YaharaRiver 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've collected quite a few oldies! None of them indicate that herbs will do miracles, and all of them admit that preparation is an 'art'. But at least they distinguish between useless and poisonous plants versus those that are safe to consume.

My general impression has always been that they're too mild and slow for today's ailments. But I always remembered the Canadian nurse who cured cancer with her concoction. Named ESSIAC, the nurse's name was Rene Caisse. Remarkable!

YaharaRiver 1 point ago +1 / -0

He oozes strength and resolve. Which will likely take a surprising jump since the muslims have pushed the envelope in such a monstrous fashion.

I hope he glasses Gaza FLAT. AND the miles and miles and miles of underground military tunnels the muslims built instead of providing for their breeding population as promised. They ALL need to go quite frankly. They were stupid to fuck around, now they're going to find out.

YaharaRiver 1 point ago +1 / -0

$22 million in black market dollars? Or in Colorado Weed Shop dollars?? idk, maybe it's the same amount at this point

YaharaRiver 3 points ago +3 / -0

Your phrasing implies that the victim is at fault.

The FACT is that hamas conducted a savage military attack on unarmed innocents and took hostages for future leverage during PEACETIME. You know, a period when guard is naturally down because Peace?

Does hamas even grasp the concept of peace?? Just because hamas and muslims in general are in a permanent, active WAR mentality doesn't mean everyone else lives that way! That cult is fucked up.

YaharaRiver 2 points ago +2 / -0

This gaslighting insults everyone's intelligence.

They sound exhausted when they make mistakes like this.

YaharaRiver 2 points ago +2 / -0


I recollect assets will be seized and funds frozen for those who committed crimes against humanity. EO #13818, blocking the property of persons involved in serious human rights abuse AND CORRUPTION.

The "and corruption" part is deliciously broad phrasing, is it not

YaharaRiver 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ha! 😂 yep, that's their craving to Shame & Blame shining through lol

YaharaRiver 1 point ago +1 / -0

This only explains the muslim's point of view. 🙄 They've been pissed off ever since their precious Ottoman Empire was defeated. Its absolute END happened in 1922.

YaharaRiver 2 points ago +2 / -0

In this interview, she specifically addresses the frustrating tendency of timid conservatives who insist that they need to consider all aspects of a dire situation before acting to defeat it.

When the threat reaches the point that a machete is drawn and poised to come down on your neck, do you still want to talk about the killer's childhood?!

We are at that point.

YaharaRiver 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fantastic interview. Her energy is palpable and contagious. Because she KNOWS and wants you to know too. She lived it. We don't have to!


YaharaRiver 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know a thing about this ceremonious event, but I'm thrilled and happy to see so many ENGLISH people in London, experiencing the splendid pomp they are so famous for, instead of swarms of invading foreigners who've all been named the same, pretending they 'conquered' the place.

YaharaRiver 4 points ago +4 / -0

Two things:

  1. Watching a thing occur is not the same as doing it. The crimes are not "his fault".

  2. Being commander in chief is very different from being a president in the White House. If they were the same thing, one of the titles isn't necessary.

YaharaRiver 1 point ago +1 / -0


YaharaRiver 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, he WOULD have House reps reviewing all the events of the day and working six days a week... Pretty sure they couldn't keep up 😆

YaharaRiver 2 points ago +2 / -0

If it's a clip of Trump during a speech, he likely posted it on Truth Social first. I don't recollect the clip myself, but that's where I would start looking. At least you have it narrowed down to South Carolina!

YaharaRiver 3 points ago +3 / -0

How are they not simply using desalinization techniques??

Apparently the cost of desalinization has dropped dramatically (62%) and there is absolutely no "emergency" whatsoever. Draw the water, whereever it's from, through desalinization and presto! Usable water!

What a malicious land grab they're trying to set up by pretending a superior solution doesn't exist!

YaharaRiver 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just checkin'.

There's an Ashland here, a pretty nice place. No less proud of you if it's not the same Ashland.

YaharaRiver 5 points ago +5 / -0

We only get the gist of it.

The important details are 100% protected. NO LEAKS.

YaharaRiver 3 points ago +3 / -0

"the West" my ass.

Original members of the UN include: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, and Syria.

Their dreams of jihad against all infidels were already well established at that time, the only trick was how and when...

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