Time, energy and treasure spent prepping is never wasted. Time spent teaching your children is never wasted. We have over seventy days until The President returns to the White House. We don’t know what will happen in the next two months or in the six after that. As time passes and the white hats assert the return of the rule of law, we can begin to relax. Stay strong and persevere.
If we truly were to hang traitors, we would need the whole mall, not just the area in front of the White House. But, why pollute our national treasures, use the range areas of military bases around the nation.
The fix was definitely in for the NC gubernatorial race but one must admit that Robinson stepped on his own dick with some of the things he said.
“It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt”.
Shallow Hal, right here…
That is an excellent bollocking!
Hey, when you need work, any port in a storm. I think she is perfectly capable of differentiating between work for hire and doing what you’re passionate about.
Besides, she may very well have been sent there on a mission. We’ll never know.
I think Habba would be better as White House counsel and Tucker in the speechwriter’s department.
I wrote in another thread that Barron is the President’s “man on the ‘net”. I hope he lurks here and sees all of our thoughts and suggestions, minus the crazies.
That would be an excellent choice.
The homicide of Tafari Campbell took place on Edgartown Great Pond, a salt pond connected to the ocean by a small inlet. It is southwest of Edgartown proper and just west of South Beach.
Source: personal experience having spent thirteen summers on the island.
I read an article in an online magazine just the other day. It was a decent biography and CV of Ms. Wiles. From that and other sources, I think she will be an excellent Chief of Staff for the President.
Her first job should be to advise on and hire a press secretary, the important public face of the White House.
Sure, let them fuck around with fluorine compounds. There will be fewer of them around to bother us.
BTW, just get toothpaste containing stannous fluoride.
My family and I were there in ‘63 and ‘64.
They were irrelevant from their beginnings.
Tell me you haven't been to Little Saint James island without telling me you haven't been to Little Saint James island...
I honestly don't know why. World's Fairs have been YUGE money losers since 1964.
She would be lucky to only get arrested...
LOL. I came here to say that…
It looks like we’ll be having a Merry Christmas after all.
Mine has never come down. It flies 7/24 and is illuminated from dusk ‘til dawn.
There is a flag, just no wind. Look closely at the top of the staff.
No warnings, when I judge a threat to be imminent, action.
Also, no swing, a two handed poke. A hard thrust with the body behind it to the solar plexus or the face is much more effective than a whack. It is also useful for blocking or parrying.
Possibly, but because I am sane, I can regain my center quickly and not react to it.
Just don't touch me, that will elicit an unexpected response.
Our household voted early on Friday too.
I read "Atlas Shrugged" decades ago. I need to get a copy and read it again.
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