Zi0ns_walls 1 point ago +1 / -0

The soy is strong in this one.

I couldn't watch it OP sorry, he was annoying me with his hyperbeta womansplaining.

Zi0ns_walls 11 points ago +11 / -0

How much were going to rejoice in the Lords Kingdom!

To be snatched away from this miserable earth to such an unimaginable place of joy, love, justice and brotherhood.

I had an experience that brought me to Jesus, I felt an enveloping love that made me cry all night and woke up with this sense that Gods plan is perfect.

Sometimes i take a break from the fight just to reconnect with God and offload the burden to him and remind myself of that day.

Zi0ns_walls 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm a populist I don't trust any of them, I'm more of the leaning that anyone not against you is for you.

The way I see it every leader has an agenda but the bulk of the world just want to live in peace and have enough money and spare time to enjoy life with family a d friends. They're my type of people.

Zi0ns_walls 1 point ago +1 / -0


I don't know what they're trying to say there but it is very omenous and evil.

If whites are the virus and society is the body, why is this person advocating removing the society.

I know they meant killing white people off, which sadly is becoming all too common. Tbh I look forward to the day these "compassionate morally superior' liberals are either wiped off the planet or suffer the wrath of the tribulation.

Zi0ns_walls 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yh but where are all the unvaccinated?

UK statistics show only 6-10% of our population are unpoisoned.

What if the majority are poor countries like Somalia and Ethiopia.

Or even spread apart over the world in small pockets, it's not much for us to work with, unlike the people of the American Revolution

If the majority are poor and hungry they are easily controlled. They don't fear countries that are in failed states as they have no means leading a revolution against them.

Zi0ns_walls 2 points ago +2 / -0

She will kill you for her 'right' to murder her own children.

Zi0ns_walls 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's a great post, I don't have children yet but when I do I will be homeschooling them.

I'm glad your child is much happier with schooling and even excelling compared to children his own age.

Well done for claiming back your child from those monsters and I'm sure your child(ren) will be better for it and a lot closer to you.

Sounds like you are raising a little adventurer with all the activities he engages in, I pray that you all have a happy, love filled and successful life.

What a beautiful and rewarding life homeschooling can bring.

Zi0ns_walls 15 points ago +15 / -0

Amen, for thousands of years the faithful have dread the end times, imagining what It would be like. The Quakers got their name because they quaked in their boots at the thought of it.

But here we are still in the fight! Calling out the wicked and laughing at their expense. There's no way of the satanists stopping us from sharing Jesus, the truth and memes.

It will likely get worse but then it will be eternally good.

Zi0ns_walls 2 points ago +2 / -0

😂 😂

The world is going to hell in a handbasket but I can still laugh at all the faggots sending themselves there.

Some things they can't take away from us; Our memes and our fuck you attitudes.

This doesn't end well for them

Zi0ns_walls 2 points ago +2 / -0

During the early days Protestant reformation in Britain they used to burn the reformers alive by tying the Bible's around their necks and everyone that smoke blew upon became more devout and determined to continue the reformation.

The darkest days in church history are always the brightest days in the church of Jesus Christ.

Zi0ns_walls 1 point ago +1 / -0

You think that socialist left wing terrorist group backed by CIA actually give a fuck.

Today they are simply antifa with Irish accents

Zi0ns_walls 6 points ago +6 / -0

You see all them blood clots that are pulled out the arteries in the autopsy, yes you guessed it, it's because of the lack of polar bears.

Zi0ns_walls 1 point ago +1 / -0

🎶We hijacked the pope mobile,

Painted it red white and blue,

We took it up to Derry's walls and the shankill too,

We took it to sandy row to see King Billy on his horse,

Where he knelt and kissed King Billy's feet And the horses arse!

Glory Glory Hallelujah, Glory Glory Hallelujah, Glory Glory Hallelujah, And we sent him back to Rome.🎶


Zi0ns_walls 3 points ago +4 / -1

I'm with you on this u/Chimlee69.

Just his work with neuralink and all the evil and dangers that come with it I dont trust Elon at all.

The man's a transhumanist that wants to implant peoples brain with a very dangerous device and wants us to believe that he wants us to watch cat videos on it.

His family are rich and powerful South African elites in the precious stones trade.

I don't know why people have fully accepted him as one of us because he says the right things on twitter.

Zi0ns_walls 1 point ago +1 / -0

Martin Luther reformed the church and I fully support it.

Hopefully the RC church gets the same kind of reformation

Zi0ns_walls 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's becoming more of a black hebrew Israelite, in these interviews he keeps mentioning black people are the real Jews. Have a look at BHI and you'll see he has entered that cult and all the thoughts and beliefs behind it.

Zi0ns_walls 1 point ago +1 / -0

All the ones on Epstein List seem like the celebrity ones with some exceptions.

More people would of attended but they must of taken their own planes and avoided exposure. Here a screenshot of Google earth of the island and the nearby airport.


It could possibly be who's on the island at the time as to what's going on, I bet it all involves children but I don't think everyone one the lists are into cannibalism.

Zi0ns_walls 2 points ago +2 / -0

Having white babies pisses off everybody. In other words die whitey die.

Zi0ns_walls 2 points ago +2 / -0

I might of wrongly assumed you weren't a believer that's why I replied with that.

I understand Jesus and that he's not playing games when he returns the whole book of revelation testifies to that fact.

It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Hebrews 10:31 NIV

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