Amen St. Thomas the Fierce!
OK, typically cryptic for the “normies”.
So, who can make sense of it for us “five year olds?”
Spoken like a chick who went through some dude’s phone 😝
Durka durkaaaaaaahhhh!
Backward ACRONYM:
This is a critical path within the next step to American’s “great awakening.”
Archived (non paywall) version: Former Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao criminally indicted two months after recall
While we’re at it, how about a little light shining on the supporters of “The One,” “The Lightbringer.”
‘Member this old chestnut?
Raphael Warnock called Jeremiah Wright's 'God Damn America’ ‘Preaching at its best
I’ll take bowling pin-shaped Jerry Nadler across for the win, Peter.
Captain Obvious here (actually Captain Well Shave My Taint), but whatever, don’t sign this unless you’re an LA resident…
Big Mike reportedly too busy sunning his Big Mike in the islands to make it …
Reportedly said something to effect of “I t’ain’t flying all the way back to DC for that Cracker-Ass honky…”
Or so I hear tell :-)
Gawd. I’d HATE to think how big her TAINT is now.
And her other, uh, spot…
Must be big as a HOUSE!
Need numerous randomized versions of this card so we can all play along…
His actions appear to be a combo of :
It’s a thing, and all “we” can do is be aware of it, support those who understand and oppose and…
There are just some people in the world who are selfishly evil…
And their supporters who just as selfish and also weak and ignorant.
Methinks it’s to run cover for all the Liberal Elite in CommieFornia who will need to run under cover of lockdowns once the Day of Reckoning arrives Jan. 20, 2025.
Gov. Hair Gel’s problem is the people won’t stand for more fake and gay flu lockdowns…
"Barry's" Intel middle name: Hussein.
Chosen Secret Service name: RENEGADE
When they tell you who they are, believe 'em.
As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.
--Andrew Carnegie
Mother of adopted ballerina (orphaned native of Sierra Leone) who “died suddenly” also dies while preparing for surgery — Cherry Hill, NJ resident allegedly did not know that Michaela DePrince had died prior to prep.
News posted on FedBook by “family spokesperson” Jessica Volinski.
Sure is not related in any way that entertainment mogul P.Diddly Doo in nearby state was arrested Monday for (among other allegations) child sex trafficking…
One interesting comment in article link:
I would like to know how the beautiful mother who chose this angel as her chosen daughter was not informed of her daughters death?? Im not understanding this at all, her mother died a day later while waiting for a medical procedure, now her mommy must have been awake in hospital awaiting this medical procedure, so how is it that this mom had no idea her daughter died?
The cynic in me says she reached her internal fundraising goal from this schtick, and dialed it back...
You mean... delete does not = -?
No matter.
FEDS = Lez than ZERO...
Serious Q:
Does anyone have some sauce (a listserve or other link) that proofs the existence of this 4 a.m. "talking points" memo? I'd be danged innerdasted in checking out where it's all coming from.
If covered elsewhere, a link will do.
Found this: Talking Points Memo blog founded in 2000. LEFTIES...
Seems to be a hallmark of the GlobalistH breed...
Rule o T, if they have that look on their face like they have a little lemon drop stuck up their ... know that they know what they're doing and know they f'n HATE us.
Strzok supporters raise more than $200K after firing
Not sayin' they need to die and IF you should, given the chance, deliver a good hard shove off a helo if no one's watching,
Not saying you shouldn't.
Just sayin'
Yeah, and Minnesota is Ground Zero for that, thanks to our globalist buddies who imported precincts worth of "Some people did something" Ilhan Omar voters since the Chosen One's presidency.
These are taxpayer-funded Biden voters.
Who knows what, if any, protections there are in our election rules enforcement, if no ID is required?
Alright, who can explain why Batman bitch-slapped Robin in the first place? They’re the dynamic duo for Chrissakes! Bros, even. Did Robin put too much starch in the Caped Crusader’s man thong? Did young ward Dick Grayson tell the Dark Knight he wanted a kitten? I’m serious here man. What set off Batman! Batman! Batman??!?!?!