This is 100% accurate and this will happen again. I am not dooming - but literally nothing has been done to stop it. I trust President Trump - but what can he do? Uncover it all? We did that several times already. Nobody will prosecute and 1/2 the people do not even care. The "Republicans" are no help because they are in on it. We (myself especially included) all scream and bitch but we do nothing of real consequence. what can we do individually? Poll watch (for the shitty RNC)? Run for office? Biden was a lost cause and Kamala should be...but she isn't. She has all the check marks needed to get the media and Hollywood to fully support her and make her seem popular. Any criticism will be shut down for sexism. racism. hate speech. They will run the playbook. We will lose. We will go back to our boards and memes and rage for 4 more years. I can see exactly what is about to happen - and I feel incredibly helpless. Already Kamala is polling 2 points behind Trump with zero media push...well within their ability to cheat.
The TX National Guard is solid. My concern is more about the "patriots" swarming to the border. Lines of young people wearing helmets and face coverings...? Feds and Antifa wearing MAGA hats. I fear that their plan is to set up another "insurrection".
Stay home and make yourself visible so that the breadth of support is visible everywhere - not just here in TX.
If people must go somewhere - go to the borders in NM, AZ and CA...pressure them to take action.
I am going with 3. I am 55 and in an extremely precarious financial state BUT I have a growing business, a beautiful wife who is WAY more awake than even I am, two fine young (surprisingly conservative) sons and a steadfast understanding that God wins. I am FAR from stress-free but I have learned to tune out the chaos and connect to God. That peace is priceless and keeps me grounded. I wasted years with partying and foolish decisions but, the way I see it, those decisions led me to this place...and I would not have it any other way. There will be plenty of pain coming but I will fight for the things that matter and we will win this war.
I am 55 years old and I have been "awake" now for a few years. I am so ashamed that I fell for the propaganda for so long...Romney, McCain, Bush...I blindly followed them all. I scoff at my liberal friends and family but I was equally fooled...I can't believe that I trusted these men. I am sorry. I was wrong.
I have noticed that Elon, Russel Brand and Kanye - the ones that have slept with DS witches - seem to come out of it spitting truths. Perhaps what they saw/heard/learned frightened the shit out of them. They have all behaved in different ways but all three have awakened a lot of people by using their very large platforms to red pill.
Amazingly I have a sister who is an accomplished veterinarian who goes ballistic about IVM screaming (literally) that it is only for animals. She becomes absolutely irrational and insane. At the same time, my (very sane) doctor prescribed Ivermectin to me and my wife when we had been really sick with...a virus (I refused testing) and we both felt fine the next day. I am not a scientist but IVM worked like a charm for us.
I have been reading the #boycottbalenciaga tweets all day. This is huge. People are mass-spreading old Podesta news and shining a bright light on child sexual abuse by a variety of elites. This is getting mainstream play for the first time in a long time. A lot of new eyes on this for the first time!
How have I never heard of the abiogenic theory?? I just went down that rabbit hole and consider my mind blown...Every time I think that I have uncovered most of the lies I find that I am not even scratching the surface. Literally everything that we are told/taught on every subject is complete bullshit used to control us. Seriously thank you for mentioning this.
Exactly. Since Covid I have spent hours digging through Ivermectin studies as well as dozens of "alternative" treatments for cancer and other primary diseases. These promising studies either get buried and demonized OR the research docs get shut down or killed. I truly believe that we have all the cures already and that they are being kept from us. My sister is a Dr (albeit a vet) and she is psychotically woke. She goes literally bezerk if you mention ivermectin (and I should not that the is a successful equine acupuncturist so it is not like she is all big pharma). She is 100% brainwashed and not open to ANY research. Med schools are corrupted.
No! I live in Bexar County and nobody wants this! We are literally being overrun by illegals pouring down I10 by the thousands. Crime has surged and cartels run rampant in what used to be quite country neighborhoods. This is the LEAST of our concerns. What a dick.
Amen! We have a huge garden full of produce and invested in a grow tent so that I can grow year round in the garage. We went a step further and actually quit our corp jobs and started an organic plant food business...the entire family now works here. Kids pack orders after school! We love it. If you ever need a great all-natural plant food check us out - Organic REV - discount code: KEK will get you 15% off!! Keep on growing everyone. When you become self-sufficient and debt free you win! Take a way their ability to control you one juicy tomato at a time!!
Me, my wife and kids all avoided the jab. Even here in TX the jab pressure was intense. Thank God my wife and I both work from home as consultants or the pressure would have been unbearable. I would have gone to jail to keep that jab away from my just ain't gonna happen. I feel so sad for the millions who were forced to get the jab or lose their job. That is a tough choice for the patriots that have to put food on the table.
As a Texan I have been frustrated that he did not authorize this on day #1. Abbott is ALWAYS a year (or more) late - despite the fact that he often does the right thing...eventually. He is far from the worst but he is no DeSantis. I do like our AG however...he has some balls.
Very true. I live 80 miles from Uvalde and ammo has been scarce for two years. I have to order it from Florida. No way that kid got a fully kitted out DD and all that ammo in two days. He would have had to spent days driving around the state to get all of that.
THIS is why we need single-issue bills