Nope. Media will have a field day with it, and he will lose more people than impress. I'm honestly stumped. If he's leaving breadcrumbs fine - something has to happen to justify it. If not, and in the normies minds they have no context for breadcrumbs - then it will look like a HUUUUUUGE egotistical tone-deaf move.
After going after DeSantis, his first huge announcement, and now Just wow.
This will be the nail in the coffin for patriots. We will lose too much of our vote in people who believe there's no longer any point. I am sympathetic. That's easily 10-15% which gives democrats a permanent majority - possibly even without the cheating.
The courts are too corrupt to help. I thought Trump's big accomplishment was judicial appointments? I guess not so much.
I take solace in the book of revelation. There is no turning back from the brink foretold in scripture. It is a one-way trip into complete subjugation. But Christ will return, and His people will be with Him in glory. That's all we really need to know. The rest is noise. Make sure people know about Christ and His kingdom.
My thought exactly. So tired of the "dumb" narrative. We should be so dumb, if we're just looking at their success rate. Kari will file and within a week the court will refuse to hear it. I will be curious to see if she files in federal court, or if the military jumps in. You know, the military that is busy giving our troops lessons on transgenderism.
Meanwhile, "dumb" Katie Hobbs will be sworn in and will begin governing (I mean, ruling.)
"prep people a little bit for the reveal of some of our true history"
Sigh. Two weeks?
Kanye is bipolar. He has admitted to getting off his meds. (If you know anything about bipolar, you know how common this is.) Not really a star to hitch one's wagon to.
Kash is rockin'. Got a kids book. Cards. At least he'll be able to afford meat and gas.