tucked his tail in and walked away defeated. It's just not in his nature. He's a shrewd deal maker and negotiator. He knows that leverage and timing are very important tools. At this point, all we can do is watch and see what comes next, but I still believe Trump will not just walk away. He has never walked away before, I can't see him doing that now.

USN7480 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's no requirement that I can find. I believe it would be Clarence Thomas, though.

USN7480 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm in Ohio and we're very proud of him here. He's like a junkyard dog.

USN7480 1 point ago +2 / -1

I think I read that she submitted her letter of resignation to be effective at a future date, but not sure if it was 1/20 or thereabout.

USN7480 9 points ago +9 / -0

True. Trump has never tucked his tail in and walked away from adversity. It's just not in his nature. Look at all those troops in DC. Possibly Trump will put just DC under martial law, giving the military control (under his command). He went through congress, DoJ, lower courts, supreme court and all failed to do their duty. He would be justified in doing this. If he does, the military sidesteps the judiciary and sorts this out via military tribunal rather than the corrupt judges and liberal juries. I think all those swamp creatures will be at the innauguration. Plenty of troops to round them up and arrest them all high profile. Now that is Trump's style!

USN7480 2 points ago +2 / -0

Probably next weekend, after everything is out and whatever happens on the 20th happens. If the patriots are successful, the black hats will know their fate by then.

USN7480 8 points ago +8 / -0

I had a friend that was incarcerated in a federal prison for 5 years. (He's out now). During that time I used to visit him twice a month. I can tell you from first hand observation that the vast majority of inmates are big fans of HRC, BO, and MO. Add to that the fact that they are obviously unstable and have hair triggers. (They are there for a reason) I think any lockdown would be to ensure the safety of the staff and inmates.

USN7480 2 points ago +2 / -0

No deals. He had ample opportunity to come clean, but chose to betray America for money. Despicable. If we don't exact maximum penalties, this will just happen again. The time for deals is in the distant past. We want equal justice under the law. No less, no more.

USN7480 2 points ago +2 / -0

Suicide weekend will probably be next weekend. When everything is exposed, and the left realizes they've lost it all.

USN7480 1 point ago +1 / -0

The debate over Q being legit or a LARP is redundant in that, all the Q posts have done is force us to do our own research. Q points people in a certain direction and tells them to dig. There have been quite a few things Q has mentioned over the years that I don't agree with, but I don't go on the attack. I watch and learn. Dig for the truth. Honestly, I don't give a shit who Q is. Whoever it is, he/she/they force us to pay attention, do our research and fight for our freedom. Only good can come from that. (Unless you're a swamp creature) The fact that this argument exists popularizes the movement. By simply debating, progress is made and the subject ranks high on traffic counts. Many Anons were brought into the fold because they kept seeing posts about Q and looked into it. I see the shills, I don't let them suck me into a heated argument. You can't redpill someone whose mind is poisoned by hatred. The best way to neuter shills is to ignore them. You can almost hear their balls fall off.

USN7480 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see some low hanging clouds, a little light fog, and steam from the power plant.

USN7480 2 points ago +2 / -0

This guy is literally in bed with China. Fartwell belongs in prison.

USN7480 0 points ago +1 / -1

DEFCON 1, or condition level one has also been called "Cocked Pistol" or "white alert". Defcon 1 is a white colored alert status and is a maximum readiness condition level that was initially created in 1959 by the joint chiefs of staff. Cocked Pistol means that the United States is currently in a state of war, or that a nuclear threat is either in progress or imminent.

Defcon 1 may be reached if United States intelligence detects an imminent or certain threat of either war or a nuclear launch from enemy forces.

The alert level color for DEFCON 1 is white. Neither the department of defense, nor the United States Armed Forces have ever raised the status condition to white alert, or Defcon 1 since the condition level for cocked pistol status was implemented.

We are currently at Defcon 5

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