arturia 5 points ago +5 / -0

They rush to a conclusion fast if they want to hide something so the narrative is prejudiced from the start.

The whole investigation will now be around drugs.

arturia 1 point ago +2 / -1

But why? Don't we want our rematch vs. Biden this time without voter fraud?

Can't see Harris replacing him as the main. Big Mike is too out there. Newsom guy is weird and I can't see it. I feel like Biden with weather this.

arturia 2 points ago +3 / -1

Just one point because you hit the nail on the head. Covid 19 was always the cabal's plan, but when Trump seized control, he sort of let them unfold as if he wasn't even there because he knew long term they'd self-destruct because they just aren't that smart without guidance.

And no viruses aren't disease causing. They're disease cleansing. We bring about our diseases ourselves by what we eat, how we think, how active we are etc. Viruses are created to devour excess dead tissue that is not being ejected due to a lack of proper hydration. If your body is lacking moisture things are going to move a lot slower than required because most of our intake is dehydrated (cooked on fire) food.

arturia 2 points ago +2 / -0

They're all at gunpoint, don't worry about it. The info will eventually come out, but it will never be emphasized because it doesn't matter who takes the blame as long as the intended outcome is achieved.

You're looking for the Venetians who used to be the Phoenecians, the 13 families, the black nobility (there's a lot of names).

The cabal has been stopped, way back in 2017. They're done. Now it's just the puppets running rampant. And in a way it's almost worse because the puppets are insane crazy people. The 13 families while evil always had a code. The puppets just do crazy shit and don't think about consequences. Remember Q's "They are stupid"? That's the puppets. Trump and the Q team is milking it, letting everybody hang themselves. White hats in control. This time is for us to grow and learn. The outcome was settled way back in December/January 2016/2017.

As for Obama in particular, he was the puppet of former Saudi Prince Al Waleed, who groomed him and paid for his education. Since Al Waleed's arrest or execution, Obama has been white hat controlled. It's over. It's been over since Trump started.

arturia 6 points ago +6 / -0

Some of them might, but for others it is reality shattering.

Be honest, we've all been there when our reality broke and that's where our upward growth started. It would do that for some. Personally, I don't think that's gonna happen. I think Biden will run and Trump will beat him. It makes more sense story-wise than Big Mike showing up to whirl his dick in the wind.

arturia 23 points ago +25 / -2

Viruses are fake and gay.

Vaccines are modern day exorcism rituals.

arturia 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, history belongs to all. Not isolated and secured in a museum (clue on what's in museums).

arturia 7 points ago +7 / -0

They have, from the fear of covid or the vaccine adverse effects.

We have a lot of bodies but it's not because of the plan. The plan did everything in its power to save them without driving them to insanity. Their own choices get them killed most of the time.

We never lose more than we gain. The plan is built on truth and trust.

arturia 21 points ago +21 / -0

This is it. We know this is political theatre.

Since the moment Trump said in 2020 after the fraud "Frankly we did win this election", we've been watching the Empire Strikes Back. Get ready for Return of the Jedi.

arturia 3 points ago +3 / -0

We're still on this guy being a white hat controlled actor right? Why the outrage, he's just turning the country against himself before the election.

Trump will win landslide in 2024 and it will be even more glorious than 2016. That's literally the only signpost that matters now.

arturia 5 points ago +5 / -0

4D chess is becoming more prevalent, which is nice to see, because our jedi soldiers are still growing.

And if you didn't know, DJT in reverse is The JeDi. After a New Hope in 2016, and the Empire Strikes Back in 2020, this year we get the Return of TJD.

arturia 3 points ago +5 / -2

How does anyone just "happen to be gay?"

arturia -2 points ago +1 / -3

Yeah and we literally do the same to animals.

Lesser be judged.

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