every single time
Thank god because this would have wiped out all the hospitals in the country.
Like a week before lol. You know what i meant.
Yeah pretty strange. Every time it gets posted on here its taken down as well. Im sure this wont last long either.
Now look at a video from before trump was president...
Whether its a mask or a double that is most definitely not the same guy it was a couple years ago. Doesnt look anything like him.
What do you guys make of this then? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEzlq2fsGSI
Yeah this post is a little dry, needs sauce
While most wont even mention it because they know the backlash. AJ wont even bring htis up and he talks all kinds of crazy. This proves everything we need to know.
Sounds like a call for a hit on the BOP for failing to off Epstein to me. The dems wanted him dead, so if theyre upset about what happened then he is very much alive.
By having an amazing thanksgiving day with your immediate family.
Desperation near the end will cause horrible things no doubt. A desperate cornered animal is most dangerous.
every single time...
How can you continue to ignore all the questions and statements made, continue spouting insults, then even begin to imagine that you can claim any kind of moral or intellectual high ground? You are demonstrating an amazing amount of ignorance, liberal scream in the streets ignorance, pigeon shitting on the chess board and claiming victory level ignorance.
If you had more than a double digit iq you would have started off by trying to refute the points made with facts and logic. You have done the opposite of that.
IDK but its like the shirt he wore that had "boy lover" symbols on it. In which he said his wife bought it for him and he didnt know.
Nothing can stop whats coming?
Monkey wears a tiny hat, strange that thats true for most q channels. Makes you wonder .
We dont know anything about any of them, including trump. They could all be blackhats for all we know. Maybe the white hats stuck trump with the responsibility of the vax. We dont know.
What i do know is that no one should worship any of these people.
He sits solely a top the fed, the same way Xi does in china. Also while in control of the organization that controls over a quadrillion dollars in assets. Why would he or his campaign need pennies from american citizens in donations?
Yeah but if the plan is true and going according to plan then he is now the wealthiest man the world has ever seen. He sits a top of the organization responsible for confiscating the assets of the wealthiest criminals in the world. All the gold stolen from the US, all the assets of the elite ruling families, the head of the federal reserve. His net worth would legitimately be worth over a quadrillion dollars.
He absolutely wears a tiny hat.