At this point I'm guessing that every ATM keeps track of serial numbers as bills are dispensed as do business deposits so there's probably a solid paper trail of how cash flows.
Tesla stock starts going up as the propagandized population figures out that bioweapon defense mode is a standard feature on some models.
There probably aren't any guidelines to follow for the symptoms of "I cut my penis off and now I wan't it back" or "I was tricked into taking the wrong hormones and now I have tits and a beard" and between regulations, administration and the legal department modern doctors have pretty much lost the ability to think beyond the path set in front of them by regulations.
I think the (D) evil has no imagination so it relies on men to come up with bad ideas and then encourages other men to make those bad ideas a reality.
I suspect they'll try to push through a bunch of nonsense between now and Jan 3rd mostly to say they tried and cry victim making a scene.
naughty boys, dish me the dirt via pm please!
BTW If anyone of significant authority starts calling themselves "The Son of Man", "The Word" or any of Jesus' many aliases consider the possibility that they are the AntiChrist. In which case I will leave it to your imagination who the False Prophet is.
I really want to see a fleet of self driving cars push their limit on speed and coordination at a proving ground on a rotary (roundabout) intersection. Just imagine the pile up when 100 of those things pushing 120mph suddenly makes a slight mistake.
They would have to time it with a pharmaceutical shortage, 30-90 days after people get their supply cut off of their SSRI (happy pills) I foresee a very bad time happening involving both suicides and homicides. If the happy pills get cut off you might be well advised to accumulate some provisions and just stay home. If you are on happy pills you might be well advised in researching how to get off of them be it tapering or supplementing or stimulating serotonin production.
The last boom is going to be 45 announcing campaign to become 47... obviously the 2024 campaign funds are being dispersed for marketing purposes with the return of the false prophet.
Suspect Found Dead after Shooting 4, Causing Panic in DC
With regard to the rainbow and Christianity please re-read Genesis 9 keeping in mind the context of the situation. so I guess read Genesis 5-9 with 9 being key to the rainbow.
What does the rainbow represent? What made God decide to wipe the slate clean with a flood? Why is it significant that homosexuals have chosen the rainbow to represent themselves in this context?
Queers waving the rainbow in God's face is a silly way to taunt him into action. I probably have a different view of God and Satan's relationship based off their interactions in the first two chapters of JOB
Forget that Job is the name of the man and look at how Satan and God interact here. It is as if the purpose of our life on earth right now is just a selection process for the next life and it is Satan's job to weed out the undeserving applicants like Satan is the H.R. department. The interactions between Satan and God here feel a lot like a morning meeting to me.
Waving the rainbow flag in this context is rejecting God and taunting him, although most who are doing this do not understand the context. This brings us back to the knowledge of good and evil and the question of if ignorance is an excuse which I believe it may be as all the way into revelation 9:21 with all that prophecy obviously happening it still notes that the people will not repent. They still have the option of repenting that late in the game. I believe it is set up this way for the ones who make the cut to not be salty about their friends and relatives and such being left out, but I am just a foolish man so please come to your own conclusions based on your study of the texts.
It would be ironic if someone heavily targeted outspoken liberals. The ones with the most liberal agenda who have the most followers.
one baby step closer to one world government. I've read an interpretation of the book of Daniel (ram/goat) and Revelation's beasts relating to the horns and kingdoms represented that implied that US Canada Mexico would come under one government representing one horn of ten globally or something along those lines as we build up to a global government.
I used to live near a reserve base that flew those rigs, they told me some silly stories about flying all the way across the country to keep current on hours just to make a short trip once there transporting spare parts for their counterparts on the other coast. Don't think that everything is always a thing with them.
2 cor 3:18 NIV And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate[a] the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
upload something and the bureaucrat will check a box. A person may not even look at it, they may just look for a file to be present. Do not upload something false.
They are just kicking out extra emissions to be blamed on civilians in cars and burning up fuel unnecessarily so that civilians in cars have to pay more, c'mon man!
I've come to that conclusion more recently. Things found in bark and skin seem to be of much interest, as when God created the plants he made them naturally produce things to protect them.
masks- 2nd cor 3-18 i believe there's a bunch of faith healing stuff that applies to not using modern medicine
here is neon covering something on it, take it for what it is worth. Some anon claiming to be a Jr. Senator which could just be a larp but if it were not it would be 1 of 50 people in the USA and Rand fits the description. Many anons have suspected rand but I don't screen cap every little piece of information that I may regurgitate later.
jrsenator anon???? look it up he is a prime suspect if it is not a larp.
Need citations with this claim please, I agree with the sentiment but I don't recall the pronoun use by demons in the bible.