Lost me at QAnon
Thank you!! Geez!
My daughter too..
My entire family all voted for Trump! Granted we're not a big family, but that is 8 votes for the GOAT!! Wisconsin and Colorado!
We both followed the same path!
Yes, everyone in my family read it too, all 6 of us
What makes you think I "insisted"?
Squirrels are pretty rare in our neighborhood, we've not got a lot of trees since we're sort of high desert southern Denver suburbs. Amazingly, 1 ran along our entire fence line about 1 hour before the sad news about Peanut broke.
A sign? Yep!
Lord, you need to post a NSFW with this.
This is BEYOND horrifying
Calirado here too.
Handcuffs and perp walk
I see what you did there....45 hours a day
Well, really what choice do you have?
I went from Wisconsin, where they have voter I'd, but machines
To Colorado where I can only vote by mail.
So much bs.
We HAVE to reelect Trump to fix this once and for all!!
Oh, I did that too! Never thought about it that way!
Yep! Voted for the GOAT for the 3rd time!
Well, he's awful busy just now, but he's such a machine he might be able to squeeze it in.
First Trump rally I attended was in Green Bay, August 2016!! Green Bay and Door county is solid Trump country.
In Wisconsin ( my county at least) they still used paper ballots, but... MACHINES counted them
My roommates both have I Phones. I have android. I didn't have any problems but they both did for hours. My daughter in Chicago has an I Phone also, but she didn't experience any problems
Wth guys, really?
We live in a free country WITH FREE Speech for all
Now that makes perfect sense. I was damn sure that WASN'T OBL
I prefer Kamalamadingdong
Wish I could upvote this 100 times
Yes please do!
My cousin is suffering from Parkinson's and his dad, my uncle passed due to it.