Thanks for sharing. Good luck not getting banned.
They will be on future fighter and bombers. At a minimum, as missile defense systems.
They will open the bottomless pit.
Those are some dopey looking cops.
That was my thought. I ended up next to him in backed-up traffic. He was very anxious and jumping up to car ahead of him. He did not want to be there. Honestly, he looked like a coward.
Date fagging: Sep 15 to 23rd, expect something big.
LOL typical wiki page. They are so harsh.
I mean, he stands up 3 years later? After everyone already stood their ground.
What happened to this post? I saved yesterday to look at today.
That’s was my whole point of this post.
Perhaps you can share your wisdom. It’s good to ask questions to those who have already made the journey. It’s good to ask questions to others, when you think you already have the answer.
He just had his heart in the game.
Because sarcastic, rhetorical question.
Zelenski blowing Obama? Or is that in bad taste….
George Washington was some kind of masonic god to them.
Oh I know. The argument is a logical fallacy and normies don’t seem to realize it…or much of anything.
“Take a break” means oh shit, we need to come up with a defense!
Why do they plan out to 2050 if climate change is going to kill us in a few years?
They burned the forehead, now they burn the heart.
Fuck’em anyways. A mandate is an agreement, stop being scared of them.
So who is cashing out their 401k?
Imagine being so scared you can’t concentrate from a mere thought?
How many people work there, 5201?
When they speak of peace and security, destruction comes fast and without warning.