Warrior_of_Virtue 3 points ago +3 / -0

„Unfucker“ has a nice ring to it. Tom Hollan, Immigration Unfucker. Kar Lake, Elections Unfucker.

Rolls nicely from the tongue.

Warrior_of_Virtue 3 points ago +3 / -0

Integrated screen settings, shifting the tone away from the strong blue hue to a more orange-ish tone.

Warrior_of_Virtue 4 points ago +4 / -0

This post finally made me turn on nightshift/bluelight filter on all my devices. I will talk to my family and tell them to do likewise.

Warrior_of_Virtue 1 point ago +1 / -0

Somebody should add an „A“ and an „O“ to this graph. 😂

Warrior_of_Virtue 5 points ago +5 / -0

I‘m using it. Easy to pay, stay anonymous (you can even pay in cash and you don‘t have to give personal information) and it works well so far.

Warrior_of_Virtue 41 points ago +41 / -0

This needs to be gangster/sunglasses/joint memed! 😂

Warrior_of_Virtue 3 points ago +3 / -0

Americans! Don‘t get complacent now! Still look at it as if you were trailing 10 points behind and act accordingly!

Warrior_of_Virtue 4 points ago +4 / -0

Unfortunately, it works for me here in Switzerland.

Warrior_of_Virtue 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not only starlink, block every Twitter account - personal and official - of every californian government worker.

(Edit: *twitter account)

Warrior_of_Virtue 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ugh… the comments on her tweet are atrocious… I‘m getting braincancer from reading the comments…

There‘s going to be such a rude awakening for so many people when the truth comes out.

Warrior_of_Virtue 1 point ago +1 / -0

One more thing, about the „Program“ that promises perfect health and supernormal powers: I would rate it „bullshit“, pardon my french.

Yes, practicing Falun Gong can have tremendous positive effect on health, and yes, supernormal powers may appear, but one of the most important aspects of practicing cultivation in Falun Gong is getting rid of attachments. So, when a person strives to get rid of health problems and when a person strives to get supernormal powers, he will not get it. Li Hongzhi states this very clearly in Zhuan Falun and other texts and lectures.

So it is pretty clear that what you cited is not from the source, but somewhere else…

Warrior_of_Virtue 2 points ago +2 / -0

Much to digest, thank you.

I‘m a bit short of time right now, but will answer thouroughly when I have the time. Thank you for making me notice one mistake, the time period when Li Hongzhi was teaching Falun Gong thoroughly in China was indeed 92 to 94 and not as I‘ve written (I‘ll edit that in my last post).

It actually wouldn‘t / doesn‘t surprise me what you dug up on „Friends od Falun Gong“. But allow me to add here, that FoF clealry isn‘t Falun Gong itself. I think that‘s an important distinction. I have to dig on that myself.

Li Hongzhi clearly states in the teachings that no organization or entity can claim Falun Gong for itself and that practitioners have to be very clear of that.

About Li Hongzhis background: in the first translation of Zhuan Falun that I got, there is an abstract (not written by Li Hongzhi himself) about his spiritual upbringing. It was removed, because as I understand it, Li Hongzhi doesn‘t want Practitioners put emphasis on himself as Master/Teacher, but focus on the teachings and the personal cultivation following the teachings.

More to come.

Warrior_of_Virtue 2 points ago +2 / -0

Another thought about Xi: IIRC, the bidens are pretty much controlled by the CCP. That makes me think it's the CCP (with Xi at the helm) that actually controls the dems. Also - how many trips to China did Tim Walz make?

My gut feeling tells me that the CCP has more control over US politics than we are currently aware.

Warrior_of_Virtue 1 point ago +1 / -0

Forgot your last question about Xi and Jiang.

My guess is, there is a high probabilty that yes, Xi might have been involved. But I have to admit, my knowledge of chinese politics isn't too deep or too thorough, and chinese politics is also very complicated.

