I might of wrongly assumed you weren't a believer that's why I replied with that.
I understand Jesus and that he's not playing games when he returns the whole book of revelation testifies to that fact.
It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Hebrews 10:31 NIV
Democracy has surrendered to a fraction of the population.
I've found a few more channels with Irish patriots
Although they are small. I assume your American so your population is about 60-70% right wing, Ireland is probably over 90% left wing. Even then the 10% have only become active recently. All that NIRA bullshit is really an antifa/globalist terrorist front
Us Ulster Scot protestants are almost 100% right wing, which further adds fuel to fire over here.
I can't really be a help to direct you to news channels over here, they're all corrupt. I'm in the same boat as you I get it all off the internet, here and telegram mostly.
If you like hearing what's going on in Ireland, I'm in a group called the Irish git on telegram. Though most of what is discussed is pretty much the same as we do here, but more designated to Irish goings on.
Here's a link to a video but you can join the chat, there's usually links to other groups that you can go into.
Its good to see Irish people waking up, Ireland is very left wing, I don't think they have a right wing party but they have about 5 left wing parties to vote for.
So for the elites to start pissing off the Irish means their fucking it all up.
You have an interesting family history, especially with Gen. Washington and the Continental Army. You should be really proud of that.
Even us Ulster Scots we have great love for the American Revolutionaries. In Ulster all our newspapers were openly supporting the American cause and whenever Thomas Paine made a new book/pamphlet it was printed out and given free with every newspapers.
My ancestors also had a great military history, I'm a mix of Crawford and Comyn clans. The comyns especially they were the most powerful clan in Scotland during our wars of independence from England.
You're right about the peace we all have due to being economically aligned and how when that money drys up we will be at each others throats. It'll probably be a bit more than that as well as we know they love to play divide and rule.
Just in Britain we have the two sides in Ulster fighting, the Scottish independents versus the unionists in Scotland, Welsh nationalists against the English, the million immigrants washing up on our coastline each year, there's a little war between the Hindus and Sikhs against the Muslims.
The elites will cease upon these opportunities for their advantage, it will take a remarkable leader to bring them together and redirect our aim where it needs to go.
Wow you're family went long before the war of independence that's impressive. You must have a Scots Irish connection as I thought it was all Scots that migrated, I might be wrong and some native Irish also went.
My family are originally from Donegal so not that far away. Both were taken into the Irish free state.
You're right tensions are really high, Sinn Fein(Irish republican nationalist party) had a very successful election and the census is showing that catholics outnumber protestants the first time ever.
Also, the New IRA and Saoradh have started to ramp up the fighting again. These NIRA are a lot like antifa, they have some of the same talking points and doctrines.
It is a powder keg that's ready to blow and It looks like a lot of people are hell bent in taking it that direction.
My family were granted land in the Ulster Plantation, I'm told during the famine my family sold a lot of our land to buy food to feed the starving Irish, which I'm proud of.
Many other land owners wouldn't do that but then during the Easter rising if a male in my family turned 18 they were kidnapped and executed. My nan had brothers, cousins and uncles killed.
Then Ireland got there free state and 200-300,000 protestants that fell on the wrong side of the border just disappeared and noone asks where they went.
My family had to leave everything behind and move to Belfast. They forgot that we kept their ancestors alive during the famine and then commited genocide against us.
A lot of evil done on both sides
This is for you u/Queef_Anon
Now tell me you believe in the baby Jesus or I will stomp your guts out!
That's nice they're finally noticing but anytime within the most suspiciously number inflated pandemic and the hastily rushed poison that killed the 8 testing mice would of been better.
It's also nice they're not taking anymore vaccines but are they still going to poison our families that come to take it?
Will they mass protest and raise the alarms and stage a scene when they're about to lose their jobs to raise awareness?
Or will they stay silent and allow it to continue because they have bills to pay?
They need to make up for it somehow considering they have allowed and profited from 6,000,000,000 people being sentenced to an early painful death.
Can we bottle his foot odour and storm the capital again? Even post it in letters
I'm late to this but I salute you Anon for this comment
Sorry fren I live on a different time zone from you, it's on bitchite
Link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Qgx3FlxRBHGv/
Unbelievable that this is happening and everybody are living their lives and won't look into it because it makes them feel uncomfortable.
Hell awaits for those that do these things
My family are from Belfast and it was the IRA that killed Mountbatten. The story goes was they were trafficking Catholic boys to sexually abuse and him and his boat was blown up because of it, rightfully so. That's common knowledge over there.
British elites abusing Irish children has been going on for hundreds of years have a look about the hellfire club or more recently the Kincorra boys scandal
Even the Cargill's are a big money family, I can't find much on them but their business is privately held and makes around $180 billion per year
Ohh Tommy Tommy, Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
Also called the international hyenas by Addy.
I agree that people in these places making claims need to put up or shut.
I also understand he needs to drum up support or else it will be released without any attention.
48 hrs is good he has our attention now but don't wait to long for Hillary to order a suicide.
They bombarding the poll to hide how small % of the population support the demonrat party and to back up their election fraud.
I bet if trump ran in a honest election he would get close to 80%.
I don't think there are as many normies as they would have us to believe. Obviously not everyone will be the high energy winter soldiers like us here but they see what's going on.
I always imagine people with dreads as a surfy peaceful and pacifist type but the rage they created in him makes me want to give him a rifle
You are an absolute faggot, are you proud of the mass slaughter of civilians?
There's two sides to every story but you're only allowed to hear one side of WW2, why?
Here you have an opportunity to see but you have a senseless hatred those you've been told to hate.
Yet you're here complaining that they're lying about you.
Get your shit together friend
I hate seeing innocent civilians killed like this, it's happened a lot over here in Europe and it angers me. Most people want to live in peace but there are always a bunch of cunts with their agendas.
One day those arseholes will be sieved out from the harvest when Christ comes back.
If islands floated us Brits would of cut the anchors and sailed them home.
This has a list of all the ones they seized, thanks for the share
Bonnet de douche Rodney