I’ve read about people who are going through chemotherapy putting peroxide on their skin as it introduces more oxygen to their bloodstream.
I’ve been utilizing a “raw” vitamin for many years, it’s definitely worth the price.
Exactly. What people don’t understand is when you’re given the “choice” of take the Mark or die it’s literal. You will be killed on the spot for rejecting the system of the Mark.
We aren’t being hunted down and asked to be chipped, it’s an optional procedure.
There’s nothing new under the sun.
I meant my original deleted comment for a different thread but you’re right! Almost every video is of a woman being sex trafficked but the evil in people makes them turn a blind eye.
I was exposed to pornography as a child, left alone to the internet, in the early 2000s. While it had some pull when I was younger and curious, thank God I’m not an addict. However, I know MANY PEOPLE exposed to pornography as a child and it brought some very serious consequences. Erectile dysfunction IS A SIDE EFFECT OF PORNOGRAPHY ABUSE. But “oh no! Don’t take muh pron” 😑
The farms that grow the plants for the essential oils I utilize use sheep in certain fields to help with weeds. They also use the distilled oils that don’t pass their tests for use back into the fields as natural pest management. It’s actually easy to not poison the earth if you choose not to be evil.
Nice. I’ve heard it’s inexpensive to do, but super expensive to reverse, so win/win for the fools willing to sterilize themselves lol
In The Confessionals podcast episode 532:Mothers of Darkness, there is a woman who talks about being groomed to be a successor to the “witch” before her if I recall correctly. She talks about PLG and being a part of it, what really stood out to me was her claim that Elon was in her group/or in another she knew of for PLG. The kicker is, they could never see past 2024. They were kids when they went through it. Pretty interesting with all that’s currently happening surrounding him.
Blurry Creatures podcast has a phrase in the opener about the Smithsonian taking giant bones 😅😬
The world is healing.
A lot of evil people aren’t thinking about consequences, they just want to complete their “mission” and receive their reward.
Racism doesn’t exist, it’s called being prejudice. You look at someone and “pre judge” what you want to think about them. I have zero guilt being prejudice towards certain demographics of people who have shown me their true colors.
Islam is technically illegal to practice in the United Sates because many of its “beliefs” are in direct violation of our Constitution.
Animals belong in cages.
The Tree of Liberty is thirsty..
When fear rules their hearts they go straight to dooming.
You’re not wrong. They’ve definitely messed with the OG formula. We’ve taken to just making Big Macs at home! The sauce is really easy to make and you have control over the quality of the ingredients!
We’ve chosen to live within a budget, that means I spend 180 at Costco and not 400 because I have 180 for bulk food. It’s mainly things that’ll last too, frozen organic goods and canned things. A majority of people don’t make a list when they go grocery shopping. They impulsively buy instead of looking through the fridge/pantry and meal planning. It’s insane how much people overspend on crap, filler food.
I think it’s insinuating that Elon is the exact opposite of Soros.