You’ve gotta work at seeing it sometimes, but there’s a rainbow in those storm clouds we’re always seeing… the smile on that kid’s face. The “thank you” when you get the chance to hold the door for somebody, plus the option to throw a “no problem” or “don’t worry about it” their way. The smoothest stone let’s the waters flow over it, the ones that let themselves get dashed against other rocks end up jagged. Hopefully enough of us get smoothed out and settled enough that others can step across the water without getting too wet. We pile here together to help build a sturdier, safer path for them.
It depends the version of the Bible that you’re reading or quoting from. The post is quoting from the King James Bible, which has a ton of history and is still used by many Catholics and diehard traditionalist interpreters. Many people use the New International Version, but others still argue that little messages are lost in translation. Personally, I think ones like the New Living Testament get a more functional, but accurate, translation. They’re all translations from mostly Greek, Latin, and such, because before having one Bible (the king James) they had multiple books and scrolls that priests and the few people who could actually read would take care of. This was all before King James came along and said, “that’s nonsense, write it all down in one language we all speak now, throw it in a single book and we’ll call it the Bible and more people will actually read it instead of just trusting these fellas in weird outfits.”
Q said several times to think of it like a movie and that we’re “watching a movie” for multiple reasons. This would be a trilogy or series at this point, but I’m comfy with some popcorn waiting for each next release (Poppy popcorn is awesome). When everybody else starts to see the twists at the end I hope they handle the shock of it well. What you don’t spend on trying the different popcorn flavors invest in tangible assets, security, and some DWAC.
Looks like a pirate, acts like a faggot… Dan Crenshaw is a butt pirate.
Amen. Thank you, I love you too.
Earliest reposted video on YouTube (from a quick search) of Alex Jones pointing out Ahhnalld’s nazi ties was uploaded 2003…
That would just be a great excuse to send Pepe to a special camp. He’d do some gay stuff with some other gay frogs for a bit, and then somebody would use it as even more evidence that They’re turning the frogs gay!!! Feds would just prove AJ right.
Considering his statements in defense of pedophilia from the past, they probably have video evidence.
I figure it’s more to do with everybody being stuck on a crazy ride for their own safety until it’s finally time to fill them in on why the ride’s been so crazy.
He looks like Jim Carrey fucked a Sleestack from Land of the Lost...
So, exactly what all those Afghanistan “refugees” are saying right now?
“I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.” -Plato
Compartmentalization works better when everybody thinks their role is pivotal.
Somebody needs to educate them on camouflage.
Barack is on video calling him Michael. Joan Rivers was murdered for admitting on video “we all know Michelle is a tranny, it’s ok...”, the children were purchased from a couple called the Nesbitts.
Like pulling the drain plug on a horrendously filthy tub... all that dirty water starts to drain and leaves behind all the grime you’ve gotta scrub off.
It was also mentioned at some point that the classified movement here could be something else, considering the capitalization of PELOSI or PENCE creates an anagram of SILENCE POPE.
We are soft, that’s how it was so easy to indoctrinate so many and saddle them with so much bullshit. That softness made for abundant complacency and confidence in a system that wasn’t truly working for us. We got here because so many had never had to think critically and were simply encouraged to trust what we didn’t know without any verification.
Cattle too are all too comfortable. It had to be this way so that those so comfortably indoctrinated could begin to consider how much worse it can actually get before being shown how bad it actually is. But, many that wouldn’t have before are actually beginning to do just that (even though it’s such a small step): Consider. When you’ve been raised up to trust this system without question, consideration becomes a huge step for them.
The fact that so many are actually starting to see the bullshit that they’d been saddled with for so long means that the change is happening. We see masses questioning markets now, the medical industry, the media industry, the educational system, and the political swamp in a way that hasn’t resulted in massive chaos.
We were told it was gonna get worse before it could get better and for the state that we’d gotten to, “worse” is just an inconvenience in comparison to what it took to forge this Nation. I trust the plan and I’m resolved in the goal of Making America Great Again. Always remember to count the wins too, because we’ve gotten plenty more than we can see right now.