Because they are Sunday Christians and the gun owners are summer patriots.
A couple of post-war fashion designers, set designers, set dressers, artists and sound designers came out of that organization. Their deception efforts go far deeper than some rubber tanks and fake radio traffic. George Patton, fresh from his leadership debacle in Sicily, was made commanding general of FUSAG, the First US Army Group, the command headquarters of the false army created by the 23rd. Patton went so far as to meet with civilian leadership in FUSAG’s operating area in the UK to assure them that the encampment was temporary and the area would return to normal after a while.
The entire task of the 23rd/FUSAG was to convince the German high command that a very large army was preparing to cross the channel at the Pas de Calais and that Normandy was a feint. They were successful as the Germans kept their panzer divisions north of Normandy near the Pas until it was too late.
This success redeemed Patton’s reputation and he was given command of the Third Army.
See “Ghost Army” by Beyer and Sayles and “Bodyguard of Lies” by Anthony Cave Brown for more complete information on this.
“In war, the truth is so precious that she must be surrounded by a bodyguard of lies.” - W. Churchill
For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever and ever.
Welcome home, fren.
Do you mean that Chester Carville boy? He's just not right in his head, bless his heart...
I spent the last ten years before retirement as a firewall engineer. I never liked that Fortinet shit. Their best attribute is cheapness.
Been watching it off and on for a while now.
Here ya go: I think that DVS are a treasonous, lying bunch of sons-of-bitches who are on the payroll of the evil bastards who want to interfere with free and fair elections here in the USA in order to install traitors, also on their payroll, for their own evil purposes.
Come at me, motherfuckers. I stand on the rights endowed upon me by Almighty God as protected by the US Constitution.
Please, just deport the illegals and fix the bridges.
What makes you think they don’t? No fly zone? Ha ha ha, why would they care? Modern opto-electronics can reach into a no-fly zone with ease. A drone probably couldn’t be detected anyway.
If the WHs aren’t doing this, it’s because they don’t care or it isn’t worth expending the assets.
Barack Hussein.
Do I need a license or is my state lifetime sportsman's license good? Will I need tags or is there no bag limit? Will I have to check them in at a recording station or will I need to call 800-i-got-one?
I'm asking for a friend...
By the looks of him, "the rest of his life" won't be very long...
Kunstler is quoting Samuel Johnson, a notable English eighteenth century writer.
“Assholes inside”…
He commanded the 160th SOAR!
Thank you, and I wish you good heath as well.
I’m well into my seventies and in very good health for my age. No beef, no beer and no high fructose corn syrup, they wake up the gout gremlin. I had a short hospital stay last month for a mechanical problem that resolved without surgery and my blood work was outstanding.
I have never eaten anything from McDs except for a few fries. Probably fifty years ago, walking along a country road, I came upon a discarded McD’s shake. It had dried into a fibrous mass. It turned me right off their “food”.
EOs are not law…
Thanks, but my allegiance is to the USA; I’ll be staying to do what I can in the struggle ahead.
Does anybody actually give a rat’s ass what Gerry Rivers thinks, says or does?
Hell, the missus and I went to the post office! 😎
Outdoor services can be more beautiful amidst God’s glory than any inside a building.