These could be a bunch of "new hires" by the enemy who just got caught due to ongoing operations of what I believe to be a global long term "RICO" type investigation.
IT will get bigger in 26 and I doubt [THEY] can get away with near as much cheating as was allowed in the last 5 elections. Both normies and the minions are being "awakened". This long overdue exposure of the opposition of "Liberty and Justice for ALL" is gaining momentum and will continue to do so globally.
Excise the entire thing.
From what I recall in my reading... the first thing the SMO accomplished was taking the Biolabs as they reached them and removing everything they deemed of value then blowing them up. What they valued was largely evidence to support their contentions about the true purposes of all those facilities funded by.... fauxci and his ilk.
What if the "with holding" of all this evidence reactivates the "Statute of limitations" for some of the unindicted? (unindicted adjective un·in·dict·ed ˌən-in-ˈdī-təd)
I have my own timeline and a deadline for this release. I suspect the big reveal will come long before MY deadline.
"Absolutely nothing!!!" ... ok now I will watch the video attached.
"Eagzilla vs the mouse that snorted"
Dive a bit deeper into the history books and you will find Russia also was supportive of the American Revolution. Those we are "forbidden" to criticize are the folks Patton meant when he stated "We fought the wrong enemy" at the end of WWII.
Me, personally, like the idea that we ally with Russia and see if Eurasia will get their collective shite together and turn around with us to go after the rest of those who wished to thrust the entire globe into "servitude".
always love a grammar lesson
The dream of the American way is not lost of my Latino neighbors. Most are hardworking family first types. Like the other groups the leftist loons have conned over the decades.... they are beginning to see the light as to voting for their own values and not those of the people that look like them but are wholly owned by the "machine". Anyone espousing big government is not a fren. So it is written in the "Book of Frogs".
Of course it is a threat to "their democracy"... I believe it was written that way for times like these.
"A republic, Madam, if you can keep it"
" The Tree of Liberty must from time to time be watered with the blood of (true) patriots."
I try to take heart in the belief that there are more ready (percentage wise) to take up arms if needed to defend our Republic. I've read it was only a small percentage of the populace at the outbreak of the Revolution that supported divorcing this land from the Crown of England. I know in my heart there are more ready today than there were some 9 years ago. It took until 1783 for the Revolution to be won.
That was a great movie until the ending.
Or better yet a nice high security floating domicile on the open seas. With burials at sea for all who expire out there. That's me being civil... the uncivil me would be chumming the waters and bloodying them before they were made to walk the plank.
A big rich clan... has it occurred to anyone else that maybe... just maybe John, Robert and their juniors are the aberrations to the norm? They've been very wealthy as a group since the days of Prohibition. I doubt many of that family think much beyond what they have and how to get more of it. Keep in mind that old Joe lost the chosen son and John was moved up the ladder to replace the old man's ambitions.
WWG1WGA-NCSWIC for the last few years
"Who's watching the watchers, Bobby?"
Do you remember this line?
Could be... just don't over due your usage or run the risk of a bluish hue to your epidermis. At least in your average caucasoid.
There is definitely something coming our way... Nothing can stop it... save the Creator. A few feet underground for a short time will be essential to survive as well as being at an elevation above the flood to come. There is a reason why so many rich folks been looking to space and below ground... and the soon to come civilization collapse is only part of the story. The second half of this century will be a definite change of "pace".
Will the "Kingdom" survive?
Now that would be something... I know it will never in a million years happen... but what if the vast majority of delegates refuse to vote.
Sample ballot:
1: Harris-Walz
2: None of the above *
They don't have to pretend as they own it already.
That might be even scarier than the old line
"We're from the government and we're here to help." where they conveniently left out the last part of their mission statement...
Where do I sign up?
The seat remains vacant until a "special election" is called for by Gov. Abbott. If does so 36 days before the 1st Saturday in May it will be that day. If not it will be the 1st Tuesday after a Monday in November. The 36 day rule applies to that date as well. In a "midnight" blue district of Houston. But who knows what other relics of that area [THEY] will pull out of their ____.