did u watch it?
You must be new here ;D
i tend to see it as the first comment. Your comment has reminded me I was a little sapling trying to grow bountiful fruit for pedes. Thanks boss. For all those that see this I was conspiracy oriented before. But now I'm truth seeking.
Read every drop. (Personally 2x. Some countless) Then come back. Few hours to constitute life change.
Eye for an eye.
outside a 3-D complex maybe? maybe so rogue don't have name.
Sometimes when you spill your soul it tends to sound different.
Wagie, wageslave, brokie, poorfags, terms all used long long ago. Now it's "low-income".
"They never thought she'd lose." 20' wasn't tampered with from WH's.
Wouldn't say 100% but imagine women being housewives. Wouldn't they have brewed the oldschool drank too?
No trans, promotes composting, prompting less waste, whats the "woke" part of this? Claiming women brewed beer first?
"We have it all"
I never had it happen personally. But have witnessed almost instantly on IG posts and whatnot. Remember the internet is international.
"That Mercedes drove me crazy I was speedin'." - Mac Miller.
Gosh such faggots below this. Carry a knife and dont be a fucking idiot with it.
Owned by Miller.
glad some1 else seen it
what the fuck.
Best bible untainted today? In search of one. Only have heirloom from mason.
Not really. Only disheartening thing is being REAL and recognizing the FAKES that I happened to be close to. Many many people I see and knew exposed their selves with wickedness. Tis a blessing in it's own rite.
Manyyyy more closeted fags now, many more demonic possessions, and the lizards are openly acting.
Labs, human trafficking, organs, dirty $, all so much unknown.
'let he who is without sin throweth the first rock and I shalt smoketh it - Tyrone Biggums
Follow the money