VilanceD 5 points ago +5 / -0

I read the 9-11 report, and several other reports… the CIA had a paper trail showing they were tracking several of the pilots involved in 9-11. And … they messaged the FBI several times with the names and identities. Also they had submitted numerous reports to the DOD and POTUS directly via PDBs. All months and weeks prior to the attack.

VilanceD 1 point ago +2 / -1

We. God and Christ are here now and forever. If you are baptized, make sure to get anointed in the Holy Spirit. Let Jesus into your heart and soul. Thus surrender and Submit.

VilanceD 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sadly very true, they are clueless about the degree of evil in the world and their own back yard.

VilanceD 5 points ago +5 / -0

Exactly. Heinlein called this decades ago, hence the premise of book Starship Troopers. Our Founding Fathers said the same, governments are inherently evil and corrupt.

Current personal solution I know is keep praying to Christ, and converting people to Jesus.

Globally, Short of a ST like changeover not sure what else can stop this homicidal pop control leadership(s).

VilanceD 2 points ago +2 / -0

My apologies, I’m disabled and read articles roughly 1-4 hours a day. Just doing that takes most of my resources. Suggest looking here and on twitter, of all places, for more current articles and refs.

VilanceD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not to be too glib… This has all the earmarks of a CIA operation.

VilanceD 0 points ago +1 / -1

The Israeli people need help, the Israeli leaders need a noose.

VilanceD 6 points ago +6 / -0

First and foremost, Israel military has a policy to have more units on standby during major anniversaries, the bad kind. This was the 50th of the Yom Kippor(sp?) war.

Yet it took significantly long amounts of time to protect the most inherently vulnerable communities.

IDF commander went on video stating they IDF was not expecting anything.

Western world leadership needs to held accountable for the atrocities they are either complicit in or ignoring for their own gain.

VilanceD 20 points ago +20 / -0

Oh for those curious how I know about IDF being stood down, Israeli mil doctrine is to go on some kind of alert prior to all major attack anniversaries. This is common knowledge if you research IDF and ME current history.

VilanceD 37 points ago +39 / -2

Khazarian, Zionist, regardless the leadership of Israel is evil.

Not only did they move a peace festival to a more dangerous location (assuming reports on that are accurate). They intentionally stood down IDF elements even though it was a major anniversary of a attack. Lastly, numerous outlets report this attack was planned for roughly 2 years, no way II missed that.

Reports also show collusion with Hamas on the DL for decades.

I have no desire to see Islam thrive, it will be war with them someday regardless but these Western governments have lost any reasonable semblance of legitimacy.

Stay frosty peds.

VilanceD 5 points ago +5 / -0


Given that IDF has a history of high competence, it’s likely Israeli intel was ordered to withhold to drum up sympathy.

Doesn’t mean there still wouldn’t have been an attack, diff is, historically IDF would had defended the civvies.

VilanceD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bad actors without a doubt, but that’s most of the DS at this point.

I’m a data guy, so outside ethnic correlation what else is linking this?

Some Q comms?

VilanceD 0 points ago +2 / -2

Israel knew, but wow this source is suspect.

VilanceD 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m not buying this. While there is plenty of evidence to show all sides playing for sympathy and doing nefarious crap, only one group here uses religion as an excuse to expand militarily en masse to the tune of over 1.6 billion people. Same group would happily kill and enslave everyone else, and when those targets run out go back to attacking each other.

VilanceD 19 points ago +19 / -0

Scum is scum, Jewish or otherwise. Commiefornia has scum leadership.

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