Simpish statement
Being confused is ok. Faking isnt.
Time is almost up. Better sit on the couch even harder america!
Stolen for $300 Alex. What is illegal alien
Best Jew since Christ
I was a freemason in canada. I left. Never saw or heard anything bad. Masons can be good or evil. There are 5 million worldwide. In USA many are In a service. If there is shenanigans its not all masons.. also each lodge can be somewhat unique. Ours specialized in beer drinking and watching sports.
Im a demitted 3rd degree. Masons can be good or evil so can individual lodges.
Masons can be aligned good or evil.
Wish Russia would bomb Davos
Fuck You. He speaks for nobody and is a shill trying to provoke.
Drain The Swamp
Too bad. FBI agents belong in prisons.
They are not told. They are programmed. Like software. If we control media we control their hearts and minds. Brand based conditioning.
I planted potatoes last weekend. Was easy.
Russia can scare the USA into backing off if it tries.
We suck at fighting domestic enemies.
I think Bannon is Q
Oh Politico it matters. And we will never back off. We will grow more bold in our demands for justice.
Over my dead body, or better, his.
Fence sitters are terrible leaders.
I hope the Russians make him talk. I lack sympathy for Americans serving under Biden.
There are example to the contrary and we all know it.
Good. Im Jewish. I recognize the ongoing assault and ethnic cleansing of white people.
Never thought id know hatred. Im Canadian and Jewish and have a deep deep hatred for Liberals. It did not happen overnight. I started seeing the patterns. It happened over time. My hate for my own government due to its nation killing policies is why. They are grooming Canada for the end of our sovereignty. I sincerely believe our leaders to be traitors. Id like to see them prosecuted and if guilty, executed. 100% sincere. And yes im well aware of how rotten most Jews are. Im not like them and stand here with you.