Waybackwhen 9 points ago +9 / -0

knock knock "Who's there?" "Pizza" "I didn't order a pizza! "Mailman "You're not the mailman. Its night time!" Pause,, "Landshark" "you're kidding! your not that Landshark" opens door...

Waybackwhen 19 points ago +19 / -0

Well put together. Nice job with a massive subject reaching every facet of everyones lives. I often explain it as silos of attention, and they control almost everything; Govt, Industry, Finance, Healthscare, Education, Sciences, Arts, Entertainment, Sports, etc. If where that persons attention is spent is still running the narrative, then these people have no exposure. I too believe it will be a sort of convergence of these that will finally force it on those who remain, uh hem, intellectually challenged about the state of the world.

Waybackwhen 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am not impatient about the roll-out of the Plan. I have seen enough mind blowing things to doubt that in the least. My frustration stems from the normies. If they would pull their heads out sooner rather than later it would save so much and so many. The normies and their delusions of what they think this world is. That is what chaps my ass.

Waybackwhen 2 points ago +2 / -0

This made me laugh out loud because on the face of it, just sounds so ridiculous, doesn't it? Doesn't it? And yet there it is. Wild!

Waybackwhen 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have done it so often. It is a huge savings and the best for them. I have had up to 8 dogs at a time and vet bills and food will break you. Once set up it is surprisingly fast to knock out a month of food for them. You can find farmer to table groups also for further savings. Buy the meat direct

Waybackwhen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Obviously not at a time like this no. It was more of a general point to others. Not you and your pup. But, I have also used a grinder to make their raw food. I appreciate what you're doing here. We don't have to agree on everything. Your posts are bringing new eyes and thats good.

Waybackwhen 0 points ago +2 / -2

Buy some chicken thighs. Give them to her whole and raw. Bones and all. I used to give my yorkies wings or legs, bones and all. Great for them. Messy though. Best to give outside or where the mess is not an issue

Waybackwhen 3 points ago +3 / -0

Vets are businesspeople first. They have to make revenue or everyone goes home. They def recommend revenue enhancing treatments more than is needed. Lets just say it like that.

Waybackwhen 3 points ago +3 / -0

Doggie probiotics. All the antibiotics and fenbencould be messing up her gut biome. Probiotics will help with nutrient uptake also.

Waybackwhen 3 points ago +3 / -0

No Ivermectin. I think OP said this is straight Fenben so interesting to see how much just the fenben can do. The Iver would help but he was reluctant. Anyway. Fenben by itself seems to be working but it is taking longer is all.

Waybackwhen 1 point ago +1 / -0

No Ivermectin. Did you opt out on using Ivermectin and you are using just the FenBen by itself right?

Waybackwhen 7 points ago +7 / -0

They sure didn't waste any time putting it into operation. 2019

Waybackwhen 12 points ago +12 / -0

Good work with her. This sounds good if she is up and wagging and looking for food. The drainage becoming more clear/less smelly also great to hear. All sounds pretty positive so far. Thank you for updates!

Waybackwhen 7 points ago +7 / -0

I am seeing every local cemetary overgrown with massive bean stalk protrusions sprouting from the ground everywhere like a bunch of tangled old white oak trees. During dry spells the wind blows their toxic spores into dust devils swirling through the streets of town. hmmm

Waybackwhen 1 point ago +1 / -0

One trustmebro to another, what do we believe? lol. cool thanks for checking. Time will tell. If real other instances will show up.

Waybackwhen 3 points ago +3 / -0

yes yes yes on the iver straight on the sores - humans too! It is amazing. I have used it on and in my dogs for years. For various things. For this it should def help even just a pea sized finger blob to the roof of her mouth. rub another pea size on the cheek lump. twice a day. along with fenben

Waybackwhen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Apparently the vested 'Health Care Establishment' has a lot of trolls doing their bidding, and of course the run of the mill morons are always available. There are those that seem to take a real interest in shutting down or diverting comments away from the massively positive track record of these very cheap, readily available miracle drugs. How come?

Waybackwhen 4 points ago +4 / -0

What the medicaltrollwizards will point to as 'It made them very seriously ill" is called Herxheimer effect. The die off and the toxins released because the drug is actually working. That can be managed by correct initial dosing if a 1st time

Waybackwhen 1 point ago +1 / -0

When is the last time she had Ivermectin orally? When is the last time you have applied horsey paste topically to the lump? Just trying to understand

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