Dasting this is a topic! Why do they all assume everyone needs a pardon?
kek Yep. I quit reading Fuzz after "wordy as a ....."
I actually had a VP who's eyes would literally glaze over at 7 seconds. I had that much time to make my reports. My wife tried a conversation at a wedding we were at and she said, "I didn't believe you, but you're right."
The DOJ has just established the Sanctuary Cities Enforcement Working Group, which is tasked with identifying state and local laws or policies that are “inconsistent” with federal immigration initiatives and, when necessary, challenging those laws in court.
...the primary reason the Democrats allowed the swing states to conclude counting votes on election night was that the Democrats decided not to steal the 2024 presidential election to punish Biden and Kamala Harris for breaking ranks.
Good thing there's a plan.
That needs an act of Congress. Trump would need to sign that act into law. Here is the law that would need to be repealed:
H.R.5736 - To amend the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 to authorize the domestic dissemination of information and material about the United States intended primarily for foreign audiences, and for other purposes.
Makes me look twice at my Huevos rancheros in the morning.