Voltron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sadly, it took 3 years to get here.... He put the country through this shit that we knew didn't pass the smell test on day 1, and was for sure known to be a hoax by day 2.... and he never could just man-up and admit the truth..... Suicide is too good for this arrogant piece of trash.....

Voltron 1 point ago +1 / -0

There, they fixed it....

Voltron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tried theses searches in the OP's recommended sites, and they all seem rather dedicated to debunking rather than just giving links based on the search..... Just tried Yandex, and it actually seems better at pulling up controversial searches with links at the top instead of buried....

Voltron 6 points ago +6 / -0

Kentuckian here too.... Good..... Screw the POS Kentucky Teachers Unions.... They actually caught, in real-time, Andy Beshear votes coming from Matt Bevin's side on election night.... So election fraud here too..... Only 2 Kentucky counties voted for Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020.... Jefferson County (Louisville), and Fayette County (Lexington)...... The same POS town governances that take knees with BLM and sponsor woke parades, and complain because their crime rates are thru the roof.... Not sure of the logistics of it, but why does stupidity seem to gravitate to bigger cities.....?

Voltron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Initiate Glorious Russian Flanking Maneuvers.....!

Voltron 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm with you in wondering why now, or at this point how many mind's will be changed, but, we have to keep fighting for truths to be known.... I watched it in it's entirety, and much of what he filmed and documented has been known and also espoused by others.... All opinions (and facts) not in line with the MSM and Bush Administration-decided-narrative have been squashed.... The 9-11 Commission was a joke.... To your point, sadly, this coming out now feels like a nothing burger, because the only people that are still outraged over the whole 9-11 thing, already know, and those that don't know, either don't care, or choose not to know.... Even though... they "know" πŸ˜‘ Sheep, just happy to be sheep and choosing to believe what they've been programmed to believe, and lacking the courage, discernment, or will, to wrestle with seeking or knowing the truth.... Praise be to Jesus Christ.... Now That's Truth..... πŸ‘

Voltron 1 point ago +1 / -0

If Kevin would have sold it to the news, we'd've never seen it.....

Voltron 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd love it if Putin did this, but the truth only seems to infuriate the sheeple, and frankly, those that don't already know 9-11 truth, are likely too lost to ever be saved....

Voltron 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dam.... I really wanted to believe he'd not sign that Bill.....

Voltron 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for this linky....

Voltron 8 points ago +8 / -0

It tells me her demonic ass is in a frenzy, fearing running out of spirit cooking sacrifices and adrenochrome.....

Voltron 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wore my flannel shirt to evening Mass tonight to represent and celebrate.....

Voltron 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yep,..... They've already been issuing reports that mortality rates are going off the charts and rising..... Life insurance companies don't like to be screwed over..... Let their attack dogs get latched onto the legs of Moderna and Pfizer, and there will be blood....

Voltron 18 points ago +18 / -0

Yes, it is heart-wrenching to see children forced to wear masks..... There is no evidence from where or when this pic was taken, but it does look suspiciously like they might be being trafficked....

Voltron 3 points ago +4 / -1

Military time last night.... and if you add 1 more for Twosday, it adds up to 17..... πŸ˜™

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