IIRC, the CCP isn't as unifiyed as it may appear, and there are several factions in chinese politics. Jiang belonged to the "shanghai faction" and Xi to another... And they were (are?) pretty much at internal "war". I guess it's like US politics, but on stereoids.

And yeah, that's where my knowledge about it ends, so I'd rather not write more about it, as it would be unfounded.

Warrior_of_Virtue 1 point ago +1 / -0

The minghui site is indeed more the "activist" site - it's main purpose is a little bit that of an "Info-Hub" for both practitioners as well as people interested in the happenings around the practice and the persecution. Yes, it has a political appereance, but I don't consider it political, as its "political purpose" is shedding light on the still ongoing persecution and ways on how to counter it. In my understanding, it's "political" in the sense that it raises awareness about the human rights situation of the persecution. I mean, the persecution of the CCP is basically denying the right to exist to people in china who practice FG - and the persecution is deeply rooted in the CCP-culture. I have come to the conclusion, that the persecution cannot be ended anymore without ending the rule of the CCP itself. In my understanding, it isn't about political power, but simply being able to live life. Unfortunately, the CCP denies people (not only Falun Gong practitioners) to be able to just live.

For the more spiritual approach, where you can read about the teachings and also learn about the physical exercises, there's https://en.falundafa.org . Under "books and writings", you can download every teaching, lecture and also of course the main book, "Zhuan Falun".

The Book Zhuan Falun is basically the core of the teachings. Every other material, lecture, text, scripture, only further expands and explains what is explained in Zhuan Falun. The Book itself is a summary of the Teachings Li Hongzhi gave back in 94 to 96 in China (edit: sorry, wrong time. Correct timespan was 92 to 94), where he was holding large seminars to spread the practice and explain the teachings to the people. There are also audio- and video-recordings of the Lectures, with dubs in several languages.

There's also the Book "Falun Gong" - it was one of the first Falun Gong books published in China, even before "Zhuan Falun", and it doesn't go as deep into the teachings as Zhuan Falun, but the Falun Gong exercises are explained in that book.

If you can only read one material, Zhuan Falun is the main book and contains everything about the teachings of Li Hongzhi.

For easier reference, here is the list of books and teachings:


Zhuan Falun has been translated several times. Chinese is very nuanced (I unfortunately don't speak it myself), so different translations help to better grasp the meanings of the words. For a start, I recommend the latest translation, last upated July 31, 2019, as it might be easier understand for a western mindset. All the translations are valid though and have been checked and re-checked to make sure the original meaning of the text is not altered or warped in any form.

For Video, you can find the recording of a 9-Day seminar, held in the city of Guangzhou, under this link: https://en.falundafa.org/falun-dafa-video-audio-9session.html (you can also download the mp3 audio of this seminar on that page.). There is also a learning video for the 5 Falun Gong exercises.

Take care and take your time, and as mentioned, I'm here if you need me to discuss things and give my point of view/understanding.

Warrior_of_Virtue 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you dig into FG, don‘t forget to consider the „source material“ for reference, https://en.minghui.org is the site I mentioned earlier in a post. And - I don‘t think I have to mention this specifically - be aware, there is a lot of misinformation out there. It‘s important to really know the source - what Falun Gong and Li Hongzhi really teaches - to be able to discern what is true and what not. The CCP - and probably other entities - has done enormous work to distort and defame the movement. I‘m here if you have any questions and want to hear my opinion on it.

And jiang zemin… yeah, his dead was notable, because he was probably the most evil clown that ever contaminated the earth. And I mean it. Seriously, that… thing… was evil. Incredibly stupid and incredibly evil. With wide repercussions of his deeds for the whole world.

And the social media push… honestly? It‘s most probably the Wumao at work, and manufactured consent. There‘s also a Great Awakening happening in mainland china - more and more people are awake to what the CCP is, and IMO the social Media push is a way of the CCP in trying to counter that.

On the other hand, China has fully implemented the Social Credit system, and playing the system by the people could also be a part of that phenomenon.

But I really don‘t think that the people honestly are happy with the CCP.

