F$$k Kansas. And all Clowns. And all DOD traitors to their oath!
Yuk! What is it?
Congress is terrified of “clowns”. They can get the heart attack gun out. They can take over ur car ie Michael Hastings. They get dark money so cutting budget aint gonna stop them. Operation Gladio being run against us.
John boy C is a “war pig”. He sent me a letter bout the big Uk and how is must be defender. I owe him a reply.
Better for morticians!
I am sorry. Could this truth note be written by Barry O. Assad bad is clown and Barry’s take.
Do a Mary Surratt. Build the scaffold. Mary was an angel compared to “scarf commie”.
Lurch! What fate did you impose on Senator Heinz? 7 out of 10.
Keeps promoting “mental illness”.
Yeah. Double standard.
No to Rhino. No to neo lib / neo con. Or the 4 yrs effort will have been wasted
Good. Let’s go!
They give not 1 poop about Veterans….
Every single one ……..,
“Brownie” could be brought back to fix FEMA. Ha ha.
Cartridge has a live primer, powder and lead or jacketed bullet. It usually means an unfired round. Crooks magazine(s) likely had who knows how many cartridges.
Criminal cabal. It is as plain as day if u open eyes, listen, read and a curious mind.
Was Clinesmith the last criminal cabal prosecuted? It has been Years!
I liked her posts. I always read them. A loss for all of us. God be with her family at this time.
Same Hitler arm action used is “red” philadelphia speech. All orchestrated.
I was Episcopal. Out now. Could not take the far far left in your face views of US national church. The anglicans in Africa r based!