Edit: The book „Nine Commentaries on the communist party“ sums it pretty much up why I believe that the people are not really happy about the party. http://www.ninecommentaries.com/

Warrior_of_Virtue 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see your point about the CIA using existing movements to manipulate the for their own nefarious ends.

IMO they probably tried to do that with FG, but I don‘t think it is succesful.

Why? Li Hongzhi is very clear about interpreting or not interpreting his texts and lectures. People can and should understand the teaching according to their own level of understanding. And people can say „with my current understanding, I understand what he said as…“, but never should any person define the contents of the lectures and texts. It‘s a very important distinction.

He already stated back in the beginning, I think it was around 96, 97 or 98, that Falun Gong is strictly apolitical. Practitioners themselves, yes, they can be in politics, but the movement itself cannot be political. It‘s about personal, individual cultivation and betterment.

There is also a homepage, Minghui, which was founded around 1999, after the persecution of FG through the CCP began, which served as a „safe haven“ for practioners to get „Falun Gong Information“ „from the source“, which Li Hongzhi helped establish, exactly with the aim to be not influenced by outside sources, like the CCP or other entities (like the CIA, or others). It helped and helps pretty much to stay on course and not being manipulated by outside forces that whish to (ab)use FG for their own ends. (It‘s a bit a similar concept of „no outside coms“ by Q - it‘s of utmost importance to have information that you can trust.)

Now, I said that FG is apolitical. Why are the practitioners obviously working towards the dissolution of the CCP?

My understanding is, it‘s not per se political, but just telling the truth about the matter. In my opinion, the CCP is a ruthless, evil party with the sole goal of destroying humanity.

And with the persecition of Falun Gong, started under then Secreteray jiang zemin, the CCP vowed to eradicate FG.

That led to the practitioners efforts to tell the truth about what‘s happening to them, and what the CCP is really doing.

As of first hand experience:

I‘m on a blacklist and can‘t enter China. Personally, I have a few friends, Chinese and Westerners, who have been arrested in China and Hong Kong. Years ago, I helped promote Shen Yun, a classical chinese dance ensemble, founded by FG-Practitioners, which had several locations canceled by intervention of the chinese embassy. I‘ve personally met practitioners who were able to flee mainland china who were tortured in jail there.

Luckily, I‘ve never suffered physical harm, but I remember, in 1999 I was ostracided at my job and from friends, because the CCP propaganda was aped verbatim in local MSM.

(Sorry for typos etc, I‘m typing this on my phone).

Warrior_of_Virtue 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can guarantee you, Falun Gong is not a CIA operation. I practice it (on and off) since 1998 and have read all the teachings of Li Hongzhi, its founder.

The in-depth teachings are diammetrically opposed to what the CIA would want to achieve to incite a colour revolution.

Just an (anectdotal) experience I had: in 2001 or 2002 I read a text of Li Hongzhi, where he pointed out that „the whole world is basically already communist“. 2001 or 2002.

He only mentioned the welfare state and that we are all paying taxes, and that the communist thought was already permeating almost all of civilization…

I wasn‘t fully awakened back then, and had trouble believing what I read, but it was actually spot on.

And to further point out that this certainly isn’t a CIA op: a mainstay of the teachings are to basically become a „good human“ - upholding traditional values, that good is rewarded with good and evil is rewarded with evil. Restoring the traditional chinese values and faith that have beem systematically destroyed by the CCP in china. To teach the people to believe in Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. And not only by believing it but to actually live by it in day to day live.

All while pointing out not to use violence and/or political games, but by being an upright, faithful human being.

Believe it or not, but Falun Gong has quite a spiritual and faith-impact in China, which helps waking up the chinese People as to what the Communists have done to the people and the world. Giving them back a spiritiual foundation (the armour of God, so to speak) to get back on track of being truly human. And a fundamental part of this, IMHO is believing in the Divine, that there is a Creator, that we have souls and that there truly is Good and Evil in this world, and that we can - and have to - chose a side.

I don‘t think that‘s something the CIA would dare to do.

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